It's a small world out there.
In a small world, where everybody lives in their own small world, you decide to finally venture out on your ship. Meet people, fight against evil and explore the world all while creating connections and opening the world up for those who thought it was small. Weave together the forgotten Cosmos Flower and make the sum of the parts greater than the whole.
● Ran out of metal? Try breaking the meteorites that fly by! (Also, we'd recommend prioritizing ship upgrades over weapon upgrades)
● Having a hard time? Try buying from upgrade stations. There is no game over condition!
● WARNING: The attack only hits where the cross-hair is. Not in the whole path of the beam!
● WARNING: On land, S/D is Clockwise and W/A is Counter-clockwise Not left/right/up/down!

● Dialogue by Friendly Cosmonaut
● Digital Disco Font by Font End Dev
● Art - Paint.NET (Nyveon) | Photoshop (Nyxipuff)
● SFX - BFXR (Nyveon) | Voices (Nyxipuff)
● Music - Piano (Nyveon) | Guitar/Voice by Nyxipuff | Mixing in Audacity & FL Studio Trial.
Lv. 15
Feels like the upgrades should be a reward for completing the mini-events and range extension rewards for completing X planets and doing the trades involved Also, the red line that indicates you're going out of bounds isn't "strong" enough, I miss seeing it most of the time.***
Lovely game! Cute little planets, cute little characters, cute little ship, even cute little ghosts! The only thing I found a bit frustrating was the shooting - because the laser only goes as far as your mouse pointer, I was often shooting too short since I'd aim it in the right direction and then click and then not be shooting far enough, but that's a me problem, not a game problem! I like that dying isn't really dying either - it's more of a soft-respawn, which is nice and makes a change.
Very well done on your entry!
SubmittedFrippy Can't Drive
Lv. 38
What a fantastic game. Probably my favourite so far. The use of the theme is spot on and the overall concept of the game is great while also being well executed. I really enjoyed how each planet has it's own unique theme and inhabitant. It was a particularly nice touch being able to see the change on the planet after you give something to the inhabitant. The graphics and music are both beautiful overall.
The only real complaint I have is using the same currency for optional upgrades and the mandatory range upgrades. It made me really hesitant to purchase the optional stuff and even after trying to buy only a few cheap things I still had to sit on a planet and wait for meteorites to reach the second range upgrade.
SubmittedThe Mouse Trap
Glad you liked it! Yeah.. the economy was questionably balanced, and something I'd definitely change in a post jam version or if I could go back in time. You're the first to mention having separate currencies however, which is actually a pretty clever solution to the problem :o
Thanks for the feedback!
Lv. 17
Such a sweet little game :) I really enjoyed the contrast between the relaxed atmosphere between planets and the tense action on them.
It wasn't clear to me at first that there would be new dialogue if I talked to someone again, so maybe including an NPC on your starting planet that you have to talk to twice to get your ship would get that across?
SubmittedBugle's Commute
That's a pretty good idea game-design wise. At the very start there was the sketch of a little robot companion on your island, and you having to repair your ship before being able to leave, so it would have fit well too.
Thanks for the feedback! c:
Lv. 17
Great game! I love exploration based games! The mechanics were all very well implemented and it all worked really good and felt very fluid. The dialogs were charming and I liked that you could choose what you wanted to say. I didn't think combat was too hard, because first, you could always somehow search for weapon upgrades, and second, the automatic save system and the fact you kept your metal after you died made it really forgiving.
I thought I softlocked myself before I realized you could shoot asteroids :D But that's just a small complaint.
Music was very good and overall it was a very camling experience!
SubmittedAnimal Rotting
Happy to hear you like exploration games as much as we do :) I was a bit nervous about the lack of a tutorial at first, but from what I've seen so far, people managed to figure things out. Glad you did too.
Thank you very much for the feedback! :D
Oh, this was something else. A very relaxing game, occasionally interrupted by fighting for my life. Beautiful music and pleasing visuals. I'd like more ways to dodge attacks, other than that I have no gripes. Love it!
SubmittedThe Well-Digger
It was nice game, and fitting music bit eerie and relaxing. On planet you couldn't do much to avoid fast ghosts ^^" Shooting could have been easier, so it could have been more story driven. Now I had to retry multiple times, but it's more of balancing issue. Navigation could have needed something more, indicator of near planets or something, now I went multiple times all circle the edge to find next planets, and then again to find right planet to leave the thing on ^^" But it was nice trading, not just fending off the ghosts, and I liked how you put everyone have their personality.
SubmittedTroll's Crabby Island
Lv. 26
Grok returns once again for a second jam! :D
I think it's really interesting how you made the planet inhabitants require more interaction than just talking to them once and getting their thing. Giving each planet a unique vibe was very cool as well, and the gameplay was unique.
I think a few things could be improved about navigation, sometimes it felt a bit hard to find new planets or make my way back to home planet without a way to get my bearings. In addition the way the ship orients onto a planet seems to only happen when you touch the surface, I think it would be cool if the ship oriented to the planet as it got close to look like it's docking in.
