Overview: You are Rage Guy, a badass, armor clad, shotgun wielding night stuck in Hell.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16cx29HZkdQ&feature=youtu.be

How To Play: Demons will spawn in waves of increasing difficulty. Kill them to collect aditional health and bullets. Stay away from them with your fireball dodge. Meanwhile, you must keep the Blood Crucible from running out of blood by sacrificing some of your life. If the Blood Crucible runs out, you will loose! Another epic weapon at the disposal of Rage Guy is Rage Mode. By sacrificing 4 hearts, you can briefly gain the ability mow down demons with powerful melee attacks.

Controls: Move w/ W, A, S, D

Attack w/ Left Mouse Button

Fireball Dodge w/ Right Mouse Button

Sacrifice w/ Right Mouse Button (Next To Crucible)

Rage Mode w/ Middle Mouse Button (Next To Crucible)


Lead Progammer - Levi Pinkert (Fajpaj)

Secondary Programmer - Caden Kalfin (GreenBlazed)

Lead Artist - Caden Kalfin

Secondary Artist - Levi Pinkert

Lead Music Artist - Levi Pinkert

Lead Animator - Caden Kalfin

Please note that our mac and linux ports don't work

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  • Fachewachewa

    Pretty good, needs more variety with enemies. And for a game that requires you to keep a secondary gauge up, it's pretty slow paced. What killed it for me is the wall collisions, I good stuck sooo many times. Things like that should really be a focus in action games. And yeah, there are some balancing issues, but that's usual in jam games.

    • GreenBlazed
      Lv. 1

      Thanks for playing and for the feedback! We really wanted to have more enemies but we didn't have enough time. We did think that the wall collisions weren't that good either but when we noticed we were caught up on making the AI better. Along with the other things you listed you are correct in thinking that there are balancing problems which we will try to improve in the future. Again thanks!

  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Neat game, though I am not sure that I played it well. I included it in my GM48: Sacrifice compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :) https://youtu.be/Ub8Q0nEDs3I

    • GreenBlazed
      Lv. 1

      Thanks for the feedback and for playing! We're really glad you enjoyed and we greatly appreciate that you put us in your video. Also the reason you were dying was because you needed to right click on the crucible to keep it full however our instruction screen was too quick so I could understand why you didn't figure it out.

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    Your gun runs out of ammo way too fast, especially considering it's your main form of attack. I think you should have an additional unlimited weaker attack so you aren't completely screwed when you're out of ammo.

    Sacrificing hearts to use rage mode and refill the crucible is an interesting idea that makes good use of theme. However, I don't like how it creates a situation where you are massively punished for getting hit.

    The graphics and audio aren't amazing, but they're effective enough.

    • GreenBlazed
      Lv. 1

      Thanks for the feedback! We are going to most certainly change how ammo works. We will see what we can do about making damage not as punishing. We did rush some of our art and audio due to the time constraint.

  • Problematicar
    Lv. 37

    The title screen was way too loud, and the music was kinda below average aswell, just like the art.

    I liked the idea of the crucible acting like a second hp bar, but the rest of the game was quite unbalanced. The special attack is underwhelming so the only real way to kill enemies is with the shotgun, but the problem is that the only way to get ammo is by killing enemies and getting lucky, so the player quickly finds himself with no ammo and no real way of killing the enemies.



    • GreenBlazed
      Lv. 1

      Thanks for the feedback. We were under a time constraint for the art and music therefore i would expect it to be average or below but we tried our best. We've heard a lot of people requesting for the ammo system to change and it most certainly will.

  • TheCalster
    Lv. 4

    Fun game with awesome sound effects! Liked the idea that there was a central crucible which you had to maintain and be aware of in addition to your own situation. I ran out of ammo, which seems to be an issue many people are having, and wasn't able to do much :/ Nice game :)



    • Fajpaj
      Lv. 5
      Fajpaj Coder of Blood Crucible

      7yrs ago

      Thanks for playing! We're planning on adding a better way to get ammo in the post-jam release (if we ever end up making one). Im glad you enjoyed the game :D

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    7yrs ago

    Game was pretty good.

    Did you record your own shotgun sound for the reload? It sounded real.

  • Kwis
    Lv. 67

    Not bad! But yeah, the bullet issue is a real problem. I had a run in which No bullet dropped so I was basically screwed...

    EDIT to reply to your reply (you're unlikely to see this I guess): Well about ammo, the problem I have with it is just that you have no guarantee that you'd have some. You just need to find a way to get ammo and make sure you never completely run out; or else, a melee attack could be good (i don't consider the rage mode like an attack considering it might remove necessary health)



    • GreenBlazed
      Lv. 1

      Thanks for playing and for the feedback. We have been told by many people that there isn't enough ammo and that's going to most certainly change in a future build of the game.

