"Do you like to do what people tell you to do while getting praised and getting candies? Then this is the game for you!"

NOTE: Please, do NOT play the post-jam version before rating. Play the jam version (the one you can download in this page, not itch.io's) for ratings.
(More planned in a future update, including an alternate ending and proper endings to expand on the mini-lore)

The game relies on its atmosphere. Some bit of patience is required to fully enjoy the game. :p
(In other words, the pace is too slow)

- WASD - Move your character (sorry, I was too short on time to add zqsd support, but it was planned)
- MOUSE - Move your cursor
- LEFT CLICK - Get poor commentary on furniture and do a bit of action
- R - Restart the game
- ALT + ENTER - Fullscreen

Lv. 38
Wow, I am the master of this game. I got so many treats!
Interesting take on the theme, and a neat idea overall. All the dialogue is pretty amusing (whether you choose to obey or not). It's cool how there's a full (albeit brief) story with a proper ending. I enjoyed the amount of detail with all the different objects you can interact with.
That said, I feel the idea of being an experiment could be established a bit more as the escape seemed kind of abrupt. Perhaps instead of one long routine a shorter routine could be repeated for a few days before an unexpected breakout.
Anyway, the art is top notch is always. The music and sound effects are also high quality. The game would have probably worked okay without them but I appreciated the addition of actual voices.
Lv. 67
"Perhaps instead of one long routine a shorter routine could be repeated for a few days before an unexpected breakout. " My idea with this was mostly to experience a full day until sleeping time while making a narrative ellipse on how time passes. But yes, it probably would have been better if it could have been set deeper.
Gotta say I wanted the escape part to be much longer, but unfortunately that was out of reach in terms of scope, so I opted for a shorter act.
Thank you for your feedback!
Lv. 4
"if the bed was warm, it would be bedder." "A very small bathtub." XD love all the details about the objects in the rooms! Audio and art is phenomenal. If you were wondering about how to get the legs to match up with the floor try to make the feet move across on the ground at a certain rate such as 4px per frame, then on the coding side it would be something like:
Great job! ;D reply: I'm just saying it might be difficult with the way your animation is set up cause the legs only have what looks like one frame that they're on the ground.Submittedchicken chow
Lv. 67
Glad you had fun with the objects :p
Not sure what you mean by making the legs maching up with the floor though? (if we're talking about adjusting running speed depending on animation, I think I'd mostly either adapt the speed manually to match more or change the image speed itself)
Thanks for playing!
Lv. 9
I felt like the game was a like a Milgram experiment, so I didn't do anything the narrator told me to do. I like that their coaxing became more forceful as time went on, but there really wasn't any conclusion for disobeying aside from the game closing. The second time I played, I did what the narrator told me to do, and was able to make it to the car. Seems like this game is a good start to maybe something bigger.
SubmittedDemolition Madness
Lv. 67
It's inteded to be that, a Milgram experiment (didn't know it had a name though). I take my inspiration from The Stanley Parable and Bioshock.
My intend was to make the disobedience an actual possible path to follow. Unfortunately, I lacked time and couldn't add much to encourage you to disobey, aside the alternative dialogs. The top exit was supposed to lead to an alternate ending. (and for the jam version I had the BRILLIANT idea to let it open, making the game close.)
I wanted to make it more complex, but I poorly managed my time. I will eventually release a version of the game with what I intended (aside an action phase that I intended but won't add in). It's only an alternate ending though, to fit the right scope.
This game is the base for an idea it gave me though, I'll probably make a game revolving around all of that (probably horror or something like this)
Thank you for playing! :D
I played twice through, at third attempt I got killed at the beginning of escape, had no treats :( The art was good, but as others had said, there wasn't unfortunately much gameplay-wise. I liked the sounds and narration, voices were pleasant. Player run too fast for it's animation, which bugged me, although it would have made game even more slow-paced :D You have so many feedbacks already, it is hard to come up with anything new to say (: The game jams are short, so no wonder if you couldn't get everything done.
SubmittedTour on the Underworld
Lv. 67
Ah, didn't quite notice the movement wasn't sync to the animation, thanks for pointing that out!
I wanted to give the player more options for disobeying but unfortunately i didn't got that time. I also wanted the shooting phase to be much longer, not just one guard :p
Thanks for playing!
