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Tour on the Underworld

Tero Hannula
Tero Hannula Level 49
· 2 min read · 57 views
Tour on the Underworld
Tour on the Underworld
· 9th

Sooo, I'll tell here what happened with developing the game:

  • I didn't participate last few GM48 jams, so I didn't know last couple of themes
  • I was waiting for theme to be announced (it was 3 am here) I looked up it with the phone
  • After counter ran 0:00:00 the GM48 mobile page said "the 26th theme: Helpful but Harmful"

So yeeeah, I started making my game with old theme on mind, because I didn't know it was old and somehow the mobile page showed old theme there. Also didn't notice it said 26th not 27th.

After I got to "know" the theme I went to sleep, next day I played Pokemon Go with friends (Zapdos day). At the evening I come up with idea of drawing the platforms, and going level to level by reaching exit door, and on next level the previous levels drawings would be there, but as blazing hot which you cannot touch. Didn't like it that much, as it didn't feel as good (thought you could go back to previous room and redo the level). After basic game design and mechanic had been made, I went to sleep to get better idea next day.

After some brainstorming I came up with current idea, you are gonna get cursed, gotta go distub the evil spirit before it casts it. So gameplay had time, which was running out. Remember, I still didn't know right theme, I had only checked GM48 page with mobile couple of times. After I have basically finished the game and some hours left to make intro and outro scenes, I went to see GM48 page with PC and saw to my horror that theme wasn't right. I was sure I had looked it couple of times, so I went to watch with mobile phone and it still showed old theme (I took screenshot). I was lucky, that game had now "countdown" contrast to starting idea. I wouldn't have time to add any other theme etc., as I think I got less than 3 hours left.

Overall I think I had max 25 hours of developing time at disposal, but in reality it was less than that as I did other things too. To think of that, I managed squeeze finished game :)