Wabbitcide is an endless game in which you have to kill as many flying rabbits as you can! The main goal is to stack the highest score to compete with your friends. In order to do this, you control an angry Carrot on a vendetta. You must dodge the enemy rabbits and shoot them to survive.


A and D to run left and right.

W or Spacebar to Jump

Mouse to aim and Left Mouse Button to Shoot

Escape to close the game mid-session

You're so Bad Ass, that you can shoot back without even looking... And sometimes shoot from your butt!

Known Issues:

Despite our efforts we are not yet sure if any of these bugs/malfunctions prevail:

Avatar gets stuck

Enemies get stuck

Sound doesn't play or has some issues

Enemies spawn in weird places

Couldn't get walking animation on correctly.

Couldn't get sprites facing right direction on bunnies.

'Twas a duel with code! :p


The first night of GM48 was a corss-fire of ideas. Great ones. This one merged concepts and ideas that came from Monty Python and The Holy Grail (I think some of you will get this), Plants vs. Zombies, Angrybirds, The Culling of the Cows, etc.

Thank You for trying our game! Have fun!

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