Mouse left click, drag and aim to try to reach the next platform.
Arrow keys to pan the camera around (resets to player automatically)
R key to restart

Lv. 13
Challenging game! I included it in my GM48: Sacrifice compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)
Lv. 37
I did it!
... And nothing happened, talk about underwhelming
So, the game is not bad, at all, but it doesn't connect to the theme in any way, and there are some things here and there that could be improved, like auto respawn, or adding a limit to the force you can use (I like that you can go out of the window btw, but this gives an unfair advantage to 4k monitor users.
You could probably name this game 5 jumps, because if your mouse can go far enough you can jump on the 6, then the 7, then the 9, then the 19, then the 30.
Overall still a fun entry, even if it doesn't connect to the theme at all.
Lv. 21
Congratulations! Sorry for not adding some fireworks, I do usually try to include a victory screen in my jam games, but I ran out of time this jam. My theme plan was to be able to 'sacrifice' one of the angel wings to go back to the platform you had just jumped from if you missed. I did think about the out of window jump a bit, but not as far as a 4K would be able to do it, that 9-19 and 19-30 jump must've been epic! I also scrapped having moving or 'icy' platforms because I couldn't get them to work as intended either. Thanks for playing!
These kinda games are dangerous for me to try. Because I get obsessed about beating them, lol. Not super amazing art, and it didn't have anything to do with the theme, but that's okay in my book (see: my own jam entry lol). The physics felt good, and that is what's most important here. I enjoyed it a lot.
Also: 🎉🎊🏆💯👌👌
SubmittedSnowfriends [Prototype]
Lv. 21
Thanks for playing, I appreciate it! I definitely had some bigger plans but time management did not go well for me this time around. I actually tweaked the pull back force a lot before I got it where I thought it felt 'right' so I'm glad to hear that it was well received!
Lv. 9
Nice use of the slingshot mechanic. I made it to the 9th level. Trying to land on #10 was really difficult! This would make a nice mobile game.
SubmittedJunk Food Blaster
Lv. 10
30 Jumps is a super addictive game, with good visuals and great music. But, like the other reviewers said, the lack of checkpoints and the constant need of restarting manually if you fall to the bottom of the screen are frustrating. I only reached the 12th platform and although I wanted to climb more, the mentioned features let me down (pun intended).
SubmittedThe Tears of Lorem
Lv. 4
I like precision games like these. The controls were good. Graphics were alright. The music was nice, but I wish it was longer. It got repetitive quickly. Like Fachewachewa said, it would be better if the game automatically restarted if you fell off the screen.
Simple, solid and fun game. Didn't follow the theme, though.
Lv. 21
Thank you for the feedback! I've been spending more time lately with music creation, I do need to work on making longer loops to help with the repetitiveness. I appreciate the comments for the jam, I was really pressed for time this time too, so I didn't get in what I had planned for the theme.
Hah, I recognized the green background!
I'm not sure what it's doing here though, it didn't even try to fit the theme ? Plus there a some incomplete things that could have been fixed in a few seconds, like the fact that you have to restart manually
SubmittedThanks for your Sacrifice
Lv. 21
Thank you for playing! I had originally planned to incorporate the theme with Angel wings (I made the icon, but that was it) where you could choose to "Sacrifice" an angel wing to get transported back to the platform you last jumped from, but I definitely had some major time management issues this time around which is something I will plan better for next jam.
Lv. 38
It's a fairly simple game, but it is pretty fun launching the box between the platforms. However, I would've liked some sort of checkpoints - it's annoying redoing everything after making a small mistake. The furthest I made it was the 11th platform.
The graphics are simple, but they work well enough. The music is nice too. I'm not sure what the game has to do with the theme, though.
SubmittedSeven Sacrifices
Lv. 21
Thanks for checking it out! I'm going to write up a post-mortem soon to go into what went wrong for me and how I can do better next time, but basically I didn't get in my plans for the theme, which would have been sacrificing the angel wings to move back to the platform you last jumped from. Thank you for the feedback!