A simple game where you take the role of Zoop-0, a robot made for collecting crystal stars.

< & > arrows for movement, X to jump.

Avoid the gray balls! they WILL hurt you!

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  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Cute graphics! I included it in my GM48: Collect! compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :) https://youtu.be/QbScIDsTCaU

  • kbjwes77
    Lv. 19

    Collected all 11? stars, no ending to let me know I completed the game, but I liked the walk animation for the robot character!



  • ForteFortissimo
    Lv. 9

    I really like the walk cycle of Zoop-0, good job with that part ~ One of the main issues I had with the game was the obstacles - the sound that plays when you hit them doesn't sound super menacing, and because the game was about collecting things, I assumed the obstacles were another collectable. A sprite and sound change would fix that. If you were to do an update for the game post-jam, I'd say focus on fixing the sounds and maybe at a current/total star count, so the player doesn't have to walk across the whole map to make sure they didn't miss anything.



  • The Great Gatsby
    Lv. 9

    Loved it! the sound effects were really, well done, and the animation for zoop-0 looked pretty good! did you make all the SFX?

    well done!



  • baku

    I collected 11 starts, but wasn't really sure if there was more. As far as I coudl tell there wasn't anything else, but the lack of an ending left me confused.

    I discovered walljumps, but they seem so frame-perfect that it was hard to tell if they were a bug or intentional.



    • GuineaPigCuber
      Lv. 3
      GuineaPigCuber Developer of Zoop-0's Crystal Star Chaos

      5yrs ago

      Thank you for playing the game. there are only 11 stars, i meant to add an ending but i ran out of time to develop the game.

      And yes, Walljumps are a glitch.

  • Fachewachewa

    Cute robot, weird obstacles. I had to die to understand that they weren't things to collect.

    Since it's kinda open and I didn't go left at first, I had to go back and wished previous checkpoint could still be activated.

    Also since there's no controls detailed and the game isn't ending, I'm not sure is I'm missing something. There seems to be something above but I couldn't find a way to get to it if there's anything there.

  • Seltzy

    I laughed, I cried, and I collected 11 stars. zoop-0's walking animation looks excellent but also only half finished. Obstacles were kinda inconsequential. The accidental wall jumps are kool.

    Good job!

  • BitRapture
    Lv. 6

    Very fun little game! I love Zoop-0, what a cute lil' fella. The game played very nicely, collisions on point and movement was snappy. I feel that gravity could've been set a little stronger on the way down however it's fine how it is regardless. Though there were no controls listed, it was easy to understand what buttons to press and the game mechanics were quickly understandable too.

    Very nice entry :)