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Blah blah blah actual post-mortem stuff here at some point.
Some things to change for the post-jam version:
- Fix the bugs I assumed wouldn't be an issue so didn't fix during the jam including; teleporting after colliding at a certain angle, gun audio repeating on end screen, and the voice line overlap issues.
- Fix the depth issues with the lava. This is due to the hacky way I created the lava effect. It was quick and dirty and it does show.
- Make it easier when you first start since gaining your initial tokens is the hardest part as you fail after one hit. Maybe make the docile mob in the lobby drop enough tokens to allow you to take one hit after starting.
- Change the controls to be more precise by removing the acceleration and friction meaning starting and stopping are instant.
- Reduce the size of the player character slightly since it's quite large. A smaller player would allow more skilful play in avoiding projectiles without using the dodge.