Become Hero and inmerse yourself in the wonderful world of a defective game that was too ambitious to be finished in just 48 hours and also rescue the princess or something! A stunning trip across the magic land of an unfinished map that has been shortened to like 10% of its original size full of new adventures, bugs and a really, REALLY low artstyle awaits you, what are you waiting for? Have I also mentioned that the music is horrible too?
Lv. 67
Please, NO INSTALLERS! Every gm48, some people do that atrocious mistake and it is really, really annoying... You even managed to top that with a troll game on top of it (referring to Gabriel)... Before uploading it tells you to avoid installers, why would you even do that... :(
Avoid zxc controls, not all keyboard are layed out the right way for that. Keyboards like mine have z and y inverted. Not a fan of always needing to switch the keyboard layout... :s
Avoid mixels. The princess is not of the same resolution as the player
You're probably aware of most of the issues going on. For your next time, consider keeping the scope lower. A common mistake is to have the scope set too high. It's good to be ambitious, but in the 48 hours frame, it's often too difficult and shouldn't be underestimated. I've been guilty of this many times :p Always focus first on the minimum viable product. Your gameplay and your goal in the game. Once this is done, then you can add story, sprites and all the rest on top of it. That way you can gauge better what you can or cannot do in the rest of the time. I can see Princess Kidnap has lots of things going on and that's probably the issue. Take it easy at first!
I did like the reference to the good old ALTTP, although it might be too heavily referenced. But a cute game nonetheless!
SubmittedPlease, Move To The Circle
Lv. 5
-Yeah, the installer was a huge mistake. As you said, we were too ambitious and that destroy our game. We only had 10 minutes to finish and post it. I have medium level coding in gamemaker but never i've finished a game (I work only in a huge project where I learn a lot) so I didn't know how to create the .exe without installer.
-We didn't top our game with that thing created by Gabriel, we had around 7-8 ratings when his "game" had 1-2. Another point to consider is that he didn't said nothing about this after the game jam finished.
We will consider all your suggestions. Thank you for your feedback and good luck !!! Nice to know you tested our game :)
Lv. 13
Interesting game. I included it in my GM48: Countdown compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)
Lv. 1
The game crashes often and i could not complete the game as the dialog with the princess repeated over and over
Lv. 38
This is obviously unfinished, but what's here is pretty cool. The visuals and music are both really high quality and help sell a big adventure sort of feel. It's cool going through the castle and fighting all the bats even if it is a bit basic. There obviously a bunch of issues but the most major was this error which I got when restarting after dying:
############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Create Event for object obj_sword:
Variable obj_personaje.<unknown variable>(100051, -2147483648) not set before reading it. at gml_Object_obj_sword_Create_0 ############################################################################################
stack frame is gml_Object_obj_sword_Create_0 (line -1) called from - gml_Object_obj_personaje_Step_0 (line -1) - <unknown source line>
Lv. 4
Hated the installer, liked the game. 0/10 never use installers again
SubmittedTime Bomb Set: Get Out Fast
Lv. 3
I can see the promise of the game, I can also see you over-scoped. Would love to see this finished one day. I REALLY don't recommend an installer file next time. Try a self-contained executable next time.
Music was spot on and I thought the art was quite good too. Controls weren't as intuitive as I'd have expected. Would recommend enter or space next time as the selection key as opposed to z.
I'm glad you included a controls guide as that was quite helpful. It was not so great to have the textbox with the princess talking constantly overlaid on the bottom of the screen and having the text toggle with each press of the button. I was also able to make the sword stop working by running to the end + that seemed to break some collisions.
Otherwise it's a shame this game isn't more complete.SubmittedThe Adventures of Meridia
Lv. 3 Timestamp 01:11:20
Reviewed your game on stream!
SubmittedTic Toc Timer
Lv. 2
Full screen cut off the dialogue of the game. It seems like a strong approach to those top down RPG games.
Other than the cutting off of the dialogue, I couldn't really tell what the countdown would do to the overall gameplay.
A good effort nontheless.