Lv. 2
Super cute game! I absolutely love the art style, and the voice acting is a cool touch too. The game makes me feel like I'm in a giant Skinner Box, being conditioned to step in circles for treats when the timer runs out, which is a really interesting take on the theme.
There are definitely some things to be improved towards the end of this version of the game, but most of that can be attributed to the time constraints of the game jam. If I had to pick out one piece of constructive criticism I have that hasn't already been said, I think you could make more interesting screen transitions than the simple fades currently in the game (that could just be my personal taste though).
Overall an amazing entry, great work!
Lv. 67
That's exactly the feel I wanted to make the player feel!
Well, be glad I have fading transition cause I currently hav 0 idea how to make other types of :p I'll eventually learn that, but obviously in a game jam it might not be the right setting, especially with the clock ticking!
Thank you for playing! :D
Oh, I didn't expected it to end this fast ahah. I mean, I still don't understand how you had time to do anything else than the art, but when I saw the gun I thought there would be more enemies :D
About that, maybe I missed something but I didn't wait for the narration to shoot the guard, and it looked like there was a joke but the timing wasn't right, since I was already out...?
Anyway, that's the only thing I noticed. Really cool game overall, even if there's not much gameplay-wise.
Lv. 67
My initial intend with the gun WAS to have a bigger section with guards actually trying to stop you :p Sadly, I didn't get enough time, so I had to keep it in a Minimum Viable Product kind of scopes. I'm not that slow with art, so to be honest, that's far from what took the most time. Building the dialogues and countdown interactions is what took the most, not being myself an incredible coder. Ran into some errors and puzzles to solve xD
Yes, there was a joke with the guard, but you gotta see the guard. My mistake was to have the pace a bit too slow AND letting the player go fast to the exit, while the dialogue can't keep up. You can play the game again to find that joke with my update where I'm controling the pace a bit better ;D
Thank you for playing!
Lv. 2
The Voice-Acting was a really neat addition. Wasn't expecting this.
Gameplay wasn't so much fun at all. Maybe give more options to explore and a way to mute the background sound?
Got a stanley parable feeling. Like it very much!
SubmittedLetters in SPACE
Lv. 67
Thank you for the feedback! Why did you want to mute the sound? All of the sound effects+voice? Just the voices? Did they sound bad? Or do you just prefer to be able to remove them? Note that I'm adding the option to cut out the voice in the updated version! :] Not sure I'd get rid of the rest though, or not yet.
Thank you for playing!
Lv. 13
Very interesting game. I included it in my GM48: Countdown compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :) https://youtu.be/FLG_K_tPT2c
Lv. 11
Fantastic production values, from the art, the feel and the voice acting. As a game, it's a bit slow and not very exciting, but the charm made up for it.
It was fairly annoying to do the start again after going up the top, but I really should've read the description first.
I laughed out loud at the fish with legs being at least better than a tuna fist sandwich.
It made me smile, it is super super polished, not exactly very fun but really, good work on this.
Lv. 67
I agree with your complaints! The main isssue is the pace while the top path trouble is a... stupid thing from me to let there. Or I could say it was intended since you were warned (in all seriousness, this was supposed to serve as the alternate ending but obviously, it's not there. it will be there in my second update of the game though, as the first update takes care of everything "wrong" with the game aside 2-3 things) Also it's not your fault if you got caught by the top path issue. You're not expected to read descriptions before playing.
Personally, my favourite moment is the guard unexpected issue :p
Thank you for your feedback!
Lv. 6
You out did yourself with this one!!!!! It was super satisfying to get the treats!!! lol Seriously very well done!! My only complaint is that the game was not longer but given that you only had 48 hours it is totally understood. Great job Kwisarts!!!!
Lv. 67
Yes, considering the game had a relatively busy workflow, I had to keep the scope rather low. I planned it a bit longer but I had to make it finish rather quick because of the deadline. What took the most time was recording all of the dialogue an setting the countdown/"quest" system.
Thank you for playing! Maybe you could also play the first update to have slight improvments and a commentary mode :p
Lv. 2
Wow, you made all of this in one weekend!? I am Impressed!
What was the point of the treats? Just to be funny? Cause it was :D "You get TWO treats!" :D
Lv. 67
Yes but as you can see the game is not exactly finished although it has an ending :p
The treats were rewards you get to encourage you to follow orders. Just like you would give treats to dogs to educate them and make them sit for example. At this point you get two treats because you were not given an order and you got on the circle by reflex. So you get double rewarded.
