Crush 'em is a game where you play as a savage hitman. A target will be assigned to you and you must kill it in order to go to the next level and get assigned a new target. To do so, you have to throw a rock, you only have one so be patient if the shot is not clear (Don't worry if the target is leaving, it will come back). And avoid killing innocent people, there is a counter of how many innocents you can kill, if the counter is 0 (or less) the mission will be restarted, even if the target is killed.Innocents killa counter

If you want, you can disable the blood, at the top-right corner. Settings But do NOT disable the screen shakes, or else the game won't work properly.


  • A,D or arrows to move.
  • Space to throw the rock.


Capture 1 Capture 2 Capture 3 Capture 4 Capture 5
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  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Funny idea! I included it in my compilation video series of all of the games from the GM48, if you’d like to take a look :)

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    This seems to have potential - it can be quite satisfying when you perfectly line up a shot on your target. Unfortunately the gameplay involves a lot of just waiting for the target to be in the right place. There also isn't much variation as the game proceeds.

    The presentation is quite solid, though. The visuals look good and the sound effects and music work well too. The way the screen shakes and people run away when the rock lands is a nice detail.

    • Delios
      Lv. 12
      Delios Developer of Crush 'em

      6yrs ago

      Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it, it is always nice to crush some criminals, I am right?

      Well, about the waiting, I thought about that, I was going to add upgrades and powerups, so it will have something more to do, maybe one powerup could make the people surrounding the target leave him. But I didn't have enough time.

      Thanks for the feedback.

  • Problematicar
    Lv. 37

    It's not a bad game, I had some fun in the beginning but doing the same thing over and over to different targets got boring pretty quickly, the basic idea is nice tho, and with some variation the game could be pretty good.

    One thing worries me though, why do the people at the windows not count as innocents? Are they all criminals or do you just hate them? Window people are people too!

    • Delios
      Lv. 12
      Delios Developer of Crush 'em

      7yrs ago

      Thanks for playing. Yeah, I know doing the same thing gets boring, my idea was to add powerups, upgrades, and some other variations now and then, like maybe some target must be kill with a small stone, I don't know. The thing is, I ran out of time.

      Yes, I hate the people at the windows, I hate them!! Nah, I just add the counter at the very last second, and forgot to increase it with their deaths.

      Thanks for the feedback.

  • Kwis
    Lv. 67

    Felt somewhat fun to crush people with this. ...including innocent people.

    That music though... it's... not incredible... But at least it's there.

    • Delios
      Lv. 12
      Delios Developer of Crush 'em

      7yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you are having fun, keep killing people, crush them all! (But now and then kill the target, so you can go to the next level). Yeah, I'm not good making music, so I made what I could, just so it had at least something.

  • kris24

    I got to a point where it seemed like the target never showed up, but the mechanics of the game are fun and work pretty solidly.

    Nice work!

    • Delios
      Lv. 12
      Delios Developer of Crush 'em

      7yrs ago

      Thanks for playing and for the feedback, I am glad you liked it. The target never showed up? Thats's weird. Could you tell me how many targets did you killed (more or less)? I want to test that, thank you.

  • Gilbert Matos
    Lv. 4

    maaan, that is one hell of a really strong Hitman for sure!! That boulder is like 5 times his girth lol. At first I thought the people from inside the windows could either get hit, as part of the level difficulty or could snitch you out, but then i realized that wasn't the case. It was fun, and I really believe It could be a cool mobile game. There was variety in the subjects to be crushed so I liked that. If you ever decide to polish it, allow the player to be able to fall off the building if they get passed the edge. That'd be hilarious. Great job!

    • Delios
      Lv. 12
      Delios Developer of Crush 'em

      7yrs ago

      Yeah, he is strong, he is the best Hitman. Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it. The people from the windows should get hit and count as innocents, but I think I forgot to increase the counter, and about the snitching part, I thought about that but I didn't have time. About allowing the player to be able to fall off, I think that would be funny too. But I'm not sure if it will go well with the mechanics, I think it is good to allow the player to wait as far as he can on one side, waiting for the targets, and go to the other following them.

  • Henry Haak
    Lv. 41

    This is a pretty interesting little arcade game. My one complaint is that the thirty second music loop gets old pretty quick. Besides that though I could see myself playing a polished version of a game like this on a phone, seems like it would be a pretty fun time waster

    Star Raid

    Star Raid

    • Delios
      Lv. 12
      Delios Developer of Crush 'em

      7yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you liked. About the music... yeah, I get it, I'm not good at it, and it takes me too long for make something "decent", so, I prioritized and focused on other things. About the phone version, I kinda thought it like this, also I wanted to add like power ups and upgrades, maybe if I have time when the rating is over I make it.