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Bomb it!

Lv. 2
Jose Level 2
· 2 min read · 106 views
Bomb it!
Bomb it!
· 35th

Hello internet :D

I just made a puzzle game called Bomb it! for the GM48#27 game jam.

First time using GameMaker, I usually make games in Unity but I just wanted to challenge myself with something different.

When I saw the theme I had a creative block, couldn't think on something original that fits the theme, so I just followed the advice of every self help guru... "just do it" (I like memes)

I wanted to make something easy so I just started working on platformer game following this video, and then made a timer like this one.

After a couple minutes of playing with what I had, the idea came, eureka!, lets blow up stuff!.

First day progress
What when right
  • Basic platform movement done quickly.
  • Love the idea.
  • Having everything be affected by gravity and not go crazy.
  • Found a new tool for animating 2D sprites (the sprite/animation tool is great).
  • Levels were designed, implemented and tested in 30min.
What when wrong
  • Lack of experience made me lose time on simple stuff like rendering a sprite on top of another and controlling sprite animations.
  • Sound/Music not my forte.
  • Missing tile art.
  • Only 5 levels.
  • Needs more juice.

I learned a lot from this experience, and I really like this game idea so I decided to keep on development regardless of the game jam results.

I must say GameMaker is a great program (I love the mask ui for collision detection), it really does makes it easy to develop something in 2D.

Now I should go and play the games of the other participants. They must have more experience that me, so I'm looking forward to play their creations!.

My newly created devblog