Pawns love to dance. They are also racist. In the face of certain death you must help them put aside their differences and unite together.

NOTE: I was lazy and didn't make levels so they're all random and unfair. If you want to replay the same level over enter a seed before you start.

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  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Cute dancing! I included it in my GM48: Colors are Important compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    6yrs ago

    Hey, really original concept here! Even in the graphic were simple, it was very addictive and funny! Keep the good job :) I agree with the others about the level for a better progression in the difficulty!

  • trolog
    Lv. 6

    Hey, Just finished playing with your racist dancing pawns, very funny!

    The things I most liked about this game, the sound effects of the pawns screaming was really comical, does that make me sick? I liked the tutorial, I know from my own game this is really needed to get people quickly playing your game. I thought the tutorial did a good job of telling the player what to do.

    The things I think need improvement, obviously content, you know yourself it needs levels, I like the idea of trying to beat my own score, however you get such little time (is there a timer? if so I didn't find that obvious).

    I think if you got more time, more obstacles to avoid other than red circles, keep in the realm of humor, and constructed levels, this could be quite fun.

    • Offlebaggins
      Lv. 2

      Thanks for playing! I'm happy you liked the tutorial. This is probably the most effort I've put into a tutorial, but looking back I think it could be improved. I didn't do a great job of explaining the objective of the game which is to group all the pawns together. There isn't a timer involved, the game just ends once there's only one group of pawns. But this is a bit confusing if you don't know that cause it just says "Game Over."

      More obstacles would definitely be fun too. Thanks for all the feedback!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    6yrs ago

    Great idea, but the it's a bit hard to get used to the gameplay. I think starting out with fewer colors, slower lava, and less dances would be useful for players to get to know the game. This game is super fun though, and the plot is hilarious!