You play as a lumberman fighting over an axe at the bottom of a well.
This is a 2-player local platformer / fighting game. First to get 3 kills wins!

Player 1:
- Movement -- WAD
- Hit/ Attack -- S
Player 2:
- Movement -- LEFT/UP/RIGHT KEYS
- Hit/ Attack -- DOWN KEY
Escape -- Restart game
Enter -- Confirm messages
- If other player has the axe and you hit him, you will get the axe.
- Wait for interactions after killing the other player.
- Screenshots and gifs
Known bugs
- Audio problems
- Attacking in air - part of gameplay :)
- Text not scaling correctly
- Camera issues
My 3rd time entering the gm48. During this jam I learned a ton of new things. Everything I did by myself.
Feel free to comment and leave any bug reports! Cheers!
Lv. 15
I didn't have a second player but this is still very well made. The music and sounds are nice and the lumber jacks look sweet!
SubmittedFlesh Eye vs. Mind Eye
Lv. 9
Thanks for the feedback!
Lv. 37
Really fun game, the gimmick where you have to have the axe in order to actually win made for some really fun situations where the axe got passed back and forth, the rush at the start of the level was also pretty fun.
The art and sounds were nice, nothing too good though, just a little above average, I'd also give different skins to the two players, the arrows above them are enough, but having different skins would be even better.
The two levels offered at least a little bit of variety, but I feel like you could've done more with the level design.
There's also an issue where if the two players are one on the leftmost part of the screen and the other on the right you can't see the one on the right, but that's easily fixable.
Really fun game though, a single player mode with an AI would make it playable to more players.
SubmittedPath Y
Lv. 9
Thanks for the feedback.
I originally planned to make different skins, but I didn't have time to animate different characters ( these were my first animations ever ). Also my original plan was 1-4 player game, so you could play against AI, but again too much work and not enough time. Least amount of time I used on the levels as you can see.
Thanks also for pointing out that screen issue and thanks for all the suggestions!
Cool! The sprites/animations are nice and I like the low bit voices. I could imagine this being pretty fun if I had someone to play with ._.
A few things I would recommend is not allowing the levels to repeat. I got the same one all three times my first play and didn't know there were others until I read some other feedback. It would also have helped if there was an option to replay instead of forcing the game to close.
Also, I would suggest making it possible for to jump back out of the well. One player can stay up top safely out of reach of the one with the axe.-
Lv. 9
Thanks for the feedback. I also mostly playtested alone. I know I could have used more time on the levels, actually there is only two levels. Great suggestions to improve the game, thanks!
Lv. 38
I didn't have anyone to play with but this seems pretty cool. The graphics look nice, the music is good, and I like the lo-fi voices. However, I had an issue in which the window seemed to extend too far to the side:
SubmittedInto the Void
Lv. 9
Thanks for the feedback. It should detect your resolution and scale according to that, so it is a little strange. Thanks for the screenshots too.
Lv. 6
I don't have a second player to join me right now, but on the surface it seems like a fun, well made concept. Art and music seems great.
With two people really going at it, I expect that the beginning of the levels would be a made rush to the bottom without much fighting on the middle layers. It might be cool to have a slower descent where some fist fighting was neccesary to break through and continue down toward the axe.
SubmittedOuter West
Lv. 9
Glad to hear. I didn't have that much time for the levels and their design, but like you said with some additional features it may be more cool. I like your idea about breaking stuff.
Lv. 41
Hi! I like the idea of a fighting game, that's cool! I have an issue where the text doesn't seem to fit on the screen, and overlaps other text, maybe you have time to fix that. If not, all good, cool idea, and the graphics are quite nice.
Lv. 9
Hi, I didn't have time to check all small details, but I hope you still liked it. Thanks for the comment.