First time Game Jam participant and first time really coding after a long while. Decided to do a platformer which takes the player on a journey to collect keys hidden around the levels. Go collect them and find what waits for you at the very end!

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  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Really fast movement and range - interesting game! I included it in my GM48: Colors are Important compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    6yrs ago

    I've gotta be honest here. I understand you are new to game maker, but..

    This is clearly Shuan spalding tutorial you've been following, so I really don't know how much of it is "YOUR" work. I'd suggest for the future when doing game games, to start from scratch, or at least change the game up enough so it's not almost a perfect copy.

    The level transition, the art style, the code everything other than a change up of art has been taken from the tutorial and changed slightly.

    Either way, I'd change it so the enemies can't shoot at you until you see them, I was mostly being shot from bullets that I didn't see coming.

    I'm not sure where the theme comes into play here?

    As I've played this tutorial before(my friend did it also), I can say the controls feel nice, but shuan spalding is great at coding in gml.

  • Nauris
    Lv. 2

    Cool little game, especially for first jam game, good job! I agree about the camera view, it's very hard to see something in front of you, so enemies have an unfair advantage on you. The jump also felt maybe a touch too floaty. But other than that good job!

  • abso1ution
    Lv. 7

    Nice game, everyone else has covered the issues with it. The way the limbs move during the jump was well done and made jumping satisfying.

  • The Smol
    Lv. 5

    The sounds are quite hilarious, and I've gotta give you props for actually making sounds in the first place, which can often be overlooked. The incorporation of the theme wasn't the best, but it's definitely on par with many other games in the jam. I can see lots of the polish in transitions and animations, so good on you for that! I'm sure future games will be much better! :)

  • FrogWax
    Lv. 5

    The camera angle could use a little bit of work, but otherwise a nice platformer. Perfection in sound design

  • Yosi
    Lv. 46

    This is a nice little game. The gameplay is pretty much just finding keys in a large open room. The main problem I have with this game is the view. It lags slightly behind the player so you can never see where you are going. The enemies can also shoot from off screen. Despite these small problems, the game is still really fun to play.

    Color Jump

    Color Jump