Keep track of your coworkers to see who doesn't take their mandatory once-a-minute water break. All but one of your coworkers will visit the watercooler at least once a minute. Don't mind your boss, he just goes to get coffee for some reason.

Not my proudest submission ever. Had a lot of scope creep, and in the end I had to pivot to something barely a game in order to submit on time.

Thanks to "The Sister and the Friend" + Kendall Schmit for the music.

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    Lv. 36

    It seemed impossible in the beginning, but it got easier as I leared to use both my hands to track people on the screen.

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    Neat idea. Definitely one of the more unique concepts I've seen this jam. The game is pretty simple but it accomplishes what it sets out to do. It's surprisingly challenging too. It took me a few tries before I managed to catch the dehydrated culprit.



  • 2102

    Very interesting to say the least. One of the more unique games, and it was pretty fun too.



  • Jackaroo
    Lv. 9

    Some variety amongst the coworkers would've been a big help. Even just some minor differences. There was multiple times when 2 coworkers would overlap each other (Including once where it was on the selection phase). This made it hard to tell which one I had previously been following. There's not really a good method of keeping track of everyone as it currently stands since everyone looks the same and the movements are so random.

    It's a cool idea but could just use a bit more work. Good effort though.



  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Challenging game. I included it in my GM48: Sixty Seconds compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

  • Quentin Van Deutekom
    Lv. 7

    Cool concept! Wish the sprites were easier to tell apart as they all looked similar/the same. A few extra spaces (Levels) to play in with different layouts would be a nice addition too if you decided to make a post Jam version.



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    3yrs ago

    Really cool concept, but it would be better if everyone looked different, it's too hard to keep track of everyone.

  • The Great Gatsby
    Lv. 9

    funny, clever idea! The thing I liked about this one is the sort of bizarre brillance of it! This i one of the most unique games in this jam!

    some downsides are that all the sprites look the same, and it is nearly impossible to tell them apart. I would reccomend making them all a little different, and therefore easier to tell apart.

    this game here is pretty similar. perhaps you can use some of the ideas from there with your own game?

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    3yrs ago

    I love the name and the concept of the game. I found it hard to focus for a whole minute when there's so much going on on the screen and it all seems a little random (they wander around the office aimlessly). Also, on my first play I was unsure as to whether coworkers are faking drinking water (he was literally there for less than a second).

  • Chris

    I liked the artwork and I thought it was a good, original idea. I liked the boss who gets coffee