Take Care of Little Fellas

I hope you enjoy to play my game as much as I had fun making it and learning new things with the GameMaker!

Time spent accoring to GameMaker Studio 2's counter: 0 Days 13 Hours 59 Minutes 42 Seconds

How to play

Use mouse to play.

  • Click smokes/fires until they are extinguished.
  • You have limited water supply
  • The faster you are the less water you need to put out the fire
  • Musics with Figure (iOS-app)
  • Sound effects with jfxr
  • Graphics drawn in Aseprite

Some ideas listed that I had not enough time to implement into the game

  • Able to pick up more water
  • Cursor changing when pouring water
  • Keeping the mouse pressed will pour water and show progress bar
  • More houses and other buildings
  • Able to backup the fire stage: fire -> dark smoke -> white smoke
  • When everything is on fire; Game Over
  • Pedestrian to wander in the roads
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  • Nyveon

    Fun little game, reminds me a lot of your classic "aim trainer" type games. Managed to get perfect score first try.

    My main feedback would be that I feel the game lacked depth, and more mechanics or actions would have added a lot to the game.

    But overall, well done :)

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    Nice game. It starts off pretty dull but gets quite tense when things ramp up and you have to jump straight from one house to the next. I'm not sure about the limited water mechanic though. It just means there's an arbitrary wall to how far you can get in the game. Perhaps there could be a water tower or something you could click to refill water, then you would be forced to swap between refilling water and putting out houses. That aside, the music and graphics are pretty nice.

    • serialkamikaze
      Lv. 5
      serialkamikaze Developer of Take Care of Little Fellas

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing!

      After the game jam and having little break from the "whole idea" it got too click-click game. I was having problem of getting good idea for the game and time was already running, so picked up one that I had some thoughts.

  • baku

    I think the "the faster you are the less water you need to put out the fire" mechanic needs some tuning, somehow I got 100 points and I am not great at aiming xD

  • Hyper Freeze Games
    Lv. 17

    At first glance, this game seemed underwhelming to me. But playing it acutally got my heart somewhat pumping, because I was doing so good at the beginning, realized that I actually was still at a perfect score some time in, then the fires got faster and I got really afraid I would lose my perfect streak :D In the end, I managed to get the 100 points, but I had a suprising amount of fun with thsi game! Well done :)

    The art is not so great, even for a jam game, I think, so a little more time of the jam used for art assets would be nice. But then again, I almost always waste way too much time on the art, so...maybe don't listen to me xD Oh and I liked the music! And the sound effects...I wasn't aware of jfxr, only bfxr. But jfxr, with some tweaking the sounds, is way more suitable for non-pixel games, so thank you for that discovery! :D

    • serialkamikaze
      Lv. 5
      serialkamikaze Developer of Take Care of Little Fellas

      4yrs ago

      Happy that you was having fun when playing the game!

      Yeah, the art part is not my strongest part. I spend good amount of time just to draw the title picture. But I'm satisfied that I was able to make the game under 14 hours to be somewhat playable :)

  • Fachewachewa

    Looks a lot like a ludum dare game with "little" slapped in the title to match (no pun intended) GM48's theme. I was really hoping to manage some kind of life inside a matchbox too :(

    I mean, you could argue that the town is inside the matchbox, but that itsn't even clear with the inside of the box looking nothing like the town.



    • serialkamikaze
      Lv. 5
      serialkamikaze Developer of Take Care of Little Fellas

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing the game!

      Yeah, I was not succesful to have the "game world" look like a matchbox kind. Was thinking of creating some camera drive to the inside of the matchbox when game starts, but no time or experience of doing that kind of sprite animations :)

  • Happysquared
    Lv. 15

    Gameplay was similar to an aim trainer. After this, I felt I could hop on for a round of counter strike!

    I do like the cover art. Felt it would be taking care of a town inside a matchbox like in a simulator. I think it'd have been nice to incorporate more of the matchbox in game as I didn't realise until after that the small houses were inside the box. Dangerous place to be setting fire to your homes!

    Water sound was oddly satisfying.

