Wanting to die a heroic death, the player waits by the side of the road for girls to tackle out of the way of cars. Patience and fast reaction is key!

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  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Super challenging game! I included it in my GM48: Sacrifice compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :) https://youtu.be/j63-vhZNW1o

  • Tecna
    Lv. 10

    The idea of this game is great and the execution was very very neat. Albeit the other reviewers said that waiting is incovenient for the game, I just found it more hilarious, as imagining a guy waiting patiently on the street just to jump in front of a car (lol).

    This game is more luck based than skill based, but this is not a bad thing (or at least I didn't think it is). More trafic or more girls could destroy the athmosphere of the game. I don't know... You should think more on this.

    But I really liked this game, good job!

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    I love the visual style here, especially the way the girls walk. It lends the game a lot of charm. The concept is pretty funny, too.

    Unfortunately, the actual gameplay involves a lot of waiting for a girl and car to line up perfectly. When they finally do, actually succeeding requires a ridiculous amount of precision. I did eventually do it, though.

  • Fachewachewa

    Fun little game. Even the waiting was ok, I found it's part of the joke and it works well. But yeah those cars on the left are just impossible to get, either you jump just in case a girl arrives or you wait and can't save her. It would be fixable if you could see more to the left, but that would be weird.

  • Rohbert
    Lv. 13

    For starters..hilarious. Very funny concept. Unfortunately not much game here.

  • Josiarthei
    Lv. 4

    This game amused me to no end upon opening it and just reading the description. But that's kinda all it did for me. Hilarious concept, would work with some more polishing. But seriously, hilarious concept.

  • Problematicar
    Lv. 37

    The timing with this one is way too confusing, you made it too tight, and 90% of the game is just waiting as a result.

    The idea is pretty good tho, even if executed badly.



    • mhykah
      Lv. 1

      Thanks for the feedback and I agree, definitely felt that if you were unlucky enough you'd be stuck waiting and there isn't even any tension, it just wasn't fun. If I ever try to improve on this I'd do things like show examples of a successful dive and increase the amount of traffic and/or girls

  • cortop
    Lv. 4

    Funny interpretation of the theme! Nice game, but I wish the cars/girls were a little less random. I managed to "save" a few, but I also spent a lot of time standing at the side of the road and waiting. Not much to it, but a solid entry all the same. Reminded me of a Warioware minigame.



  • Mak SM
    Lv. 5

    Fun when you manage to land it, but it felt like a little too much of a waiting game, i was waiting around for any cars to appear on screen at the correct time but it felt more like luck than skill most of the time. The game was very interesting though, satisfying when you do it correctly and really charming.

  • Kwis
    Lv. 67

    It was very difficult to achieve. Most of the time, the cars and girls were too random and you have to only have your feet be touched by your car, otherwise, she might die as well.



    • mhykah
      Lv. 1

      Thanks for the feedback and I agree, the game ended up being more luck rather than skillful reaction than I hoped, if I ever come back to this game I'd like to increase traffic and/or girl frequency over time and do something about impossible-to-save scenarios

  • Mcwequiesk
    Lv. 10

    I never knew diving into traffic was this much fun. I liked the idea but it was really hard to pull off.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    7yrs ago

    Liked the idea, but gets old pretty quick. I was able to successfully save the girl and sacrifice myself but didn't feel like it was any different than losing. Perhaps a winning screen or cut scene.