Life can be boring inside a confinement cell.
But no more! Thanks to your beloved party gun, everyone in the asylum will have a crazy good time!
Be aware though, guards are grumpy and hate when people have fun. All they want is lock you again in that cell!

Party Maniac is a top-down shooter in which the goal is to make every rabbit party. Use your party gun sparingly, as it can only be used once! in other words... you just have one shot.
Successfully hitting a guard will spawn a new gun while missing them won't. In that case... just throw the gun at them until they give you a brand new one!

- WASD or ZQSD - Move
- Left Click - Shoot
- Right Click - Throw
- E - Pick Up
- Alt + Enter - Fullscreen
- Left Click or Space - Continue

A game made by Problematicar and Kwisarts for the 24th gm48
Code Art Sounds

Prob & Kwis Kwis Kwis
Lv. 13
Cute graphics, interesting game! I included it in my compilation video series of all of the games from the GM48, if you’d like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/Wy06AcGSYb8
Lv. 37
Thanks for playing
Lv. 38
Finally, the team up we've all been waiting for! Well, maybe.
The game overall feels very polished. The character sprites all look great and I really like the effect for the guns' "bullets". It's nice how there is a tutorial for mechanics. The music is good. The controls feels nice and it fits the theme well.
Unfortunately, the level is way too big to complete (I assume shooting all the enemies count as completion) without any kind of checkpoints. It's really easy to get caught and missing a single shot might as well be failure, but it takes so long to clear out everything. This really drags down what could have been a fun game.
Lv. 37
Thank you so much veralos, I feel like the dream team was the Purrfect Opportunity one tho. You're probably the only person that noticed the particle effects for the bullets, I wasted so much time on that lol.
The biggest problem for this game is that you don't actually know what counts as a win (You have to make 50 guards party) Adding a completion meter would've made everything less confusing, oh and you can actually win even if you miss a ton of bullets, since throwing used guns at your enemies gives you new ones.
Lv. 67
Just to make sure, you know you can knock them down with 3 throws of the gun? Cause it's unfortunately not very obvious. We should have stated it black & white in the game...
I admit it feels long. :D Unfortunately, we didn't have the time to fully test it, so we just went with it!
Thanks for the feedback, I was surprised you didn't submit any game this time!
Too bad you didn't have time to make some variations and instead made a (way too) big level. It's really frustrating to get captured by an enemy at the end because of a silly mistake :(
Other than that the game was great, I really like the idea of throwing the gun as a backup, especially since other games this jam used the "one shot that reloads if you hit", but if you miss you're done. Having enemies chase you around the level while grabbing empty guns was pretty fun.
Oh and I don't think ZQSD works ? Had to switch to qwerty.
EDIT : nevermind, ZQSD works fine, I'm dumb.
Lv. 37
I think the actual problem is not the size of the level but the fact that you don't know how close you are to the win, but yeah, if we had some more variation making a smaller level full of different areas would've been better. For the ZQSD problem I actually have no idea, it works on my pc.
Thanks for the feedback tho, I should've probably made a smaller level now that I think about it :S
Lv. 67
Are you sure about the ZQSD problem? I just tested it by switching my keyboard to azerty and it worked fine (I made sure my keyboard was switched by typing random stuff in a notepad). ZQSD has to be "highlighted"/seen on the main menu, just in case it's not obvious. (since it's actually stating it in the game)
Yeah, big level, I had that feeling too when I played it :D Though I kind of like the huge pressure when you've killed a lot of them (though it's with frustration "gosh when is it over?")
Lv. 7
That's a great entry! Really polished
The sprites are great, the music is catchy and the theme fits well :)
I didn't get to play much because I'm using the notebook's touchpad and that's a bummer
I really liked the varied dialogues when you get caught and that the gun really makes the rabbits party (I thought it was an eufemism for, well, you know...)SubmittedCangaço StandOff
Lv. 37
Oh no no no... this is a family friendly game you see... Only fun and parties here.
Thanks for trying out the game and enjoying it, I'm sorry there's no good way to play with a touchpad :S
Lv. 2
Very nice art and music - I think the "Rare speak" fit in really well with the look of the game.
I found using E to pick up the gun a little awkward, but that might be because I'm on a laptop with no mouse so I'm a bit cramped.
Lv. 37
Thanks for the feedback, I agree that E was a bad choice for controls, and thinking about it there was no reason to use it anyway, since we could've used left and right clicks for everything.
Lv. 67
Isn't playing with the laptop pad complicated? :o I personally can't play anything requiring the mouse with the pad, it's awkward on its own.
