W/A/S/D for Move , Mouse 1 for Fire
Don't touch Enemies and kill them. Your target is 10 combo.
(Note: I didn't use music. I'm sorry for that. I couldn't make music or find music.)
- Patron
It is hard game indeed, because of limited view, small area and fast enemies. Best which I got was 9, then out of blue outside of game area blue enemy with horrenous speed came and hit me :( I don't know what it was, but yeah, didn't get to the 10th combo. Maybe there was too much effect, too much shake, but this game is short so you can excuse those. Maybe the balls could have followed bit differently depent on the color? Overall it was nice game :)
- Lv. 46
Good game, but there are a few things a didn't like about it. The screenshake was excessive and the text at the top of the screen got in the way of things. I think it also would have been better if the game started easier and slowly got harder, but I know that there is not a lot of time to add extra features in game jams. Still, I had a lot of fun playing!
Also, my PC did pop up the virus warning. It happens for pretty much every game maker game out there.
- Lv. 15
Wooo! That is tough but not impossible! I finally beat it. The game feels great. Although the text gets in the way too much I think. The particle fx, the color changes and screen shake all make the game really good though. Nice work!
SubmittedDeath Dungeon
- Lv. 4
Your right, this is HARD. Other than that you really got a great game feel here, and the bounciness of the UI really adds to it. Its just a biiiiit to hard to fully enjoy. Maybe if the balls were slower, or less frequent. Neat game!
Edit since I can't figure out how to reply: I didn't see any virus warnings, and I didn't have any features from my antivirus disabled. I am using ESET Smart security; so maybe other antivirus's don't like gamemaker files? Im otherwise not knowledgeable in this area, so I wish you the best of luck!
SubmittedOperation Recycling
- Lv. 8
You may be right. While in testing game, i played sooo much so the game is easier to me. I couldn't adjust the degree of difficulty properly :D
i have a question for you ? While downloading game, Did your pc give a virus warning ? Because my all games did this in other people's pc. I couldn't solve this. I don't know why ?