
Just a guy making and playing games.


Side Effects

Failure to Scope

Fly your spaceship and shoot alien saucers. You know the drill.


Balloon Flight

Soar through the sky in your hot air balloon.


Colony Chaos

Travel to the Distant Colony to ensure the loyalty of His Majesticness's royal subjects.

Watch Them Grow!

Colony Command

Guide a space colony from an Ordinary Outpost to a Sparkling Spacetropolis by defending it from Meteors, Missiles, and Aliens!

Climb the Tower

Untitled Robot Game

Beep-boop build your way to the top.

Colors are Important

Depths of Color

Take your colorful submarine ever deeper. What will you find along the way?

One Shot

Escape from Sector 12

You've warped into a sector filled with explosive spheres! Destroy enough of them and you can warp out, but be careful - your weapon can only hold one charge at a time!


Developer Blog

There doesn't seem to be anything here.

Resources, Assets & Tutorials

There doesn't seem to be anything here.


We Need Your Vote
We Need Your Vote
You must vote for every round 2 theme (excluding your own) in a gm(48)
Artwork by
Back For More
Back For More
You must participate in your second ever gm(48)
Artwork by
We Love You Too
We Love You Too
You must participate in your fifth gm(48)
Artwork by
First Timer
First Timer
You must participate in your first ever gm(48)
Artwork by
You must participate in your third ever gm(48)
Artwork by
Eager To Learn
Eager To Learn
You must write your first reply to a player's feedback
Artwork by
You must reach level 1
Artwork by
You must reach level 10
Artwork by
You must become a representative member of the community
Artwork by
Consistent Results
Consistent Results
You must place in the top three at least three times
Artwork by
Fish With Legs
Fish With Legs
You must suggest the winning (previously funniest) theme in a gm(48)
Artwork by
Giving Back
Giving Back
You must upload your game's source code to your entry
Artwork by
You must reach level 25
Artwork by
Master Rater
Master Rater
You must rate every single game (excluding your own) in a gm(48)
Artwork by
On The Podium
On The Podium
You must place in the top three
Artwork by
You must reach level 42
Artwork by
Top Dog
Top Dog
You must win the gm(48)
Artwork by

These achievements feature beautiful artwork from our community.
A big thank you goes out to the artists for their contribution. ❤️