<h6>A palace is filled with guards, but you are here only for your true archenemies. All you need is to get to them; each revenge will give you new powers, but could there possibly be a way through a labirinth of death?</h6>

This is a bullet hell with no killing, but with cutscenes and plot twists. With no graphics and sound, but with voice acting, music and effects. Basically we, developers of this game, considering ourselves the most competent Japanese culture's experts, which is completelly and authentically reflected in the game. In fact, this is not even a game at all, but rather a textbook of game design through a prism of classic Japanese philosophy.

<b>Highly recommended to use gamepad</b> if possible, precise rotation and movement is super important in this game!

. . . <h6>Controls:</h6> <ul> <li><b>Gamepad</b>: <b>L2</b>, <b>R1</b>, <b>R2</b> for powers, <b>sticks</b> to move and rotate, [<b>cross</b>]/[<b>A</b>] to continue in dialogs.</li>

<li><b>Keyboard and mouse</b>: <b>Spacebar</b>, <b>MB 1</b>, <b>MB 2</b> for powers, <b>WASD</b> and mouse to move and rotate. </li> </ul>

<h6>Powers:</h6> <ul> <li><b>Bullet Time.</b> PRO TIP: Bullet Time bar is not decrease while you are very close to a bullet. Virtually you can be in Bullet Time forever!</li> <li><b>Shield.</b> PRO TIP: You do not actually have to wait until the Shiled is fully charged: activate it as soon as the bar become green (~85%).</li> <li><b>Dash.</b> PRO TIP: You are invincible while dashing.</li> </ul>

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  • Cajoled
    Lv. 20

    I almost gave up on this game because I thought it was broken: the gameplay shows the powers being used, but you don't start with them! Thankfully I persevered and wow was it worth it.

    Great work!

    • PhyrexKid
      Lv. 6
      PhyrexKid Developer of お前はもう死んでいる1

      5yrs ago

      Thank you for playing! Yeah, introductory part now seems too long, glad you make it to the fun part. Original idea was, the whole game should be a large hall full of bullets, with all the powers available right away, but no checkpoints whatsoever. But after all, checkpoints turned out to be a necessary thing, which in turn brought a more coridor-like level structure. It also hurts the theme, but damn, CHECKPOINTS!

  • Allison James

    I genuinely have no idea from playing this if I am missing some back story as to while the real life person and the animé characters were embroiled in this story together, but the game was pretty fun on a mechanical level - if a little difficult (thank you for the checkpoints and double thank you for the bullet time!)

    And kudos on voice acting, always a nice surprise in a jam game!

    • PhyrexKid
      Lv. 6
      PhyrexKid Developer of お前はもう死んでいる1

      5yrs ago

      Thank you for playing! Actually, there was no back story; since we had no artist, we've just picked images that feels right for a character (or just anime enough.)

  • Jakeybobble

    Man, this game sure was something!<br /> The gameplay was very fun and the difficulty and silly story made it even more intriguing!

  • Mcwequiesk
    Lv. 10

    I had no idea what to expect from this considering its Japanese, but hey, I got kinda invested in it. I was really happy there were checkpoints but the game itself crashed for me twice.

