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Mutant ARM-Y

Joshua Powell
Lv. 2
Joshua Powell Level 2
· 2 min read · 66 views
Mutant ARM-Y
Mutant ARM-Y
· Disqualified

Creating this was a blast, despite hitting roadblocks that stopped me from implementing everything I had planned. The biggest takeaway from this for me is that I should do more preparation work before the jam begins in order to streamline things after the clock starts.
The tools I used were:

  • Gamemaker Studio 1.4
  • BeepBox
  • BFXR
  • GIMP

I was also going to use Spriter for animations but ran out of time. The majority of time was sunk into getting the arm on the main character behaving the way it should. Gamemaker's angular and trigonometric functions are difficult to master and moving targets complicated things. Next jam I'm going to make sure I have a more even spread of my time across all the aspects of the game, since the coding portion ended up cannibalizing my attention. This project is far from finished, and I think I will continue iterating on it.