  • Greg Morrow
    Lv. 1

    This game brought me back to my Coleco days! Awesome shooter! Love the shotgun....ammo issues need a boost but other than that, had a blast playing! Go team!

  • cortop
    Lv. 4

    Very solid game. I liked it. My only complaint is ammo. Or rather how rage works. Once you're down to 4 or less hearts with no ammo then you're good as dead. It just feels wrong for a game to be over when you still have tons of health left! It would be better if rage could be a toggle and when it's active it slowly eats your health, instead of being a flat health penalty. Or maybe it could be powered by the blood in the crucible? I dunno, just spitballing, but the bottom line if that I don't think the game practically should end when you still have 4 health left.

    Also the instructions went by too fast and were a bit difficult to understand. It's hard to figure out even a simple diagram in such a short time!

    Anyway, everything else was good. Graphics were decent and the music loop (though simple) added to the atmosphere. Shooting was responsive, but I'd prefer being able to shoot in multiple directions. That's just a personal preference though :)

    Nice work!



    • GreenBlazed
      Lv. 1

      Thanks for the feedback and for playing. We've heard a lot of things about how there should be more ways to get ammo and we agree. In the future we will probably make more ways to get ammo. Rage mode is a tough thing to make perfect but we will see what we can do to improve it. I do think you have an interesting point of view though that we can most certainly incorporate when we improve our game further.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    7yrs ago

    Fun, simple, but interesting and good mechanics. i also would like to see some fixes to how you get ammo because you have to be lucky when you get ammo drops from the enemies. but otherwise it was a really cool game and very enjoyable

    • Fajpaj
      Lv. 5
      Fajpaj Coder of Blood Crucible

      7yrs ago

      We have heard about the ammo imbalance, so we are definitely planning on "fixing" the ammo drops sometime soon. Thanks for playing the game and giving your feedback!

  • Badwater
    Lv. 1

    I like the game. Agree with earlier comments about speed of controls screen. Took a couple games for me to understand the controls. I really liked the old school sound and graphics. The pump action shotgun sound was my favorite part. I look forward to joystick controller action to really complete the 80s effect. Congrats, and keep making cool games!

    • GreenBlazed
      Lv. 1

      Thanks for playing and for the feedback! In the future we are going to change the speed of the control screens. We were aiming for a somewhat 80s style so we're glad you noticed and enjoyed it.

  • Blondie
    Lv. 1

    A good game in the making. As it continues to get developed, a more in depth backstory would be nice to see. Additional, I would recommend adding random ammo drops on the map in addition to the ones you receive from killing the beasts and being able to aim with mouse while moving with keyboard would also be awesome. Great job so far!

  • lisa
    Lv. 1

    Nice art!! interesting mechanics, creative use of theme, great fun!

  • Jackson
    Lv. 1

    I loved doom as a kid and this is like a blast to the past for me. I love the mechanic, I love the art, and I love both the music and sound effects. The dodge is a little weird and the tutorials go by quick but other than those issues you have a really cool game

  • We'reGettinWayToIntoThis
    Lv. 1

    I thought this game was pretty fun. Rage was kinda OP once I figured it out cuz it just killed everything.

  • CptnLuther
    Lv. 1

    Fun game, the graphics sort of remind me of the original Zelda, combat is simple yet satisfying pretty good for it to be made in 48 hours some constructive criticism; little problem: make the controls in the beginning of the game a little slower, or have you click to continue; a recommendation: I've never used game maker, so I don't know how hard this would be, but maybe a strafe mechanic would be nice, where WASD moves your character and whatever direction you point your mouse in you shoot. Other than those two small things it is a pretty good game

    • GreenBlazed
      Lv. 1

      We really appreciate that you played the game and gave us feedback! all of the things you listed for improvements seem correct and are great ideas for if we improve the game and add more to it. It's not very noticeable but there is a strafe that can be activated by pressing right click when your not near the crucible. Again we appreciate the in depth feedback!

  • Buddy_Boi
    Lv. 1

    This game is pretty dank. Some of the graphics aren't super great, but I had fun with the fast gameplay and stuff. Also, the sacrifice mechanics are cool.

    • GreenBlazed
      Lv. 1

      Thanks for playing and the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed the gameplay and sacrifice mechanics. I would have to agree with you that some of our graphics weren't the best because we were in a hurry due to the time constraint. Again thanks!

  • Jameson
    Lv. 1

    Pretty good game. I thought it went pretty well with the theme and I loved how it shared some thematic similarities with Doom. I also found the art style and music to be consistent and nice. The only two issues were that i got caught on the crucible and I couldn't move and the rage mode was a little difficult to figure out.

  • Robert
    Lv. 7

    This game is good however I found myself running out of bullets rather quick... I like the game overall though, nice idea!

    • GreenBlazed
      Lv. 1

      Thanks for playing and we do appreciate the feedback. Ammo is rare by design, therefore rage mode is a good way to kill demons and get more ammo. Again we do thank you for your feedback!