Play as a mysterious, cube-headed alien as he makes his way through a space station... in space, of course.
I've finished working on and uploaded a version of the game that isn't nearly as broken. YOU MUST NOT REVIEW THIS VERSION OF THE GAME. You MUST review the one featured in the download link above.[If you promise not to rate this version, then you can download it by clicking HERE.
Using the controls below, guide our protagonist through each room; each one slightly more challenging then the rest. The key way to progress is by picking up POWER STONES: bright, blue square stones that can fit into electric-seeking POWER SOCKETS (The big gray squares on the walls). Go through the door in each room to move on to the next level. Occasionally, you'll come accross a different coloured stone... maybe it's not a POWER STONE? Complete each puzzle and proceed to the ending!*
*Note: The ending is actually bugged and sends you to a blank, black screen. Yeahhh. Sorry 'bout that.
Since I never thought to include them in the game... silly me.
- Press the LEFT and RIGHT arrows to move left and right.
- Press the SPACEBAR, when applicable, to interact with things.
- Press the UP arrow to jump. Look at you soar!
- Press R to reset the level. That'll set you straight!
- Press ESC to be prompted to return to the main menu.
- Press the UP and DOWN (or LEFT and RIGHT) arrows to highlight an option.
- Press the SPACEBAR to select the highlighted option.
- NOTE: "Continue" will be unlocked aver reaching a "Save checkpoint".
And there's a lot of 'em. Grab some popcorn, we'll be here a while.
- The whole thing's pretty much busted. I could end it there, but that wouldn't be fair.
- After jumping or falling, landing too close to a wall makes yourself bounce. Not exactly game-breaking. You can walk right away from that.
- Occasionally, hitting the very corner of a block will yield some... interesting effects. Most of which can be fixed by jumping or walking away. Others require you to reset.
- Landing on the floor makes you align to grid. That's fine. But sometimes... it does it twice?
- The ending. Somehow, two of the final rooms morphed into one, leaving an empty room. That does nothing. That's not good. You can't quit without force-shutting the program.
- Again, the ending. The color of the last STONE you're supposed to touch is supposed to be blue. Not orange. That was my own carelessness.
- Loading the game after reaching the very last "Save checkpoint" (The green one) puts you back too early.
- The third square below the continue button should be green, not purple.
- There are probably countless more. I'm just too tired to look right now.
Screenshots of gameplay. Sorry for low quality!