
D = Right A = Left S = nothing W = Jump J = attack/wall bouncing

Kill enemies to stay alive a LOT longer. If you get touched, you lose time! Time gain and loss is randomly generated but the ranges have been carefully chosen to balance out both losing and winning time.

Sadly I ran into a lot of problems I didnt realize the game had a little too late. What does that mean? Well:

No sounds/Music

Crouching had to be scrapped

Punching/Slashing animations were not done

Crates were going to be par of the game but couldn't be.

Don't just jump into the enemies and try to skip through the level, it will get you killed most of the time!

I'll upload the banner(and whatever might be missing) as soon as possible.


There will be a postmortem version of the game soon, but in the meantime, play and rate the original version first :D.

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  • Kwis
    Lv. 67

    Not much to do in the game, obviously you lacked time.

    But, need to mention a few things:

    • These flashes. No, please. I am not epilleptic, but it still got me nauseous. Way too many flash. It looks cheap as an effect and doesn't serve much purpose. I'd avoid these whenever possible. Not the whole screen! Not only is it annoying to the eye but on top of that you lose track of your placement and enemies placement and platform placements on the screen.
    • I like that you use your attack to wall jump. Usually, wall jumps feel awkward, but like this it's fine and you feel in control of it.
  • LD Smith
    Lv. 9

    I really liked the concept of using time as your "health". It seems a little floaty, but I got used to it after time. At first I didn't know if my attacks were doing anything, but I think some blocks just take multiple hits to destroy. Maybe adding some graphical feedback showing that a block is taking damage would help.

    • Gilbert Matos
      Lv. 4
      Gilbert Matos Developer of The Time of Your Life

      5yrs ago

      Thanks a lot for trying out the game :). I am glad you enjoyed what little of a package I was able to deliver. Sadly I didn't have enough time to make sure I showed the enemies can't get damaged right away after getting hit, but this will be fixed in the next update for sure!

  • Fachewachewa

    Well, I guess you spent too much time on the character sprite because wow it was VERY good :o

    There's not much to the game, but still the gameplay was really fun



    • Gilbert Matos
      Lv. 4
      Gilbert Matos Developer of The Time of Your Life

      6yrs ago

      Haha thank you!! I worked really hard in the sprites, so people can see that :). I am very glad the game, being very barebones I'd still fun. That means I can make it even better from there to release.

      If you'd like to play a better version of it, I already have one out. Let me know if you're interested. I'll be posting it every Friday on the subreddit. I'll post a link to it in a reply if you're down for it :).

      Thank you for playing!

  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Very challenging game! I included it in my GM48: Countdown compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

  • Atomic
    Lv. 19

    Do you work commission or something? The sprites were Street Fighter on the SNES good.

    I enjoyed the design of the wall jump/attack mechanic, and the bare bone design of the enemies, but the game as a whole - it's a bit buggy, yeah, and you can't really see what's going on, on the screen because of the flashes, like, it's not finished obviously; but what's there is juicy and nice to look at.



    • Gilbert Matos
      Lv. 4
      Gilbert Matos Developer of The Time of Your Life

      6yrs ago

      Thank you so much for playing the game and even more so for providing such useful feedback.

      The bugs have been removed not the postmortem version, and I will take into consideration the flashing getting into he way. I already have a solution in mind :D.

      Yes, I do take commissions so if you're interested send me a message either through my Twitter @punisherx6 or my Gmail

      Glad you find the game fun and juicy, I achieved the goal I was aiming for. If you're interested in playing the fixed version, let me know and I'll provide you with the link in another reply :). I'll make sure to make this into a fully fleshed out game.

  • Grey M.
    Lv. 3 Timestamp 01:28:06

    Reviewed your game on stream!