This is a small game created for the January 2018 GM48. Use your fan to propel you through procedurally generated levels to the exit, but watch out for spikes!

While this was made for a 48 hour jam, it actually got ~4-5 hours of dev time and needs some work. I’d planned on the fan interacting with enemies and obstacles, but ran out of time to make it the ‘one tool with many uses’ that it should have been. I had fun with the proc gen, but it needs optimization, as load times are long, and I think the color switching is cool! A couple final things it needs are sound and high scores.

Please leave feedback and comments, lookin’ to improve!

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  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Challenging game! I included it in my GM48: One Tool, Many Uses compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

  • Kwis
    Lv. 67

    The controls are over the place xD Like, i got stuck trying to get somewhere but wasn't able to properly propel myself the right way Also you sometimes spawn on spikes (that don't like like spikes btw)

    Although it's really not bad for 5 hours!

    Lv. 36

    The autogenerated levels was very impressive. Rooms, passages that never collides with eachother. I think you had the scope too high though. To make a game with autogenarated levels in 5 hours seems like an impossible task for me and even if they are well made, they decresed the quality of the rest of the game. It's often a good idea in GM48 (and game making in general) to have a simple idea and use your programming skills to make something great out of it. I know this is your first time participating in this jam, I don't know how well you knew the rating categories but imressive and cool mecanics don't add to your score that much.



    • nuzcraft
      Lv. 2
      nuzcraft Developer of Strong Fan

      7yrs ago

      Haha! Autogenerated levels seemed easier to me (which was an attempt to keep scope small). Thanks for the tips, I'll try that next time!

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    Neat concept. The fan provides a unique movement style that's fun to use. I'm sure if you expanded the idea more it could be interesting to manage moving and pushing stuff at the same time.

    Cool as they are, I don't think the random levels add that much. It might just be personal preference, but I'd rather a game like this had carefully considered level design. The game also freezes for a while when making a level.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that it's annoying how you have to get so close to edge of the screen to move it. It makes it very hard to navigate.

    • nuzcraft
      Lv. 2
      nuzcraft Developer of Strong Fan

      7yrs ago

      Moving and pushing stuff in opposite directions was the original idea (obviously, not executed). The idea behind random level gen was twofold: 1. I'm terrible at making levels 2. Can I even do level gen in GM? The engine definitely needs some optimization, and the screen zoom was added last minute, else you could just see the exit (and skip most of the rooms. Thanks for the feedback!

  • Fachewachewa

    Yeah biggest problem for me was the camera. You need to increase the border to follow the player, because as it is if you're near the border and you move, you end up at a point you can't even see when you press the button. It's even worse when you're going down, since the way spikes drops tend to put spikes under corridors. Had spikes drop on me at the start once too, so watch out for that.

    Otherwise that was a good start for the amount of work put into it, the color swap was a nice touch, but the exit needs to be more distinct from the spikes!

    • nuzcraft
      Lv. 2
      nuzcraft Developer of Strong Fan

      7yrs ago

      Yea, the camera was added last minute, to keep you from seeing the exit right from the get go. The level gen needs some work, including spike placement (and actual enemies). I whipped up the spikes last minute too, totally agree they need to look less like doors. Thanks for the feedback!

  • Joseph
    Lv. 4

    The random generation needs a lot of work. It mostly generates levels that are impossible and can even drop a spike right onto your head at the start, and as you mention it takes way too long to generate. The camera does not center on your character so you must take winds of faith into the abyss, which is bad because the gravity is extreme in this engine and in my case there was always a spike below waiting for me. There's really not much more to say unless you either improve or remove the random generation, as that's going to break every thing else even if your gameplay mechanics are strong.

    Still a commendable effort for ~4.5 hours though! I've always had a hard time trying to wrap my mind around random generation used in this way, so pulling it off even as it is in that short a time is actually pretty impressive from my standpoint. I also like the fan idea, but it probably can't really be expounded on while the levels are as they are.



    • nuzcraft
      Lv. 2
      nuzcraft Developer of Strong Fan

      7yrs ago

      Haha, agreed! While every level should have an exit, I didn't account for spikes dropping on you from the start. The camera was a last minute addition, and added poorly at that. Thanks for your feedback!

While this was made for a 48 hour jam, it actually got ~4-5 hours of dev time and needs some work. I’d planned on the fan interacting with enemies and obstacles, but ran out of time to make it the ‘one tool with many uses’ that it should have been. I had fun with the proc gen, but it needs optimization, as load times are long, and I think the color switching is cool! A couple final things it needs are sound and high scores.

Result 44th