However, I agree for E to pick up. It is a remark we often received and I myself felt like E was not the best (or we should have at least given an alternative with the RMB)
Thanks for the beefdack!
Lv. 11
The art was fantastic (and cute), and the audio was catchy. The first couple of rounds I was just looking for sleeping rabbits as I didn't realise you had to hit them 3 times to knock them down for more ammo.
But once I got the hang of things the gameplay felt very smooth and I manged to go at a nice fast pace and complete the game after a couple of failures and it felt very satisfying. Seriously, very nice work on this one, great fun.
SubmittedSub Squid in Torpedo Trepidation
Lv. 67
Yes, we often get that people didn't realize you needed to throw a gun three times at them to knock them out. A mistake from our end, the tutorial should have mentionned this; it's misleading because you only need one throw in the tutorial to KO a guard. :/
Thanks for your feedback!
Lv. 37
Thanks for playing and enjoying the game, completing it is not as easy as you might think, (I haven't seen many people complete it) so good job on that :D
Lv. 6
Very solid shooter which has tons of polish for 48 hours. Great graphics; clear and colourful (nice effect with the screen shake too).
Catchy music and there are good, clear sound effects for every event, which is a big plus in game feel.
Controls are pretty tight, which you need for a shooter like this. Maybe right-click could have also picked up a gun when you were empty handed? I just found using the E key a little awkward.
I found the game a bit too difficult to progress very far, so I'm not sure if there is more content if you shoot everyone?
The single ammo mechanic is a pretty common take on the theme this jam. I think it can lead to a repetitive feeling game when you only have one gun, so maybe different guns, or power-ups (e.g. multi-shot) would add to the longevity of the gameplay and give the player a sense of progression.
Anyway, great work here, fun game!
P.S. I did have a bug (I assume) where an enemy walked through a wall to get to me :( It was in the bottom-left corner.
SubmittedOne Take
Lv. 67
Thank you for your feedback, Kodiqi!
About picking up the gun, I also think space could work. maybe have them three (e, space and right click) could be more intuitive (since there aren't a lot of controls anyway)
About the difficulty, I agree that the difficulty shouldn't rise so quick, but it's a jam, hard to balance :D
About the repetitivity of the single ammo mechanic: We actually planned to have more than one weapon. So that means that each time you party a guard, you could get a new weapon to use and the single ammo would force you to change. Substitute to power ups. :) Unfortunately, we ran out of time!
Lv. 37
Thanks so much for the in-depth feedback, Most of the control management ideas came to me after the jam already ended, and using less controls to do more things is definitely something I should've thought more about. Both the use of E and the switch from wasd to zqsd could've been prevented.
There is just a really quick ending if you manage to make 50 guards party, but we planned different cutscenes and everything, time didn't allow for them though, same thing for the different guns.
For that bug though, I've never had it and didn't see anyone having it either, sounds weird, if you know how to recreate it let me know :D
Lv. 2
Pretty fun game, love the art, the gameplay, the audio, everything about this game, well done. Good job. A 10 out of 10 rate for sure.
SubmittedSingle shot arena
Lv. 37
Thank you so much for playing and enjoying the game :D
Lv. 4
This is my second GameJam, but I quickly noticed the both of you in the last one, and actually played Kwi's 22nd GM48 entry winner even before that, so I was really excited to see the both of you working together. Art and sound are beautiful, gameplay is a bit repetitive but fun nonetheless, and I took all dialogue at face value and didn't read into any sinister undertones.
SubmittedThe Mean-Stopper
Lv. 37
Most of the repetitiveness comes from the lack of time, we opted to polish what we already had instead of adding more content, and it really is a shame because if I managed my time better we could've done both.
Thanks for playing and for the feedback, and yeah don't read into it too much lol.
Lv. 1
Very polished, everything from animation to controls. No major complains but all criticism can be found in my quick look: https://youtu.be/fTugl59iSX4
Lv. 37
Thanks again for the video and for playing and liking my game <3
Lv. 3
I liked the game alot, the art and animation was super good, and i loved the music. The game played really well and the controls felt good. I'm not sure I got the gun throw mechanic but otherwise it was fun and fit the theme great.
SubmittedGone For Good
Lv. 37
Not sure what part of the gun throw mechanic could've been changed, but thanks for playing and enjoying the game :D
Lv. 11
Art and sound are very great! It took a while until I understood what I had to do, but then it was fun. One thing I didnt like was that it's not easy to see if the enemy is already dead.
Lv. 37
Yeah I thought about that after I already submitted the game and there was no time left, something easy like just changing the depth would've made things way less confusing.
