Here is the teaser trailer about the story ;D

The controls are mouse-only.

BEWARE - For a better experience, play with irony.

The (Take) Team

Art: Beatrice “Doc” Marini, Matteo “Duca” Trabaldo, Lorenzo “Eksmanen” Penco, Ilaria “Sheira Fenix” Baldassarri,

Design and story: Walter “wAlter_Ego” Marino

Programming: Alessio “Savager” Passafiume


We decided to continue this game for a while. Will be added a couple of extra character, with new interaction and even more funny dialogues.

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  • pmmj
    Lv. 2

    Interesting idea! I liked the art and music, and the story was charming. Unfortunately, the game was very buggy. It was hard to tell what to do at first and sometimes the text for the options did not show up fully. The game seemed far too easy as the villagers did not need much convincing to convert them. However, this has potential and I can't wait to see what comes out of it!



    • Walter Marino
      Lv. 2
      Walter Marino Designer of That beautiful summer when i stole limbs for my god

      7yrs ago

      Thank you for the compliment <3

      Yes, the bugs in this game are like fungus under the trees and we'll work hard to make it ready and clean, one day. Currently, we are working on a minor project of ours, but in future "That beautiful summer when I stole limbs for my god" will be fixed and completed.

      If you want to stay updated you can follow us on twitter at the link in the description! ^-^

  • Kwis
    Lv. 67

    Okay so,

    NO INSTALLER. Please, no installers. Export as zip or an executable, but please, avoid installers. A lot of people might not even play your game because of this. If my intend wasn't to play all the games, I'd probably skip yours just for that... :/

    That sais, it's nice to see that type of game for once! The sole thing i'm not so convinced by is how easily these people accept your religion; I know it's a short game and all but... yeah. Although the guy we give the rabbit too has at least one good reason. But I get that it could be hard to do... I guess the problem is that it would have been nice to have more items to use. Perhaps they could be used to bribe people and that sort of things. It would have made the game more ironic. :)

    Perhaps money, perhaps an irresistable piece of meat for the veggie guy!

    Bug: when trying to convert the smiths (after converting the other 2), i said hello, they replied but didn't give me any text choice, disappeared and no longer came back



    • Walter Marino
      Lv. 2
      Walter Marino Designer of That beautiful summer when i stole limbs for my god

      7yrs ago

      Yeah, we know and we are really sorry about the installer. We literally update the game two minutes before the end.

      Besides, thank you so much for the compliments and the feedbacks, we really appreciate them!

      About the story, it was such a shame to not be able to make more deep dialogue, but in so little time, we weren't able to do so much, and we regret it.

      More over, if you are interested in playing games like this in future, follow our Twitter page, in the description of the game.

      We hope to meet you again! Take care!

  • Problematicar
    Lv. 37

    Ottima idea che si lega bene al tema di sacrificio.

    L'arte è davvero bella anche se non consistente in tutti gli asset del gioco (Uno svantaggio dell'avere molti artisti per lo stesso progetto), ed anche la musica non è male, anche se forse un po troppo semplice.

    Il gameplay è quello che ci si aspetta da un point and click, non posso dire sia fantastico però, visto che la maggior parte di questi giochi si basa sui dialoghi, che qui non sono proprio il massimo.

    Complessivamente si può dire che sia un gioco molto sopra la media, se non solo per gameplay e dialoghi almeno per gli sprite che penso siano tra i migliori di tutta la jam.

    Ah, ed un ultima cosa. Non esportate mai il vosto progetto come un installer, MAI, molte persone non ci giocheranno solo per quello, ed è davvero un peccato perchè limita il feedback che riceverete.



  • Tecna
    Lv. 10

    I was so scared of your game that I had to uninstall it twice.

    On a more serious note, this game looked fun while I was playing it. The dialogues were really funny and the art was nice.

    I only have a bug to report: after recruiting the Indian vegan guy, I visited his house and was unable to get out (the Back button didn't work).

    • Walter Marino
      Lv. 2
      Walter Marino Designer of That beautiful summer when i stole limbs for my god

      7yrs ago

      You (and us ) have no idea about how many bugs this Indian guy gave to us during the last 3 hours of jam.

      Btw, thank you for the feedback and we are really sorry for making you scared! I swear, it wasn't designed for such things! ;)

  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Some of the graphics were really lovely! I included it in my GM48: Sacrifice compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

  • Fachewachewa

    Yeah there's a lack of cehorence between all the assets. I wasn't sure about my inventory too...

    But it's a cool idea, def needs more work, but it was fun, even though the dialogues weren't that good.

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    This seems like a unique premise for a game but I'm not sure it was fully developed. I didn't find the dialogue that interesting and I recruited all of the people I could find but nothing seemed to happen.

    Most of the graphics look really good individually but the elements don't always mesh well. The smooth "back" sign with a highly pixellated background, for instance. The music is quite nice, though.