NOTE: It's come to my attention that the Intro/Tutorial can crash the game. Press X after the main menu to skip to Level 1 and follow the instruction below. Thanks!

OBJECTIVE: Complete each level by successfully touching down your lander within the pink landing zone. Your speed, rotation and fuel levels must all accommodate a successful landing to avoid destruction. Complete all nine levels to finish your mission.


'F' = Left Thruster

'J' = Right Thruster

'ENT' = Advance Menu

'R' = Retry Failed Level

'ESC' = Return to Main Menu

Outer West looks in on the world's second Cold War in the year 2027. As a new Space Race emerges, nuclear energy propels the most powerful nations to seek out and successfully land on more on more planets across the galaxy.

You are America's top descender. Your current mission plots nine terrestrial bodies for immediate landing. Land safely, claim each planet's reward (plus bonuses for good form), and you'll thrust your country into the front of the space race.

OBJECTIVE: Complete each level by successfully touching down your lander within the designated landing zone. Your speed, rotation and fuel levels must all accommodate a successful landing to avoid destruction. Complete all nine levels to finish your mission.


'F' = Left Thruster

'J' = Right Thruster

'ENT' = Advance Menu

'R' = Retry Failed Level

'ESC' = Return to Main Menu

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  • Kwis
    Lv. 67

    Total reward: 66620.33 Honestly though, the controls were... difficult to handle. Speaking of which, the difficulty has a very weird curve. The beginning of the game should be easy to better understand the controls while the end of the game should give you some challenge. It was backward. You have to try and fail several times in order to get how it works comprehensively - especially since the tutorial makes you crash (also noting that you cannot rotate too much or it gets stuck)... and then, I did all later levels on the first try...

  • SpaceMyFriend
    Lv. 15

    Man the style of this game is great! I love the menu screen and the creepy sounds. It creates good atmosphere. I wasn't expecting so many levels too! Very nice surprise. Great job!

  • Problematicar
    Lv. 37

    Really nice concept, interesting art, fun gameplay.

    Also kinda bad sound, unexpected controls, and a below average difficulty curve (The levels should go from easiest to hardest, you got some of those mixed up)

    But I liked the game, it just took some time getting used to it, and that's not too bad if the concept and art are interesting enough to keep you playing until the end (They did)

    Path Y

    Path Y

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    This game is really cool. The audio isn't the best, but the graphics look nice and make for a great atmosphere. Controlling the game takes a while to get used to but it's really satisfying when you finally manage to land. The final levels with moving landing zones are actually some of the easiest because you can just drop straight down and slow yourself until it's below you. My final score was $67325.43

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    7yrs ago

    After mopping up the puddle of ear blood, I enjoyed the game. The art style was nice. I wish the dials on the side actually showed useful information. Perhaps showing what the gravity was like on the planet so we knew what to expect, a numerical value for the fuel because some full bars were worth more than others, or a line on the speed dial showing maximum touchdown speed. If you try to turn the ship beyond a certain pitch, your thrusters get disabled and all you can do is watch yourself crash. I think the moving pads are much easier than you intended. It is much nicer going straight down and waiting for it to go underneath you than to struggle for horizontal movement.

  • King of Bananas
    Lv. 1

    I like the look of the game. Sound levels need to be equalized a little bit, some of the sounds were a bit loud compared to the rest of the game, but sounds themselves are a nice touch. You could have some added challenges like maybe having to land at multiple pads in order & maybe have some refuel power ups appear to change up the levels a little bit.

    • Orb Warning
      Lv. 6
      Orb Warning Designer of Outer West

      7yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback. I was trying to think of how two landing pads could be incorporated into the levels ... I really like a re-fueling idea. Thanks so much!

  • Fachewachewa

    Man, I exploded so much, the other planetary descenders must be really bad if i'm the top :D This is harder than Kerbal Space Program, could not pass the 3rd level (might even be the tutorial as I got a moving landing zone when I tried relaunching the game :D) !

    Overall I think it's good. Sound may be too loud though (esp. in the menu). I really like the artstyle.

    One thing that bothered me is the fact that the particles do not rotate according to the ship's rotation. It's something that I had to deal with on other project, it's not super obvious at first but that's not too hard once you know what to do. I don't know if you just skipped that or if you don't know how to do it, but I can help with that if you want :) (I don't know much about programming but that's a thing I know how to do :D)



    • Orb Warning
      Lv. 6
      Orb Warning Designer of Outer West

      7yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, the particles not rotating was something I just didn't have time to address. If you'd like to give me some pointers, I'd love the help. Just email me at orbwarning[at] Thanks so much!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    7yrs ago

    After figuring out I could skip the tutorial, it let me play the game and was able to successfully land one time. The art is decent for a 48 hour game and the particles are done well on the lander when the lander is upright.

    However, when first launching the music is very screechy. The game would not let me through the tutorial section. Which I thought meant a completely broken and failed game until I found I could skip the tutorial.

    Upon skipping I had to figure out a little about what to do. Was able to land the first level after a couple practice rounds. Landers are difficult to make feel like a new or refreshing game. Played my first lunar lander back in the early 90s. This doesn't feel any different or offer anything new.

    Annoyingly, the velocity doesn't seem to pick up well when thrusting at an angle to try to get at the other landing sites.

    Overall, decent attempt at a lander. Your strengths shine a little in the atmosphere of the game.