You are the pizza boy! Try to deliver your fresh pizza to your customer while avoiding the nasty environment of the place. It doesn't kill you, but it messes up with your pizza! Everything you see in this game is based on the real-life experiences.

Controls : Arrow Keys


A/D for running, W for jumping

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  • Kyon
    Lv. 25

    Ended up with just making an insanely large pizza with 1190 points for toppings haha. Fun little game, good transitions and menuscreen. Also liked the artstyle! Some more content would be nice, but it's a gamejam haha.



  • Eva
    Lv. 13

    It was really wacky and funny. Those poor customers...I could never manage to avoid the goo. I enjoyed it!



  • Atomic
    Lv. 19

    What a ride. That was kind of awesome. The game is unfair and crude as heck, but it's also pretty funny, because it doesn't take itself seriously at all. The goo should definitely have a tell, and maybe softly ease the player into the madness of which it is. I felt like the costumers were actually reacting to how badly I screwed up the pizza, and what went on it, even if that is not the case. It wouldn't surprise me if you went the extra mile on that one, since every other aspect of the game is highly customizable . The art style is pretty decent, and the music is unbearable, but the game has a gooey place in my heart.

    • mrbbnbrn
      Lv. 6
      mrbbnbrn Developer of Barov

      5yrs ago

      Wow thanks a lot buddy! I got bored with the theme at first and couldn't come up with an original idea. I tried to make the game as wacky as possible so it would be fun to make and it made me happy that you realised that :) Customer has different lines depending on the length of the pizza, if it has the starting ingredients and if it has goo in it or not. I made the goo unforgiving so you could see what customer has to say.

      Fun lore fact : goo is actually guacamole leaking from an upstairs guacamole factory. On top of that, there is a television factory and music comes from there, not from my game.

  • Tero Hannula

    I liked it and that cute run animation :D The traps could have been more forgiving, so you could alteast try get the right pizza. Nevertheless, best points was when you just grapped everything :D I tried to be the very best sexy beast but still got fired :(



    • mrbbnbrn
      Lv. 6
      mrbbnbrn Developer of Barov

      5yrs ago

      Hehe i am glad you liked the run animation. Game really suffers from not being able to win or lose anything but making a 5 story pizza is fun i guess :) Thanks for the feedback!

  • baku

    Now that's a good pizza!

  • Linkyu
    Lv. 3

    I really liked the idea, and it was pretty fun to customize the pizza on the way, however I feel like the traps were way too quick, especially the goo; I haven't been able to dodge a single one of them. :(

    • mrbbnbrn
      Lv. 6
      mrbbnbrn Developer of Barov

      5yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the quick goo :(

      Quick goo is a daily struggle, isn't it? It is based on real life experiences.

      Customer at the end says random stuff according to the pizza's length and if there is goo in it, he/she says other random stuff. I made the game and realised if you just run, you could dodge all goo and customer wouldn't say the goo lines. I made them quicker so you can see what customer has to say.