The Bullets are your blood. The gun shoots your blood. If your magazine goes empty, you will die.

  • ←, → : move
  • ↑ : look up
  • z : jump
  • x : shoot

Your goal is to beat the boss(that black circle thing).

You restore 5 bullets each time you shoot the red block.

It's a simple, small boss fighting game. It's a prototype - it even has no sound effects!

Good luck!

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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    3yrs ago

    I'm not usually a fan of boss fight games, but I did enjoy this. The fight drew on a little bit towards the end, but not enough to stop me having fun. Gameplay in general was pretty solid. Not a bad idea for the theme either.

  • Yosi
    Lv. 46

    I always like to see boss fight games in GM48! Only real complaints I have are that the fight was a bit long, and that the boss's bullets could go through the small blocks on the ground, but the gameplay was quite good otherwise.

    Synth Rail

    Synth Rail

    • ZGss
      Lv. 2
      ZGss Developer of Gunshot Anemia

      3yrs ago

      Killed by a small corner of a bullet must be annoying... I'll keep that in mind!

      Thank you for the feedback, and thank you for playing!

  • 2102

    Very interesting game. I think there's a lot you could do with this as a full game, but there's not a lot right now. It would be a cool concept in something of a metroid-vania setting.

    • ZGss
      Lv. 2
      ZGss Developer of Gunshot Anemia

      3yrs ago

      I had thought about that! It's just a little boss fight game for now, but I think the concept of attacking with health can be used in variant games.

      Thank you for playing!

  • Brandon Flores
    Lv. 1

    I can see this being expanded into a full game.

    A fun arcade shooter, the graphics may have been simple but they looked nice. I actually couldnt beat the boss so im not sure if much comes after it. Simple sound effects could of added a lot, and some more 'game-feel' would have been nice, overall a good little experience.

    • ZGss
      Lv. 2
      ZGss Developer of Gunshot Anemia

      3yrs ago

      Sadly that boss is the only thing in the game for now... Also I didn't make sound effects this time, and it made the game less enjoyable. I'll keep in mind about adding sound effects.

      Thank you for the feedback, and thank you for playing!

  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Very clever idea. I included it in my GM48 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

    • ZGss
      Lv. 2
      ZGss Developer of Gunshot Anemia

      3yrs ago

      Reactions, expressions, and feedback, all of them must be helpful for later works!

      Thank you for including my game, and thank you for playing!

  • Marshall Berthold
    Lv. 2

    Fun game. The art was really simple but I liked it.

    • ZGss
      Lv. 2
      ZGss Developer of Gunshot Anemia

      3yrs ago

      I'm glad you liked the art, but I feel sorry that I didn't even draw a gun in that hand.

      Anyway, thank you for playing!

  • Jaspo
    Lv. 16

    Fun, simple game that fits the theme. I particularly liked how the red cube randomly lasted between 1 and 3 shots so you had to take the time to pay attention while shooting it. Was expecting more graphics based on the the icon but minimalist worked ok too.



    • ZGss
      Lv. 2
      ZGss Developer of Gunshot Anemia

      3yrs ago

      It just randomly moves to places. But making it actually last 1 to 3 shots might be great! And I think I can enlarge the tense of the battles by polishing the randomness.

      Thank you for the feedback, and thank you for playing!

  • TheBookSnail
    Lv. 2

    This is the kind of game I inspire to make in a jam, a simplistic concept that you can make and then iterate on and add nice polish. Loved the bullet health bar effects and picking up bullet effects. I think I only got the boss down to half health but I'm interested enough in how the boss behavior changes that I might give it another go later.



    • ZGss
      Lv. 2
      ZGss Developer of Gunshot Anemia

      3yrs ago

      The concepts are important, especially with tight time limits. By contrast, I worried about polishing, so I'm glad that you enjoyed the effects!

      Thank you for playing!

  • Matt Waters
    Lv. 2


    We liked how you centered the theme 💪

    Death Bowl

    Death Bowl