Thanks for the feedback :D
Lv. 11
My favorite entry to GM48(24), I just love the artwork, music and gameplay. This game really tickles my fast-moving, extremely clutch gameplay. I feel the hardcore gameplay of nuclear throne and the toughness of hot line Miami in this game!
SubmittedOne Bullet, One Life
Lv. 37
Thank you so much dude, as both a nuclear throne and hotline miami fan it's so rewarding to see that someone that likes this kind of games thinks our entry is the best one <3
Lv. 36
I knew kwis was going to participate so I searched for his game and found it. Very good art (of course) and music and controls. The only problem I have is a big problem: It is extremely hard to complete and there is not much variation. I don't even know if it was ment to be like a endless runner. But you two still made a very good game. The best I've played so far :D
I also like that it is about making people happy (Not striking them with a chainsaw and see their blood come out)
SubmittedArchies Arrow
Lv. 37
It was meant to have a more obvious goal but we ran out of time and had to rush things a little bit in the end, it's not an endless game though, making enough guards party will eventually quench your bloodthirst...
Oh yeah I forgot there's no blood in this game, you can thank Kwis for that, I would've gone way darker :P
Lv. 67
It's dark! In its own way...
I like to make cutey-cutey stuff but sometimes you think it's cute while the truth... ;D
And thank you for your comment! We did intend the difficulty though, although I get that it might not be for the good reasons. And I agree, it lacks a few variation, but we actually planned for some! We just couldn't get the time to add them...
Lv. 6
Very good experience! Got boring after a while, but I got a solid fifteen minutes of playtime out of it, which is great for a gamejam!
SubmittedOne Shot RifleMan
Lv. 37
Thanks for playing the game :D
Lv. 3
Really nice game! One annoyance I had was that it felt slightly awkward to press E to pick up weapons, whereas it would have felt more natural with right-click like in Hotline Miami
Lv. 67
Oh yes actually, I agree. It felt like a good idea to use E, and we didn't think about the right click because it's the throw button... so if you want to switch gun, you'd throw your current one. Not sure it's a problem though, but we felt it should be a choice.
I admit that it feels less comfortable though. Thank you for your feedback! :)
Lv. 37
Absolutely, got too stuck in the nuclear throne mentality while making it.
Lv. 4
This looks, feels, and sounds great! The little intro at the beginning was perfect and really funny too. I liked how you used the theme with the party popper, and it was satisfying to see the guards dance when they got hit. I did find trying to wrestle with a group of guards difficult when you missed your shot. Maybe they could be stunned for longer or take less hits? Overall a really polished entry, great work!
SubmittedBoozy Blundering
Lv. 37
I think giving them 2 hp instead of 3 would've both solved the confusion some people had and the difficulty of fighting large groups, In the end I should've probably spent less time on the intro and more on the actual game hahaha, thanks for the feedback.
Lv. 5
This game is really cool! I love how it works with the theme. However, I think the game is too punishing. If you miss 1 shot, then you're screwed because you need your gun to get more bullets! Then, when you get captured, you have to start the level over! Anyways, the art and sound are also really good, and the game is overall fun. Well done!
SubmittedThe Cult of the Beanie
Lv. 37
Thanks for the feedback, I tried to show in the tutorial that you can get new guns by stunning enemies too, but maybe I didn't make that as obvious as it should've been.
Lv. 2
Kwishie and Proble are beautiful persons and I love them ♥ The game is very fun thematically, I love the psycho idea, but the gameplay is kinda repetitive and could use some polish - it's very fun though!
SubmittedThe Purrfect Opportunity
Lv. 4
Really nice art, i dont see the fun on the gameplay tho, it is like if you were playing hotline miami but your fist broke each time you punch somebody
Lv. 37
Thanks for the feedback, for the gameplay we tried to put a fun twist on the theme, making the one shot your main attack and the empty guns the backup.
Lv. 15
Very nice and polished game! I could never get all the guards. The collisions between the guns and walls when the gun was thrown felt a little unforgiving at times. Like the gun would just stop even though i had a pretty good line of sight with the guard. But not a really big deal. Overall this was a great little game! Well done!
SubmittedGun Glitch
Lv. 37
Thanks :D
The collision were a problem from the start, spent most of the jam fixing up bugs caused by them lol. Also the guns slow down on their own if the guards are too far away.
Lv. 4
Nice looking game, with great art and sound. Control are snappy and it's fun to play.
Once you miss a shot though, I just ran around getting chased until I got caught. Throwing the weapon just stuns them, so is there a way to get another gun if you miss?
Love the palette, and the whole feel though, great job!
Lv. 37
Thanks for the feedback. If you stun them three times with a thrown weapon they'll drop a charged one, as seen in the tutorial.