In the simple shooting arena, you control a robot that uses its energy to the maximum to give a single shot. Charge your energy and let's go!

Choose your robot, prepare your sights and do not miss!


Player 1:

  • wasd - normal movement
  • "T" - fire

Player 2:

  • Arrow keys - normal movement
  • "P" - fire

this game also supports xbox controllers.


Art made by Twitter @derekpxart Developed by Twitter @bingustavo

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  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Challenging game, nice graphics! I included it in my compilation video series of all of the games from the GM48, if you’d like to take a look :)

  • Lucas
    Lv. 1

    Gostei da mecânica, tem aquele aspecto do simples de jogar mas difícil de dominar, bem legal! Achei criativo :)

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    I didn't have anyone to place with, but it seems cool (if a little simple). The art is certainly very nice. I like how there are cool HUD elements instead of just some numbers.

  • joon
    Lv. 1

    Achei a jogabilidade boa facil de se entender, arte bem limpa e bonita. e um otimo jogo Beta, gostaria de ver ele completo em breve um abraço aos desenvolvedores. Estão de parabéns...

  • Caio Amaral
    Lv. 1

    Gostei muito da experiência de jogo!

    A simplicidade é um ponto forte do jogo. Comandos e cenário simples, tornaram muito fácil o gameplay. Isso torna muito fácil dominar a dinâmica do jogo, e acho que combina muito com a proposta do game.

    Pra melhorar o gameplay vocês poderiam colocar outros pontos de recarga de arma. Jogando com uma amiga minha só usamos a parte inferior do mapa. Acho que com outros pontos poderíamos aproveitar melhor o cenário.

    Outra coisa que poderiam melhorar é o menu inicial. Fiquei um pouco confuso no início tentando clicar no start (haha)... Poderiam colocar outros atalhos para iniciar o game como espaço ou enter, ou simplesmente a frase "Shoot to start the game".

    Estão de parabéns, eu e minha amiga gostamos muito! :D

  • Sombra_Branca
    Lv. 1

    Very good game, I'm impressed with the gameplay and graphics

  • Gustavo
    Lv. 1

    A very fun game! I recommend it to everyone.

  • Alexsandra
    Lv. 1

    Very fun game! I could spend hours playing!

  • Kwis
    Lv. 67

    The game is a bit too slow.

    Aside that, the thumbnail of the page description (in other words, here on the website) is not very representative of your game.. I recommend you to work on it a bit to make people want to play your game. I would have never guessed the art was nice from the thumbnail... which is a shame. Let people see what the game looks like! You could have left the title and instead of showing the controls, a screenshot of the game. Don't be ashamed of the sprites, they're nice! Show them!

  • Problematicar
    Lv. 37

    Art is pretty good, movement and shooting not so much, the premise of the game is pretty fun, but actually playing it is kinda boring and repetitive, you can't dodge well at all, and shooting up or down is just a mess.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    7yrs ago

    Looks awesome and cool, movement sucks.

  • Fachewachewa

    Game looks great, movement might be a little slow, and shooting in diagonals is a little weird. Other than that, pretty solid.



    • Luiz Gustavo Alves
      Lv. 2
      Luiz Gustavo Alves Developer of Single shot arena

      7yrs ago

      Thank you for playing our game, we're working to polish this game, we already have a faster movement setup, but we can't send this version on this site, we apreciate your feedback and we're working to make this game better.

  • Papercookies
    Lv. 2

    Cool concept, although I think it bugs out sometimes when shooting when you're against a wall. Either way, I really like the clean art style and general execution. Music would've been nice too. Good work either way!



  • SpaceMyFriend
    Lv. 15

    Hey this is a great idea and use of theme! I didn't have second player but I still think this is pretty sweet! That main menu is beautiful along with the rest of the graphics, and sound fx were nice too. Good job!

    Gun Glitch

    Gun Glitch

    • Luiz Gustavo Alves
      Lv. 2
      Luiz Gustavo Alves Developer of Single shot arena

      7yrs ago

      Thank you so much for playing our game, we're glad that you had a good experience playing :) we're working on a more polished and complete version of the game with single player modes, so you can have even more fun playing