Ever since the bloodless revolution of 2020 no one has eaten any meat, and the population fell into a state of tofu addiction and vegan worship.
That is with the exception of the small group of customers of the best and only butcher shop left in the world: Shelfless.
Try the meaty goodness that only self service can give, and ignore the vegan police and their policies.
Use your spacebar for everything, from talking to meat grinding.

Reach the end to fullfill all your meaty desires
Lv. 4
I'm very confused... but... okay. Not what I expected, but not bad! (Though I'm not sure what I expected :P )
SubmittedHeroic Handiwork
Lv. 37
Not bad is good enough, thanks 👌
Lv. 13
Really interesting game! I included it in my GM48: Sacrifice compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :) https://youtu.be/qZITVIm2pYI
Lv. 37
I'll eventually be able to make a game so short that you'll finish it, I swear. T_T
Lv. 6
This was really well presented. A cool take on graphics and great sound design. It was very consistent with its theme and the theme of the jam, definitely one of the more extreme takes on sacrifice. There's just not a lot of actual game here though, so the appeal wears off quickly.
SubmittedA Pound of Flesh
Lv. 37
Thanks for playing the game and giving feedback, I agree, In my last few entries I haven't focused enough in gameplay, and the next time I'll try ro make it a priority.
Lv. 2
I love the atmosphere and glitch style art! Had a pretty good laugh at the story and intro XD Gameplay simple but fun. All of the elements come together to be pretty charming. Er, as charming as a cannibal chainsaw butcher shop game can be..
High five!
SubmittedPress X to Sacrifice a Bunny
Lv. 37
Thanks for playing and enjoying the game, high five! :D
Lv. 15
At first i was horrified. But once the character made it known that rubbing a chainsaw on his face was cool, it became hilarious! The sound design was great and i really like the graphics. The pitch change in the narrators voice after you try again is pretty awesome touch!
Good job!
SubmittedPower Hearts!
Lv. 37
There's nothing to be afraid of, thanks for enjoying the game :D
Lv. 38
I've been going through all the games in a random order to be fair to everyone. The whole time I was looking forward to getting this game so I could see just what the heck it was about.
Anyway... what a bizarre yet pretty enjoyable game. It's certainly the most unique one I've seen so far. The gameplay is almost non-existent but it works. The visual style is interesting and it all blends together well. The audio is pretty great too, especially the "voice acting". I like how it changes each time you restart the game.
SubmittedSeven Sacrifices
Lv. 37
Hey I've been going through them all in a random order too, I think it's funny how your game is in like the last 5 ones I'll play, I really wanna play it but I don't want to rush the others hahaha.
Anyway, thanks for the feedback, I'll always take a "unique" over anything else :)
Lv. 5
I did not expect this when I clicked play, but I am pleasantly surprised. The art style is cohesive and the sound is amazing. The idea is crazy, in a good sense. I had fun trying to chop as much of your face as I could :)
Apart from the missing vocals for the numbers nothing feels like missing.
I am not sure if this really happened or I just imagined it, but I think the game changes speed every time you restart. If it's so that is a nice touch that breaks the monotony.
A very polished game that feels like a complete experience. Well done.
SubmittedCell Carrier
Lv. 37
Yup, most things change every single time, from the speed of the chainsaw to the pitch of the music and voice, to the music itself and the speed of the AAAAA.
Thanks for playing btw, I'm glad you liked it :D
real snazzy game with a good amount of polish my one complaint tho is that the window size was pretty small on my laptop which made it difficult to properly see the game
Lv. 37
Thanks, I should've probably added scaling options, next time I won't forget.
Lv. 10
I saw you game on tehwave's stream today and while I find the game weird, it was very amusing too. You served both as developer and actor of your own game, it's something you don't see everyday. Good job!
SubmittedThe Tears of Lorem
Lv. 37
Thank you, I don't really know how I feel about players grinding my face with a chainsaw though.
I like it.
Lv. 37
Lv. 2
Since seeing this picture on the twitter hashtag had me giddy to play this. What a wait it was, and what a GAME. God damn what a funny idea. Love the aesthetic and audio. Love the gameplay; just wish there was more. I hope you finish this because I'd love to see the rest.
I give this an A A A A A A +
Lv. 37
Thank you so much, I wanted to work more on the gameplay, but didn't have any major ideas until the end, I'm glad you still liked it.
Lv. 7
Damn that was crazy hahahaha. Is that really you?
The visual style of this game is very different from what I use to see in gamejams, I liked it a lot!
Only bug I had is that the attendant/narrator/you(?) didn't read the number of pieces of meat.
Cool game, never had so much fun just by pressing space, probably.
Now let me go, I have a customer here... A A A A ASubmittedKamikaze
Lv. 37
Thank you so much for enjoying the game :D
Yeah that's actually me, and that's not actually a bug, it's just that I used one audio file and the numbers are random, so I just said fuck it and skipped them instead lol.
Lv. 67
That was oddly funny. The "wtf" kind of funny.
Also, the game has different voices each time you start :o Is this in the ame universe as dec ay before glory?
Simple but interesting. A bit short though
Lv. 37
The voices aren't the only thing that changes every time you start.
Also, don't tell anyone, but all my games are actually in the same universe, you can kinda understand what I'm talking about if you play Spice Drive.
Lv. 1
Was so looking to play that game when you mentionned your idea in slack. ^_^ Fun quick game, funny idea & take on the theme. Replayable 100%
SubmittedThe Sacred Door
Lv. 37
Thank you :D Replayablity is definitely the most important thing in a jam game after all.
Certainly interesting.... I would like to see more done with this style. Having the voice be different each time is a cool detail.
Lv. 37
Thank you, I love to experiment. It's actually not just the voice, everything from background music to difficulty and goal is set with a random variable each time.
Lv. 2
I liked the music and the art, the gameplay is simple but interesting, good work
SubmittedShape Escape
Lv. 37
Thank you, I wish I worked more on the gameplay, but I couldn't think of anything else.
Interesting, fun, and strange. I really like the graphical style and the droning music, and the text-to-speech made me laugh. The gameplay itself is a simple concept that doesn't wear out it's welcome, which is nice.
SubmittedCRUNGUS 2: Sons of CRUNGUS
Lv. 37
Thanks for the feedback, I definitely went for interesting and strange this time, but I wish I would've made the gameplay a little more complicated.