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Boss fight

Cael Browning
Lv. 1
Cael Browning Level 1
· 2 min read · 7 views

class Shapoo: def init(self): self.name = "Shapoo" self.max_health = 1000 self.current_health = 1000 self.current_form = None self.sanity_level = 100 self.is_mimicking = False

def transform(self, player_character):
    """Shapeshifting ability to mimic player's abilities"""
    self.current_form = player_character
    self.is_mimicking = True
    print(f"Shapoo transforms into a twisted version of {player_character.name}!")

def go_insane(self):
    """Increases unpredictability when sanity drops"""
    self.sanity_level -= 25
    if self.sanity_level <= 0:

def spawn_explosive_clones(self):
    """Creates clones that explode when health is low"""
    clone_count = 3
    print(f"Shapoo creates {clone_count} explosive clones!")
    for _ in range(clone_count):
        # Explosive clone logic

def take_damage(self, damage, damage_type):
    """Custom damage handling"""
    if damage_type == "gas":
        # Vulnerable to gas attacks
        damage *= 2
        print("Gas attack is super effective against Shapoo!")

    self.current_health -= damage

    # Check for phase transition
    if self.current_health <= 100:  # 10% health

    if self.current_health <= 0:

def defeat(self):
    """Boss defeat logic"""
    print("Shapoo lets out a final, distorted scream and collapses!")
    return HeartTreasure()

class BossBattleArena: def init(self): self.environment = "Moving Train" self.current_carriage = 1 self.total_carriages = 5

def change_carriage(self):
    """Simulate train movement during battle"""
    self.current_carriage += 1
    print(f"Train shifts to carriage {self.current_carriage}")

    # Add environmental challenges
    if self.current_carriage % 2 == 0:
        print("Carriage is unstable - increased dodge difficulty!")

class HeartTreasure: def init(self): self.name = "Cursed Heart" self.description = "A pulsing, dark red heart that seems to whisper ancient secrets"

def boss_battle(player): arena = BossBattleArena() shapoo = Shapoo()

print("BOSS ENCOUNTER: Shapoo on the Mystical Moving Train!")

while shapoo.current_health > 0:
    # Battle loop with dynamic challenges

    # Player combat actions would go here
    # For example:
    # player_attack = get_player_attack()
    # shapoo.take_damage(player_attack, attack_type)

treasure = shapoo.defeat()
return treasure