Help him find some food.

Move with whatever you want (WASD, ZQSD, arrow keys).

Jump with up or space.

Restart a level with R.

If that's your thing, you can also switch between 60 and 30 fps with P.

And if you're good enough, you can press B on the ending screen to access a secret-bonus-WIP level (it's bad).

Playing with sound is highly recommended.

Being colorblind is highly inadvisable.

As far as I know, the web version works almost as intended. There's just this weird issue with jumping, nothing too serious, but you'll sometimes keep jumping when not releasing the jump button.

Maybe there's some framerate issue, but I'm on an actually burning laptop who hates web browsers, so I think it's just me.

Also, on both versions, avoid pushing crates already touching walls, for your ears' sake.

By Fachewachewa.

Music made in Bosca Ceoil, sounds in bfxr.

Voice acting by "Harry", from that free texttospeech website.

And if you're curious, the levels were rendered in Magica Pixel and used as background, and this was very dumb.

What? Who's Thomas?

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  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Challenging game. I included it in my GM48: Colors are Important compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

  • FrogWax
    Lv. 5

    Fried is the only way. Really tight platforming controls and unique art style. You play as a block, but it is rendered with movement and life. The puzzles were well thought out and everything felt polished and responsive. The whole thing just felt complete and stable which became immersive in itself. Really solid puzzle platformer all round.

  • Kwis
    Lv. 67

    I got stuck on the third/fourth level. I have no idea what I was supposed to do here. I suppose I need to push the crate on the pink button for the exit, but I cannot reach that crate which seem to require a jump I am unable to pull off. Would help to have coyote frames; but despite many tries I was unable to reach the crate

    I didn't expect the voice narrative there, nicely thought!

    Dye Hard

    Dye Hard

    • Fachewachewa
      Fachewachewa Coder of Marco Was Hungry

      6yrs ago

      That's level 5 :D

      The jump is indeed impossible, if the top crate can't be reached after you push it to the right, that's because you need to push it to the left! I know this level brings a little too much mechanics at once :/

  • Tero Hannula

    I liked the game and narration, I read the description after the game, and missed supersecret wip level :U Thanks for letting us know which Text to speech you used, it didn't sound robotic. I liked the puzzles, and graphical layout was good, it was better to use that software you used than just tiling up same blocks everywhere. Now you got shadows, and bit variety there. I think GMS has problems with HTML when starting sounds, everytime it starts new sound it stucks for longer periods of time. I had same problem with my game, and that is why I didn't release HTML port, as I had many sound clips playing all the time :/ But good job!

    • Fachewachewa
      Fachewachewa Coder of Marco Was Hungry

      6yrs ago

      Thanks! :D

      Yeah I'm proud of the look of the levels, but it really took a lot of time and then I couldn't change my levels in game maker without doing it all again. Anyway I endend up doing more polish than other levels, so I think it's better in the end. Btw the WIP level is not good and there's no art, only colliders, so you didn't miss much :P

      That's a weird bug for the HTML port, I didn't have this issue while playtesting and have never seen it before I think. But it doesn't really surprises me, there are always issues when exporting to HTML with game maker :(

  • WangleLine 🌸

    I had to restart the game at some points, because I got stuck in some pits o:

  • Problematicar
    Lv. 37

    I was hungry before starting this game, and i was feed fun content with a side of the best narrator that ever lived. I am full now.

  • mick constable
    Lv. 1

    Loved the game, but i got stuck on third level, this ones for the hard core players, i enjoyed it though.

  • SpritePainter
    Lv. 21

    The dialog is great and the puzzles are quite challenging. Some of them could possible be made a bit more clear as to what you're supposed to do. I don't really know much about making puzzles, but I feel that a puzzle can be clear about what you can do without giving away the solution.

    • Fachewachewa
      Fachewachewa Coder of Marco Was Hungry

      6yrs ago

      Thanks for playing! :)

      Well, for puzzles one of the main thing is playtesting I guess :D I had a few people try the game and nothing really came up, I did make an effort to "explain" the powers with the dialog to be sure. Do you remember what puzzles/levels weren't clear enough? You can edit or hit me up on discord (same name) if you want to answer.

      I already know the first one with crates could have done a better job, but I didn't have the time on day 2 to remake/add levels, and since I used background I couldn't make quick tweaks :/

  • Little__Ham
    Lv. 2

    Interesting mechanic and a funny TTS I wasn't prepared for. Loved it!

