Sir Gallahad was the first knight to drink from the Holy Grail. Now that the earth has fallen onto the domain of the Dark Knights, be Sir Gallahad and use your inmortal capabilities and see all stages of your eternal life.

Beat as much Dark Knights as you can before your earthly form becomes unadequate for carrying a sword and defeating baddies.


  • A: Left
  • D: Right
  • I: Attack
  • O: Throw knife

Our first GM48 as well as our first jam. Learned a lot, worked a lot, and hoped to get a much different result, but had a lot of fun in the process.

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  • Yosi
    Lv. 46

    Nice game! The animations and music were good. I was a little confused by the throwing swords however. Sometimes the swords were able to be picked up again and sometimes they seemingly disappeared.



  • Tero Hannula

    Hi, the graphics and sounds were nice. Attacking animation was pretty well animated and the walking with the sword, as it swing also in front of player. Just one tip parallex scrolling, make the values based on camera position, not player position. This is more visible when camera isn't moving but the player is, like edge of the playing area. As the gameplay, I felt that you can't beat them, you take hit if you try to hit them. So, I just walked past all of them, took swords and throw them behind me, kept walking until met 'edge of the world' - nah, the playing area. I think I managed to kill maybe 12-13 before turning to earth? But this is good for first jam game :) These events are great for learning and trying bit something new ;)



    • Jonordona
      Lv. 2
      Jonordona Developer of The Many Many Lives of Sir Gallahad

      5yrs ago

      Thanks for playing, giving feedback, and the parallax tip, it definitely looks much smoother. We also did have trouble with the combat. As you say, it is hard to beat them and we think it's mainly because:

      • The enemies all run at a pretty fast speed.
      • Depending on your luck, the spawn of enemies can be too high.
      • Due to the lack of time, we had to recycle the players' first form to make the enemies and thus they have the same hitbox dimensions that the player has, making the game pretty unfair.

      Overall, we are happy with the result and can't wait for the next one!

  • SuperGamersGames
    Lv. 4

    I am unsure if what the goal is. :/

    • Jonordona
      Lv. 2
      Jonordona Developer of The Many Many Lives of Sir Gallahad

      5yrs ago


      I'm sorry it wasn't clear enough: it's all about seeing all the dark knights you can defeat as Sir Galahad, the first person to ever drink from the Holy Grail and thus, becoming immortal! But eternal life has its caveats, such as the multiple forms you take throughout time. Our plan was to make a game where you could not die, but only change forms iteratively.

      This is the first game jam we've attended and though we had a lot of fun, it was tough to acheive the quality of gameplay we originally wanted. We'll sure try to do it next time!


  • Boreality
    Lv. 4

    I really like the creativity here- I laughed when the planet showed up and the whole premise is pretty neat. I also first thought that the revival sound effect was part of the soundtrack, but its just well implemented. Audio and visuals aside though, the gameplay is lackluster. It feels like it serves as a gateway to the audio and visuals rather than a part of them. You clearly have strength in terms of audio and talent, its a beautiful game, and maybe try to strengthen gameplay if your vision requires it

    • Jonordona
      Lv. 2
      Jonordona Developer of The Many Many Lives of Sir Gallahad

      5yrs ago

      Thanks a lot for the review! It sure was constructive. We're glad you liked the premise, we were really excited to put it into practice and kind of got a bit lost pursuing the idea and losing sight of gameplay. It's a pity, but it was a blast making the game and we realize that for the next jam, we have to try to focus on playability and not so much on music and visuals, which is exactly what happened (pixel art sprites that size got really hard, really fast...)

      Thanks again, we'll be sure to take a look at your games and try to provide the same quality of feedback you gave us!