Play as a dark knight with a Dash power

kill ghosts with sword and collect their souls to make a delicious juice ! go from a platform to another with your special power 🤩

gameplay is pretty simple, just dash, kill and don't fall

control with mouse only !

try our game, as it'll give you a great casual experience 👌


Note : game isn't done here, it's just the start, be ready for further updates in our page : There will be more characters, worlds, enemies and swords 😄

false positive problem fixed, You can now download it without any problems !

Game requires DX to run correctly on your pc

EDIT : Game unfortunately doesn't include sounds, we just noticed that after 2 mins from the deadline, so please try to imagine how sounds gonna be like if it's exists

SCREEN SHOTS :- ScreenShot1 ScreenShot2 ScreenShot3

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  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Great graphics, fun little game. I included it in my GM48: Collect! compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

    • Omar M. Yousef
      Lv. 2

      Oh hello there Jupiter Hadly, i'm very happy that you liked our little GM48 entry, and feeling happy that Dash hero took a place in your compilation video series, i'm very grateful 😄

  • baku

    The fact that browsers, antiviruses, etc. seems to hate this file, even if it is a false positive, didn't exactly feel very inviting ... but I guess that's not really your fault haha

    Nice looking game! The gameplay was a bit simple for me personally, but I imagine people who like phone games would enjoy this a lot!



    • Omar M. Yousef
      Lv. 2

      Thanks for reply ! 😄, yeah the game concept originally made for mobile platform, but there was not time to export the game for a different platform, yeah, i think it's always better to keep it simple, not very complicated, cause it gives a quick and good impression, and about those false positives.. yeah that's why i've been depressed for two days after the deadline haha, anyway i'm glad that you enjoyed the game !

  • battleZays
    Lv. 8

    MMmmmm Nice

  • Hyper Freeze Games
    Lv. 17

    Very cool little game, never played a game like this:) I always liked these highscore oriented games! Graphics look cool and the game feels very neat. Nice job!

    • Omar M. Yousef
      Lv. 2

      Thanks for reply ! 😄, yeah i've made an extra-juicy game with smooth gameplay, graphics credits goes to my partner Zodya, and i'm glad you've enjoyed Dash hero !

  • Fachewachewa

    Fun game, surprisingly hard!

    It's really a shame there's no sound, since everything else is so "juicy" (I kinda hate that term but I'll use it for the pun because I can!). On that note, maybe the main character lacks a little animation, like a good squish for the bounce.

    • Omar M. Yousef
      Lv. 2

      Thanks for reply ! 😄, yeah sounds are important, but unfortunately there was no time to add sounds, the main character has stretch animation, if you focused on it, you'll see how character squishes while jumping and dashing, anyway hope you liked it !

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    5yrs ago

    Liked the graphics very much. game running very smooth. hope there was sound effects and background music. i wonder how Soul juice tastes like.. looking forward for the updates !

    • Omar M. Yousef
      Lv. 2

      Thanks for reply ! 😄, yeah i've worked much to make the gameplay smooth, and yeah i hope too that we added sounds, but there's no time to. i really want to know how Soul juice tastes like, i think it tastes like strawberry like Seltzy said, anyway i'm glad you played Dash hero !

  • ZedSquadron

    I liked it! Would make for a decent mobile game. The vector artwork was nice, and I thought you did a good job with the controls. Overall pretty polished and fun to play.

    • Adding music/sound effects could make this even better.
    • I think the objective could have been a bit clearer (kill the skulls instead of avoiding them, which I was trying to do for a while), though I did find out what to do from the help screen.

    Great job!

    • Omar M. Yousef
      Lv. 2

      Thanks for reply ! 😄, yeah as i said before, game concept was made originally for mobile, and yes, i'm very sad that i've missed the sounds, also there's a help menu appears while pressing F1 button, anyway i'm pretty glad that you liked the game !

  • g0ldent0y
    Lv. 5

    I loved the art style in this. So sad there is no sound, could have really profited from it. Other than that its a quite unforgiving game, i would probably increase the jump height or the dodge length a bit (probably best would be the former). The game could have profited from using Box2D physics for its movement calculations. Overall i liked it.



    • Omar M. Yousef
      Lv. 2

      Thanks for reply ! 😄, yeah me too think that graphics are epic ( special thanks to the designer Zodya ), yeah, i'm really feels bad about how the game silently is, hope i've had more time to add it, the dodge length is perfect i think, cause i've tried much dodge length, and i found that the current length is perfect.. nah i hate the physics in GM 1.4, so i planned to make it manually, i'm very proud you liked the game !

  • BitRapture
    Lv. 6

    Wow! The vector art and simple concept really made this feel like something I'd play on my phone to pass the time.

    Very nicely done guys!

    • Omar M. Yousef
      Lv. 2

      Thanks for reply ! 😄, Yeah, actually the game concept was designed for a mobile game, but there's no time to export it to android.. so we exported it to windows, i'm glad you enjoyed it !

  • Chris

    Great artwork, how did you do the trail effect of the player, that looks really good. I thought Dash Hero was awesome

  • AcHeHex
    Lv. 4

    Controls are super smooth, graphics are adorable, its super fun to play. What a polished entry!

    • Omar M. Yousef
      Lv. 2

      Thanks for reply ! 😄, yeah we tried to make the game smooth as much as we can, and we added some fancy vector art, and graphics credits all goes to Zodya, hope u enjoyed it 😁

  • Tydecon Games

    A simple concept well executed. I would have liked to have seen a title screen and a few tweaks like enemy variety etc. But, as you mention in your description, there's more to come and I look forward to seeing it! I think this would be a great mobile game, good job! :)

    • Omar M. Yousef
      Lv. 2

      Thanks for reply ! 😄, yeah the game is a bit limited, that's because there's no enough time to add more concepts, but after the deadline we're planning to make it bigger... and yeah the game will be good as a mobile game, so once the window copy is done we'll make a mobile edition !

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    5yrs ago

    Charming little game, loved the vector art in particular
    Also, it was very unstable, but I'll put that aside for now

    • Omar M. Yousef
      Lv. 2

      Thanks for reply ! 😄 It's a jam game, so some glitches may appear, but I've tried it myself many times and i found zero glitches, maybe it's a hidden little one 😂 anyway it'll be more stable in the project upcoming update !