Gameplay-wise, the points of the treats is to serve as health points in the second part of the game.
Initially, I wanted the number of treats at the end of the game to trigger a different ending. For example, if you have the maximum number of treats, you get some kind of different ending or something. But I didn't get the time to add that.
Anyway, thanks for playing :)
Lv. 8
Amazing Art (As usual!) and great concept for the theme. The gameplay felt a little slow to be honest, but the atmosphere was great so I didn't mind too much. I liked the edititng on your voice and the little easter eggs to the other themes were nice too. Great job!
SubmittedCount Downula
Lv. 36
I really like the different characters. It's funny that you can choose what to do and see how they react. That's very, very good! Their voices make them feel more real.
Do I still need to remind you that you are an awesome artist four times a year?
SubmittedDeadline Disaster
Lv. 17
As always, your game looks amazing :)
It's too bad that it isn't a little longer, I was just getting into it (but isn't that always the way with jam games?)
Submitted3, 2, 1... Evolve!
Lv. 3
I absolutely loved this game. The visuals were amazing, the gameplay was engaging, the meta-narrative was insane and the sound was perfect.
I loved it! Can't say anything bad about it.
I may be biased because I think a good climax makes all the difference in the world, and the (spoilers) fact that the game just closes is perfect.
It's a short game and it works by being short. It's the perfect jam game.
I loved it. Once I finish giving feedback I'm definitely playing your other games.
btw where are you from?
SubmittedSuper Speedo Simulator 2018
Lv. 67
Hello, thank you for the feedback!
Obviously, you didn't find the "bad" side of the game where the "unintended path" closes the game on you at the wrong time ;D
Glad you liked it! I definitely wouldn't call it perfect, since by spending just a bit of time on an update (unreleased yet), I was able to fix most issues (pace, wrong path not being blocked, a way to restart at the level 2 instead of restarting over again and other miscellaneous things)
Thank you for your involvment on me! I'm from Switzerland. :)
EDIT/REPLY to the other edit: how can you recognize a "swiss" accent? xD it's a french accent at most (Though you could recognize a swiss accent if i were to speak french, but not in english)
Lv. 4
Lv. 10
Art was lovely! Some of the best I've seen in these jams. The game is short and sweet, but you clearly put a lot of effort into it! There is a wide range of Voice Acting in this game hidden if you purposely ignore them a bunch, which i see as a lovely detail. While the game play was not the best it easily followed the theme while still being playable.
SubmittedEternal Damnation
Lv. 67
I am glad you purposely checked on the diverse "disobey" texts, even though it's a hassle to trigger since the countdown is slow! I might make the countdown be 3 on my hotfix, or only allow 1 error (or both) Sadly, the game is too tedious for that, as it is so slow!
Thanks for the feedback!
Lv. 4
Nice art the game mostly consist of you standing and waiting not too fun and sadly i didn't read the note that said you didn't have to go up so the game closed and i really don't want to wait more.
Lv. 67
It's okay, I totally understand. This is kind of a dumb decision of me to let that path free and you shouldn't require to read the description to play the game.
You missed on a "kinda more interesting gameplay part" (but not that much), but that's on me! Working on a hotfix that will make the game a tad less tedious :p
Thank you for your feedback! :)
Lv. 4
this game was really cool! some things i noticed. however,
there were some layer issues i noticed with the hair and there wasnt really anything making me want to keep playing, so i only found myself playing for about 4 minutes
however, though
the art is near perfect, the sound is great, and the gameplay is super cool!
so overall, really not a bad game! i like it!
SubmittedThe Timing
Lv. 67
Thank you for your feedback!
I am not sure what you mean by layer issues with the hair?
- Is this what you are referring to? Including the gun always being displayed on top? If yes, that's because I couldn't figure out a depth system and since my game relies only lightly on depth (cause there aren't many moving objects) I didn't tick that as a priority. As a result, it's a bit... unmastered. Fixing it would require me to build a depth system and I am unfortunately not skilled enough for that yet.
- If this is not what you are referring to, I'd like some more precision!
Also, yes, the game lacks actual gameplay (but how can it be "super cool" if the lack of gameplay is what made you stop?)
(in case restarting the game made you stop because it is too tedious to restart, I am working on a fix that will make it a bit better - just a bit though; not a version to rate, but in case you didn't make it to the end...)