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  • Problematicar
    Lv. 37

    Please disable interpolation between pixels, your art would be so much better if nothing was so blurry. Sound on the other hand was probably the best part about the game, great job with that.

    The gameplay was fun, a pretty good take on all the skydiving games of this jam, but oh god if it wasn't glitchy as hell. Your retry button was probably the glitchiest thing I've ever seen, views getting distorted, sound sometimes stopped right after pressing it, sometimes it'd make infinite levels without a reason. Luckily going back to the menu fixed all those bugs every time, but it still makes the game pretty unplayable.

    The balancing wasn't good either, some bird patterns were way harder than they needed to be, but I'm ok with that, maybe you just wanted to make a hard game, what I can't excuse though is the coins to unlock the levels, that's a dick move and it just doesn't make sense in a game like this.

    And nothing even changed between levels except the background so...

    Still a fun game

    Path Y

    Path Y

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    7yrs ago

    Great music. Gameplay is okay but has a few problems. First, the hitboxes feel way too large, and it seems your hitbox gets larger while holding down which is the opposite of what you would think. Second, I think the player could use a little more time to react to the bird patterns either by being higher up on the screen or making the view bigger. Third, there is no difference between stages and levels other than the height you fall from and the background behind you. It starts to get a bit boring before you get even close to beating them all.

    Art is good but a bit blurry. It would probably look much better if you disabled color interpolation.

    A bug that I noticed is that while your parachute is deployed, you can still hold down to dive. This makes is much much easier to land because you can use the dive speed to slam into the ground head first and still be a-okay.

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    The core gameplay is really fun, but it's bogged down by having to collect coins to unlock each level. Replaying a level enough to unlock the next gets pretty tedious (I only bothered unlocking the second level). I also dislike how you lose health with the parachute. I understand it's there to stop you from using the parachute early, but it can be frustrating when you fail a level near the end because the parachute hurt you.

    That said, the music is cool and the rest of the audio is nice. The graphics are okay, though some look a bit blurry.

    • Batesville757
      Lv. 1
      Batesville757 Developer of SUPER GAIDEN SKYDIVE

      7yrs ago

      Yeah I wanted to have the coins be somewhat like a currency that would result in buying gear or whatnot, however as i was gearing up to lay that system in, my core mechanics started getting real buggy.

      so from there, in order to have something playable, i decided it best to just leave them for the levels.

      as for the parachute, the initial goal was to have the parachute pop out a timer for the length that you were allowed to fall. The logic behind that came from this starting out as something that i wanted to reward the player if the "perfect landing" was executed. and the parachute being open longer wouldve make steering to that harder the longer it drew on, ultimately I ended up running out of time on that but needed some kind of "dont pull it til your close" function and the health bar being affected was the best I could think of at the time.

      but yes, parachute open meaning -1 health= dumb.

  • King of Bananas
    Lv. 1

    I didn't like that I could only collect coins when diving. I wish parachute didn't degrade health and that maybe instead would only be able to be activated when you were close to the ground. Also I wish levels were unlocked by completing it once and not having to grind for coins. I liked the catchy tunes though, and it was fun to dive!

    • Batesville757
      Lv. 1
      Batesville757 Developer of SUPER GAIDEN SKYDIVE

      7yrs ago

      thank you for your feedback.

      a lot of those choices were made at the end to try and seal up the project file for submission.

      but yes, some of them we could've gone without lol.

  • QuantumZen
    Lv. 1

    Wow, this was tricky! I landed once, though. ...and got killed by the avian menace a brazillion times. =D

    Great pixelart, consistent with music & FX. Good controls. Addictive gameplay. Fun!

    It'd be great to keep the coins even when one fails to land. I'd feel my sacrifice was not in vain :D

    • Batesville757
      Lv. 1
      Batesville757 Developer of SUPER GAIDEN SKYDIVE

      7yrs ago

      the coins were planned for multiple unlockables that were cut at the last second.

      would still love to make a proper version though with all my intended features.

  • Ardeimon
    Lv. 10

    The music is catchy, and I like it! Simple controls and a good idea to develop even more. Good job. :)



    • Batesville757
      Lv. 1
      Batesville757 Developer of SUPER GAIDEN SKYDIVE

      7yrs ago

      Thank you so much, the music was actually something I threw together at the end real quick and was super worried about.

      Also, if you listen closely when you hit a bird, there is a small sound in there that i sampled from my cat. lol

  • Jon-Paul LaBarge
    Lv. 1

    Love it! Definitely makes me despise birds. A Mobile version of this game would be fantastic! I would download it. Keep up the good work! :D

    • Batesville757
      Lv. 1
      Batesville757 Developer of SUPER GAIDEN SKYDIVE

      7yrs ago

      Thank you, and yes, I can't look at them the same after this. I would love to do a mobile version with some nice polish on it, its more than likely going to happen.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    7yrs ago

    Ridiculously ADDICTIVE! Easy controls, cute game Please please please make this mobile in the future