    • serialkamikaze
      Lv. 5
      serialkamikaze Developer of Take Care of Little Fellas

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing the game!

      Yeah, I tried to draw some matches to "game world" but they were not even close what I wanted, so I did not added them.

  • Nick
    Lv. 4

    Liked the cover art, would have liked to see this style and theme carry over into the game more than it does. Pleasing water sound :)

  • Tero Hannula

    Perfect run on first try, game wasn't that hard and second time I let them burn. Nothing much to say as others have already stated ^^

  • Atomic
    Lv. 19

    I kinda feel like they're setting their houses on fire on purpose. I did get a perfect score on my first try, but I guess I'm just really really good at Take Care of Little Fellas. I thought the music was alright. Kind of annoying that it didn't loop properly in the menu, but during the game, it did its job. I liked that the difficulty wasn't linear (I mean, it probably was) but it was nice that it did get harder, as time went on. The sprite work was good, but I wish it was stylistically homogenous, rather than the particles having their own style. In any case, it was a good time.

    cat game

    cat game

    • serialkamikaze
      Lv. 5
      serialkamikaze Developer of Take Care of Little Fellas

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing!

      Yeah, mysterious little inhabitants might have something to do with always getting their houses on fire.

      I did notice the annoyning loop error too late on the menu, so I left it that way.

      If I remember correctly the time between ignitions decreased 0.1 every 10 second.

      Yeah, now that you say about the particles I noticed it better. I used the default shapes that was available but I think I try to make some custom ones for the next time if I find time / proper place to put them.

  • Sindre Hauge Larsen

    The music keeps you in suspense as the gameplay accelerates! Would love if the score was affected by how quickly you managed to put out the fires. This game could also benefit from an "endless" mode where it just keeps getting faster until a house burns down or something. An alternative take on whack-a-mole! Had fun playing it!

    • serialkamikaze
      Lv. 5
      serialkamikaze Developer of Take Care of Little Fellas

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing and I'm glad that you had fun playing it!

      That is a good suggestion to have also more score when putting the fire more earlier. Currently it just takes less water to extinguish.

      Endless mode is also good idea to have in.. I keep these in mind and maybe I might release extended edition after the jams are over and I have time to do some development again.

  • The Great Gatsby
    Lv. 9

    pretty easy game! I got 100 on my first try. I really enjoyed the water drop sfx. something about it deeply pleased me

    • serialkamikaze
      Lv. 5
      serialkamikaze Developer of Take Care of Little Fellas

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing!

      I think you are just a fast clicker! Good thing! :)

      It needed multiple iterations to get the water drop sfx to be just the right one :D

  • Dave
    Lv. 2

    I scored 98 and then 100 on my first two attempts. I think 100 might be the top score? It's definitely not my lightning reflexes, so you could consider increasing the difficulty a bit. But I like games I can win at.

    The title screen art was really cool. The game art was more functional - would have liked to see that in the same style.

    Loved the filthy bass in the music.

    • serialkamikaze
      Lv. 5
      serialkamikaze Developer of Take Care of Little Fellas

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing my game!

      Yes, the 100 points is the maximum in this version. But it's nice that you could beat the game and gain the best possible score! :)

      I'm also extremely happy with my title screen art and would have loved to have enough time and inspiration to do the actual gameplay .with the same style. Maybe little by little I will gain more exprerience also to the drawing side.

      P.S I continued this game on my LDJam 46 submission a few hours and it has increased difficulty and able to pickup more water! It is available on my itch.io page.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    4yrs ago

    Really loved the cover art, thought it would lead to a game about small insects or something inside of a matchbox, so I was a bit confused when it was houses.

    Would love to have seen more story and more gameplay mechanics. keep up the hard work! Looking forward to your next entry.

    • serialkamikaze
      Lv. 5
      serialkamikaze Developer of Take Care of Little Fellas

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing!

      With the houses I wanted to "show" that it is a small world in a matchbox.

      I had an idea of having some living creatures also wandering on the roads to gather around fires.

      Thanks for your kind words, I hope I can participate these jams in the future :)