This is my first time participating in a game jam (and second my second time making a game), thus the unpolished game, and the small amount of (three) levels. Hope you like the idea, and enjoy looking at the game mechanics. Please check the controls.


Use A and D, or the right and left arrow keys for horizontal motion.

Use space, W, or the up arrow key for jumping.

Press once S or the down arrow any time before jumping to the next fragment thrown when you jump. (I apologise for the mistake in the game where I write "press 'down' or 's' when jumping).

Use R to restart

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  • Tydecon Games

    I really like the concept here, I think the idea of controlling the other segments can be a little tricky to grasp to begin with, some kind of visual indicator like a glow or an arrow might have helped with that, but I haven't seen anything like this on this theme so I like the unique concept of it, great entry! :)

  • Jackaroo
    Lv. 9

    Very interesting concept. I had some trouble taking control of the fragments for a while but then seemed to get it to work more consistently by pressing S/Down before jumping. Not sure if that was the intended way but if so it isn't very clear in the instructions. Also I wasn't sure if I could regain control of the larger piece after taking control of a smaller one. I assume you can't as if you can I couldn't figure out how (Other than rejoining with the big piece of course).

    I think if you decide to continue this then perhaps you could have it where you choose how many pieces you can break off before jumping. You could also make it so you can use the smaller pieces for puzzles such as pressing switches and stuff to open doors for another piece to get through. That would be cool. Theres quite a lot of things you'd be able to do with this concept.

    Whilst there isn't much in the game here, it's easy to see the potential. Hope this is something you decide to play around with and develop further.

    • Meedil
      Lv. 3
      Meedil Developer of Jump-Break

      4yrs ago

      In the description of the game I apologized for the messed up the instructions inside the game. And wrote that the down button should be pressed once before jumping. I wanted to add some kind of indicator (color of the sprite) to show whether or not the player would be able to control the fragment when they jump. Unfortunately I struggled too much with the base mechanics, and spent too much time on them, and only had 2 hours for level. It truly is disappointing that I didn't get to work on it much. Hopefully I'll be able to develop it further, since I never really wanted to stop here.

      • Jackaroo
        Lv. 9

        I did read the description before playing but didnt quite understand that part at the time. By the time I started playing I had forgotten it. Not a problem though. The description makes sense now that I played it and mistakes happen especially in a Jam.

        Dont need to be disappointed though. You may not have done all you wouldve liked to but you did create a cool mechanic in such a short time and have something playable. Thats as much as many people could hope to have by the end of a 48 hour game jam. You did well.

  • Ethan Wake
    Lv. 10

    Very clever concept! I had a little trouble taking control of the fragments (sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't), but this is super impressive for your second game, especially since you made it in such a short time. Great work!

  • Chris

    Rough around the edges but vey cool game, awesome concept and fits the theme well

  • Brian LaClair

    Meedil, this is a SUPER cool concept! I wish there was more to play of it but hopefully you just keep working on it and get something out based on it! Great work so far :D

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    4yrs ago

    good game keep up the good work

  • Weerdoh
    Lv. 6

    Even though there are not many levels to play, I enjoyed spending time launching pieces around and using those pieces for target practice. I really like the core concept and it could make for some interesting gameplay.

    • Meedil
      Lv. 3
      Meedil Developer of Jump-Break

      4yrs ago

      Yes, I certainly think I can make more levels which can provide even more fun gameplay. And even tho the goal of the game had very little to do with target practice, I guess it's my fault as the level design does promote that kind of approach, so I guess that's on me, and I would've worked more on it if I had more time. Thank you for the positive review.

  • Ahmad Yousef
    Lv. 1

    creative game!! keep it up

    Lv. 1

    Amazing idea for a game I did face some bugs here and there but overall good job

  • Hessery
    Lv. 10

    Hey, great effort for your first jam game. Very unique idea, would love to see it expanded on :D Can't wait to see what you do next :P

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    4yrs ago

    Well, I dont really know how to say this the right way but apparently you were wrong.... Your first code might suck yes, but definitely ur first game wasn't awful you managed to prove yourself wrong (not many can do that really) hence, when you look back at this years from now if you keep doing what you like and give it the time and dedication it really deserves you're not going to say it sucked you're gonna say that was undoubtedly a start of somthing marvelous....someone great...Best of luck mate you know who it is i believe ;)