Based on the well known snake game, but with the objective to descend.
- Arrows
- Space
- Heart: It gives you an extra live if you beat the level.
- Fruit: It gives you points:
- Apple: 10 points
- Pear: 20 points
- Cherry: 30 points
- The "Dot": It makes the snake grow.

For a novice coder, this is a good game, and something that can be expanded on.
When can we expect Snek 2?
Lv. 15
Hey good job! I really like the graphics and the music. And the snek was pretty cute. :D The controls were a little funky to me. I just couldn't get a handle on them. The color palettes switcher was a nice feature. The space button didnt work. But nice job and really good idea!
SubmittedFlesh Eye vs. Mind Eye
Lv. 37
I really want to like this game because I liked the idea, but the execution is just terrible.
You either forgot to randomize level generation, or this game has some really bad level design. And even with random levels you should probably do something to prevent the biggest flaws, like spawnkills (That's an easy fix, just make the player press space before every level, not just the first), and put some difficulty progression aswell, You can't go with a hard level right from the start.
On the other hand art was pretty nice (Even though it's not cohesive at all), I liked how you could swap palettes, and the sound got kinda repetitive after a while, but you had sliders for that too, so good job.
Gameplay was kinda meh, some parts were really unfair, but it was still fun for the majority of the time.
SubmittedPath Y
Lv. 38
The graphics and sound are quite nice. The palette selector is interesting but seems like an odd thing to implement given the limited time frame. The gameplay could be okay but pressing space to restart doesn't work and it's annoying having to reopen the game each time. The random level generation seems cool, though.
SubmittedInto the Void
Lv. 10
The game is bit frustrating, because at the start of every level I immediately hit a wall and if I don't reach fast enough, it's over. Other than that, I do like the take on the old snake game, but I feel like all the blocks are too close together. It would be easier to have fun if it wasn't so precise, and if the controls didn't feel like they lagged. I never got far enough for the length of the snake to become a problem for me, as well.
Lv. 3
I like the random generation. The game is quite hard and a nice take on a classic game. I also like the graphics and the color swap tool especially. One problem is that the game doesn't restart when I press space.
SubmittedDrill Squad
The graphics are simple and good looking, but i don't really know what the different items do. ... And i think you added unnecessary fake-loading Times between the levels, which are just a waste of time
Lv. 12
First, thanks for playing, I hope you liked it. I am sorry about the loading, it is not fake, the levels are randomly generated, and the timing is quite bad because I run out of time and couldn't make it better.
And the items are (thanks for reminding me to put it at the description):
- Heart: It gives you an extra live if you beat the level.
- Fruit: It gives you points:
- Apple: 10 points
- Pear: 20 points
- Cherry: 30 points
- The "Dot": It makes the snake grow.