WASD - motion LMB = throw daggers RMB = sacrifice enemies (NOTE MUST BE VERY CLOSE)

Race to the temple to avenge your village and kill the priest who sacrificed all your family and friends and tried to sacrifice you!

pre-mortem: This was my first game jam ever, and I have to say I learned quite a lot. This game is unfinished so feel free to give it a nice fat zero, as I chased too many bugs and tried to do better in art but lacked in the core element: content.

edit: Thanks to all that played this poorly designed/planned game! I appreciate all the feedback! Sorry for wasting your time playing my reminder to be better than this!

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  • SpaceMyFriend
    Lv. 15

    Hey good job! I can tell you put extra work into the graphics. They are great! I really loved the green enemy, i think he shoots stuff. I'm not sure, he killed me as soon as i saw him. Very nice player animations. Also pretty smooth platforming. I didn't get stuck in walls or anything, which seems to happen a lot in game jam games haha.

    I got a bug when i tried to sacrifice an enemy. Like others have mentioned, the blood charge is a little too slow. For your next game jam, I would suggest not worrying too much about content, but rather polish up the content you do have.

    Excellent job for your first go!

  • Fachewachewa

    I gave up after the bat thing (i think) sent me back to the beginning of the game when I touched it :D

    But what's in the game is pretty fun already ! The blood charge is too slow though, a thing like that should really be fast, as you're not doing anything else anyway.

  • Kwis
    Lv. 67

    Couldn't get very far. For some reason, each movements in the enemies room drained my life insanely fast, not enough time to sacrifice an enemy... :T Even with the overcharged.

    But yep, not much to say, unfinished; at least it was kinda fun, we can see your intent! Wondering what the sprites would have been though, not sure if it was your final design for the player.



    • pmmj
      Lv. 2
      pmmj Coder of Bloodgates

      7yrs ago

      The player design is uh, even more unfinished than the game itself. I have noticed I have lots of trouble animating my player sprites, especially when I realize I want to change my artstyle halfway through, or simply because it looks ugly. I appreciate you at least finding it "kinda fun" as this is my reminder to just be better than this. As well, your art will motivate me to at least improve slightly on mine!

      Thank you for playing and giving feedback!

  • Tecna
    Lv. 10

    The art of the main character and enemies are really nice and the effect of blood loss was spot on. As Problematicar said, the game became so much easily with the overcharge of health and thanks to that, I could finish the game on my second try. I was a little sad when I had to give up... :(

    EDIT: Oh, I finished the game. It's that when to finish the game, the dialogue that appears is "give up", or something like that, I don't remember now. But I'm sorry for the experience ending, I loved this game, really.

    • pmmj
      Lv. 2
      pmmj Coder of Bloodgates

      7yrs ago

      Yeah, kinda screwed up there with the buggy bloodflow. Mistakes are flooding my code and game due to my poor planning on how to tackle this competition. Hopefully next time you won't have to give up!

      Thanks for playing, and sorry for the poor experience!

  • Problematicar
    Lv. 37

    Way too unfinished, from the sprites to the level design and lack of sounds.

    But the content that's in the game, albeit unfinished, still manages to be kinda fun. In all honesty, it would probably be insanely hard to beat the game if not for the fact that you can overcharge your blood past the max, and even with that, winning is still pretty hard, since you have to avoid all the game crashes.

    I still managed to win tho, and had some fun.



    • pmmj
      Lv. 2
      pmmj Coder of Bloodgates

      7yrs ago

      Yeah, sorry about the state of progress: I honestly only submitted this as a reminder to myself of how poorly I did my first gm48. I'll always remember this and I DEFINITELY learned from my mistakes. The overflow of blood was an oversight that happened due to a) running out of time (it was added cuz i forgot to add it within minutes of the deadline) and b) poor coding practices.

      It means a lot that you actually attempted to win and somehow had a sliver of fun playing my awful, awful attempt.

      Thank you!

  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Very interesting and challenging game! I included it in my GM48: Sacrifice compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :) https://youtu.be/GLJFbs0fnfE

    • pmmj
      Lv. 2
      pmmj Coder of Bloodgates

      7yrs ago

      Oh GOD, my failure is on youtube for all to see. Also, the blobs object name is o_bloodslime, so you were pretty close! Sorry for getting you killed with the fast bloodloss. Hope you had a modicum of fun!

      Thanks for playing it, and it was an honour being in your video.

  • cortop
    Lv. 4

    My first impression was laughing my ass off at the blood spraying everywhere. Nice effect haha. But really, blood loss is a serious problem. After a few tries I could barely reach the enemies and then I died before I could sacrifice one. You could either add some enemies to the start area or make blood loss slower.

    Controls were good and responsive, except when you're on slopes where jumping was really wonky. The animation on the character was nice, even if it was unfinished.

    Anyway, I liked your interpretation of the theme and I think you've got a really solid start for a game here. I know I complained about the blood loss being too fast, but I think you could spin it into a mechanic for some sort of speed running/time trial platformer.

    Nice job :D



    • pmmj
      Lv. 2
      pmmj Coder of Bloodgates

      7yrs ago

      All valid criticisms! Thank you for playing this dumpster! The slopes were bad because of the silly way I implemented the slopes + slope mechanic. Not sure how I'll finish this. Might leave it as a testament to my mistakes. I can only go up, right? RIGHT?!

      Thanks for playing!

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    It's obviously unfinished, but there seems to be potential for a decent game here. The movement feels nice and sacrificing enemies is cool. There's a lot of incomplete graphics but the ones that look finished are pretty good.

    However, you loose blood way too fast, to the point that you have to basically speedrun the game to get to the first enemy before you die. Also, you can sometimes get this error when sacrificing enemies:

    ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Alarm Event for alarm 1 for object o_player:

    Unable to find any instance for object index '101753' at gml_Object_o_player_Alarm_1 ############################################################################################

    This isn't that common with normal enemies but it happened every time I attempted to sacrifice the final boss (?) so I couldn't finish the game.

    PS: Add some game images

    • pmmj
      Lv. 2
      pmmj Coder of Bloodgates

      7yrs ago

      Thanks for playing my awful attempt! I made plenty of mistakes my first time doing this, so it means a lot that you gave feedback. I noticed the bloodloss too, was a little too much. Sorry about the glitches; noticed I screwed up on it, but I was too late.

      Thank you!