Be a Human Shield and protect the civilians from terror attack. Collect hearts from saved civilian to restore health. rescue as many civilians as possible. difficulty increases as you rescue civilians

  • WASD to move the player.
  • Collect hearts to regain health.
  • You lose the game if 5 civilians die or the player dies.

A game by ibrahim shersha and Deen sha. sounds from BFXR.

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  • SpaceMyFriend
    Lv. 15

    Great idea! Very nice graphics! It would be nice if there was some indication of when the gunmen were about to shoot. And maybe the player could be just a hair faster. Or maybe some upgrades could be implemented later to gain those abilities. The sound was really loud and scared me haha.

    Good job!

  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Very interesting game. I included it in my GM48: Sacrifice compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

    • ibrahimshersha
      Lv. 3
      ibrahimshersha Developer of Human shield

      7yrs ago

      Thanks for including our game in your compilation video. We are working on improving the game play of our game. we will update when our game is good enough to reveal ;)

  • Rohbert
    Lv. 13

    Hmm. Concept was a bit unsettling, as was the choice of sprites. Gameplay was very simplistic and not very varied. Could use a lot more work.

    • ibrahimshersha
      Lv. 3
      ibrahimshersha Developer of Human shield

      7yrs ago

      Thank you for your feedback, this was our first jam so it took some time to setup and plan for the jam, we wanted to add action elements but it was already too late. Now we are prototyping on few action ideas to the same concept of human shield.

  • Fachewachewa

    Well this is a serious theme... That's something else than bunnies and cat D:

    Anyway, there's obviouly a lot to improve here like other have said, but the characters look really good !

    But the fact that you can only protect people by taking the bullets for them really made me feel bad

  • Problematicar
    Lv. 37

    Good idea, but you didn't really use it well.

    You've got nice art and ok sound effects, but the gameplay is quite basic and boring, there's no real end goal, and sometimes the level design allows for unavoidable damage.

    Add content to the game and tune the level design a little bit and you'll have a pretty nice entry.



    • ibrahimshersha
      Lv. 3
      ibrahimshersha Developer of Human shield

      7yrs ago

      Thank you for the feedback, we are planning on adding more content to the game. we are prototyping on few ideas with the same core game play from human shield. we will surely add more action to the game play. please stay tuned to our twitter page.

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    Interesting use of the theme. The concept is pretty good and it works well, but it could be a bit more fleshed out. For one thing I was never really worried about my own health as you take so many hits to die. It might be improved if you played up the aspect of keeping yourself alive a bit more. The visuals look pretty nice, though the audio could use some work. Some kind of music would help. My best score was 24.

    • ibrahimshersha
      Lv. 3
      ibrahimshersha Developer of Human shield

      7yrs ago

      Thanks for your feedback, it helps us a lot. we are planning to improve upon the theme of the game by changing the game play and add more action elements into it. we will add music in the endgame.

  • cortop
    Lv. 4

    Like bucketbomb said, you've got the idea in place and it works. Now all you need is more variety and maybe a difficulty that slowly ramps up as the game goes on? And some music :p Also I found the player to be quite slow. Otherwise, I have no complaints.

    Solid enough, but needs more variety. Forgot to mention the art, which is pretty nice! Good job!



    • ibrahimshersha
      Lv. 3
      ibrahimshersha Developer of Human shield

      7yrs ago

      Thank you for your feedback, we are adding more game play features and music to our game. all of your feedback's helps as improve the game play of our game.

  • Tecna
    Lv. 10

    The art of this game is very good, but the sounds and gameplay could be better. You can try put some music that conveys the ambience of danger to your game and make more power-ups to upgrade temporarily the main characters, help the civilians or hinder the shooters by some way.

    But the idea is really neat, so good job!

    • ibrahimshersha
      Lv. 3
      ibrahimshersha Developer of Human shield

      7yrs ago

      Thank you for your feedback, we are improving on the core concept of human shield into a better game. we will definitely add good quality music in the end game.

  • Deen Sha
    Lv. 1

    @bucketbomb Thank you for your feedback. Yes we have planned to improve the game play. This is the idea which evolve into much more immersive gameplay. We will definitely take your suggestions into account.

  • bucketbomb
    Lv. 5

    The main idea is in place and stable, and I'd recommend something so the game changes more. More shooters, different types of shooters, different types of people to save, or power-ups could help the game stay fresh as you continue play. Right now, it's fun at first, but gets stale pretty quickly.

    • ibrahimshersha
      Lv. 3
      ibrahimshersha Developer of Human shield

      7yrs ago

      Thank you for your feedback. Yes we have planned to improve the game play. we are planning to evolve the concept into much more immersive game play. We will definitely take your suggestions into account.