R = Restart if you feel like you don't have enough time

this game was a lot of fun to make! i hope anyone who plays it has fun too

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  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Simple yet well made game! I included it in my GM48: Countdown compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :) https://youtu.be/XYwEvzCa2b4

    Lv. 36

    It's a straightforward use of the theme. It's literally just walking and clicking with the mouse. But with a countdown which adds multitasking to the challenge.

    It's a bit too simplistic for me though. When there are not enough interesting elements in the graphics, sound, mechanics or level design, it starts to become repetitive. That's no big issue when the game is relatively short but it can still be improved. Me and my team also ran out of ideas when we finished the mechanics. I let my brother play our game and brainstorm for more ideas. He came up with a whole bunch of ideas such as an object that turns the gravity upside down when you touched it. You can ask family or friends if you are stuck (If you have time left).

    Aside from the five levels, you've also done a pretty good job at making a moving logo, a proper tutorial, a game over screen etc. It also got a good difficulty including that you restart all levels if you lose. A bit too easy is better than too hard.

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    This game is fun enough for what is but I really wish there was a bit more to it. Maybe some enemies to avoid or mazes to navigate or something. As it all the levels felt basically the same. Regardless, the graphics look pretty nice and sound is decent. I like the way the main character looks around as it moves and how the pixels are the only coloured thing so they're easy to spot.

  • Neural Pathway
    Lv. 2

    Cute little game! I think you nailed the aesthetic you were going for (even if it was very simple), and incorporated the theme well. Here are some pointers I have:

    • The game could use some music, even just simple atmospheric sounds would be fine
    • I think the timer should have been on screen at all times, since it's central to the gameplay
    • The game could have used different layouts for the walls or some simple enemies to add some more difficulty

    Otherwise a solid entry, good job!



    • Wyatt S
      Lv. 4
      Wyatt S Developer of The Timing

      6yrs ago

      Thank you! yeah when it comes to game mechanics i always find myself scrambling to find a good idea, but i do agree that i could've added some better things.

      thanks for the feedback!

  • Kwis
    Lv. 67
    • I find the "aiming" a tad tedious. It feels a bit dull to click on the squares, especially when you miss them.
    • I would have liked some kind of "3, 2, 1, go!" before the time starts, just to get to see the level before it starts.
    • I wish the room were constructed with a bit more variety; at the end of the day, we're collecting the squares at around the same spots.
    • Considering the theme, I would have liked the countdown, since it's what you fight against , to be a bit more central. Right there, it's in the middle of the room and not on sight (which isn't uninteresting at all!), so it feels a bit trivial. Basically, when I play I just do it as fast as possible without relying on the clock at all.
    • the stars in the back are similar in color with the circles, which is distracting.
    • I would have liked the crosshair to be more obvious (for example orange)

    That said, I like how the game feels and how the character moves! The title is sweetly designed as well, I like how it moves!

    • Wyatt S
      Lv. 4
      Wyatt S Developer of The Timing

      6yrs ago

      Thank you so much for the feedback!

      yeah i would have liked to have more time to work on that sort of stuff (especially the game mechanics and gameplay)

      but i do agree on your points and i will take these into consideration next time!


  • Ramkey
    Lv. 2

    Fun little game. Nailed the theme very well. Sounds fit great with the design and simplicity of the game.