SubmittedYour Old Friend
Indeed grok is back! (Actually for a third time :o)
Handling navigation was definitely a weak point, judging by what's been mentioned in our feedback so far. For finding your home planet there was the compass the geographer gave you however. The original idea was to be able to add a new needle to the compass that pointed towards undiscovered worlds, but alas, the 48 in gm48 isn't there for nothing.
The docking animation is a mess and I'm surprised you're the first person to point it out. If we were to redo the game, it would be one of the first details I change.
Thank you very much for the feedback! I appreciate it a lot. :D
Lv. 1
Really beautiful game overall. The interactions with the characters and the characters themselves were really cute and unique, every world was unique and all of that matching with the beautiful music and art made it for me. The only complaint that i have is that you have to farm for metal if you buy any upgrades and the comets don't really give much. Apart from that it's a really good game with a really special approach to the theme. Congratulations on your creation.
I have a really simple, easy request: please never stop making games with original songs for GM48 :D
I have 3 small complaints:
- The shooting sections are a little hard, especially compared to the overall very calm feeling of the game
- I kept getting out of range, the line is too small, I think having the whole exterior zone be half transparent red would have worked
- The meteorites. It takes a little too much time to farm the last bits of metal you need :(
Apart from that it was soooo good. I loved every planet, this reminded me a lot a Aether (from Edmund McMillen & Tyler Glaiel) but with a lot more colors. The characters & their quest were lovely, and the easter egg from your previous game was a nice touch :D
Really happy you enjoyed it, and we'll keep trying to make games with original music for the gm48.
Balancing the shooting sections was definitely challenging, and probably implementing some sort of difficulty selection would have been ideal. Range.. yeah... definitely not the kind of thing you want to add last minute, and we later realized on some screens the line may pop out less. A kinda vignette would have been perfect indeed.
I've never heard of Aether, I'll be sure to check it out. Glad you caught the easter egg! Wasn't sure if anybody would notice c:
Thank you very much for the feedback :D
Lv. 12
I think this is my favourite game so far. Fits the theme perfectly, music was nice. Dialogue was very cute and interesting (the voices too!), and I liked that you can speak multiple times with them. It made me curious about the wider lore of the world too (what are the ghosts and what do they want?). I love The Little Prince so I really enjoyed the homages with the king and the rose. My main criticism is I spent a lot of metal on upgrades and it took me a long time to find enough asteroids to get 100 metal to expand my ship's range.
SubmittedHulda's world
Your words mean a lot to me. I'm very glad that the lore intrigued you as well. The metal economy is definitely... something that more thought should have been put into, yeah, sorry for any inconveniences it might have caused.
Thank you so much for the feedback! :)
Lv. 1
Great execution of the theme, loved the exploration and the dialogues with the different habitant, some of them reminded me of Le Petit Prince. I really liked that all planets are created with multiple reasons to visit them and talk more than once with each occupier.
So far it has been my favourite! Keep up the good work, my insight tells me you have a bright future in Game Developing.
Lv. 12
This is a great game, definitely well executed. The art and dialog are really cute and well done. I loved exploring the different worlds and finding the different items that everyone wanted. It was a very relaxing experience helped by the wonderful calming music. At first the meteorites were a little scarce but as you progress through more planets you get plenty of metal to work with. The planet defense had some nice challenge to it, and in some cases I had to go find more power ups / tweak my strategy before completing some of them. The planet designs were very cool and it was fun to explore and discover all of them. A very satisfying experience.
Lv. 18
I really like this one. It's so darn cute.
The only drawback I have is after some time, I used most of my metal on upgrades and so couldn't afford seeing more planets, and if the only other option is destroying meteorites then that really breaks the pacing of the game. I think that the game should progress indefinitely, and if you want, then you can destroy meteorites to get upgrades.
SubmittedPlanet Doom
Very glad you liked it c:
Yeah.. the upgrades were an kind of an after thought so original you would be able to visit all the planets with just the metal from the waves, but we never properly balanced the source after adding another way to spend it to compensate :S Something to keep in mind for next time, I suppose.
Thank you very much for the feedback :D
Lv. 8
If there is a word to describe this game it would be "magical". The art, music, dialogues... Everything has a very wholesome ring to it that adds to create a magical world and makes every aspect of it unique.
If I had to point anything wrong it would be that the maximum range of the ship can be hard to see while moving and that meteors are scarce so travelling to far away planets can be a little slow. This are, however, small details compared to every good aspect of the game. Congratulations :)
SubmittedSmall Civ
I agree the whole metal/ship range system is a weak point of the design, and something to keep in consideration for future jams!
Thank you very much, it means a lot to us that you would describe it as magical c: I appreciate the feedback, thank you!
Lv. 15
One of my favourites I've tried for this theme. I really enjoy the music, the art, and the writing. Very chill. I like that there isn't a game over. Pleasantly reminds me of the Little Prince. Game is quite cool, gives me a very heartwarming feeling that fits the theme very well. Love revisiting worlds and giving items to the characters. I found it very rewarding to just learn more about the universe the game takes place in and to form connections between characters stranded on their own "small worlds".
SubmittedHulda's world
Your comments make me very happy, thanks. Your feedback makes me feel like we hit our mark on what we wanted to achieve with the game. The little prince was definitely a huge inspiration for this! You can even find homage to some of the characters from the book.