The facility is set to explode in 60 seconds and you're in the middle of it with nothing but a blaster in hand.....and the ability to revert time of course.

Explore the facility and collect upgrades then revert time to proceed further into the facility.

Can you escape in time....or perhaps you can figure out a way to stop the explosion.

How To Play:

There are multiple upgrades hidden around the facility. Some give you new equipment, some increase your armour and others increase your speed. Once the timer counts down from 60 seconds, or you lose all your health, you will revert back to the start point and all enemies will return. However you will keep all the upgrades you have collected. Utilise this to access new areas and head deeper into the facility. If you wish, you can press 'X' at any time to manually use one of your reverts. But beware, once you are out of reverts and the timer hits 0 then it's game over. There are also 'Revert Refills' scattered around the level. Collect 50 of these and you will be given an additional revert.


W : Jump (Press again to double jump once it has been obtained)

A/D : Move

S : Crouch (Once Obtained)

X : Revert

Left Click : Shoot

Right Click : Grappling Hook (Once Obtained)

1/2/Mouse Wheel Up : Change Weapons (Once More Weapons Obtained)

Space : Dash (Once Obtained)

Crouch with the artillery equipped to drop missiles to the ground and break damaged floors.

Collect enough revert recharges to gain another revert.

Dev Cheats : Having some trouble. Then feel free to use these dev cheats to explore the game further. Press F3 to stop the timer. Press F6 to obtain all upgrades. Have fun.

MAP: View Here

This is a full map of the game showing where all upgrades are located. It also has an indication on how to reach the crouch and artillery powerups. These 2 powerups are available early on and obtaining either one will allow you to explore much more of the facility.

Known Bugs:

When you have one Revert remaining and time runs out or lose all your health, the game over sequence accidently triggers as you are reverting. You will still be able to continue with your final revert but the music will stop and a sound effect will play on loop until you actually get a game over.

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  • Tero Hannula

    This was well made and I like the graphics and animations :) Music was also good. The way time limit is implemented here clashes with exploration aspect, which is important part of the Metroidvania-genre. I played this for a while and got some equipments, but didn't go all the way through. But I watched Peter's playthrough of the game :) Solid entry, thumbs for that ^^

    • Jackaroo
      Lv. 9
      Jackaroo Developer of Revert

      3yrs ago

      Thank you for the feedback.

      I appreciate the comment regarding the timer. We did our best to try and make it fit in with the genre. As others have mentioned, we gave too few reverts within the game. Perhaps if it had a lot more reverts (as we originally intended) or even unlimited then the timer may not have seemed like much of an issue.

  • tfg
    Lv. 8

    I think you overscoped a bit - more polished games with less content generally tend to do better in game jams. Though it's super impressive how much content you managed to put it in. Also, 🦀.

    Next time if you do another platformer, consider adding things like coyote time, variable jump height and input buffering. Other than that, solid entry!



    • Jackaroo
      Lv. 9
      Jackaroo Developer of Revert

      3yrs ago

      Thank you for the feedback. I dont think we can avoid overscoping no matter how hard we try haha. This is our 3rd jam now and every time before it starts we're saying we need to think simple. Then by the time it starts and we're tossing ideas around it gets more and more complex. Then during development we just begin going "ooohhh I wonder if we can do this" and start trying more things. Then we end up with something like this haha.

      Those are some good suggestions and we will bare them in mind. Although we do have variable jumping in the game (variable height based on how long you hold jump right?) But it could probably be improved. Thanks again for playing and for the feedback.

  • havik

    Cool game, I always enjoy exploration/discovery games. Having the world persist between resets (or reverts) is nice, minit style. I think the difficulty is a little hard currently - I'd probably zoom the camera out a bit and make it more snappy to the player, and make the player itself a bit less floaty.

    Still, I had fun! Nice amount of content with all the items to find and different mechanics to gather to unlock the new areas/movement. Not bad for 48 hours.

    When I'd finished my 'legit' playthrough I stopped the timer and had another explore without worrying about anything. Always nice to include that option in jam games!

    Good job :)

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    This a really cool concept and mostly executed well too. There's a good variety of different powerups and they are all fun to use. I particulary liked the grappling hook. The map seems designed thoughtfully with mutiple routes to take, but nowhere you get can get stuck for too long. The graphics look quite nice, particulary the detailed animation of the main character. The music is also enjoyable.

    Unfortunately, there's a big issue: You only get 4 reverts! It's annoying losing all progress constantly and it gives very little chance to experiment or explore. I don't know how exactly you're meant to beat the whole game within such a strict time limit, but it seems it would require perfect knowledge of the map and incredibly precise movement to pull off. I think the batteries are supposed to help but I collected a bunch a never seemed to get more reverts.



    • Jackaroo
      Lv. 9
      Jackaroo Developer of Revert

      3yrs ago

      Thank you for the feedback and glad you like the varioud upgrades.

      Unfortunately it is an issue and one we didnt intend for. We planned on giving the player 7 reverts but forgot to switch the variable before compiling. Ill take the blame on that one as I compiled the game and that particular variable was staring me in the face the whole time it was compiling haha. I was more focused on getting it uploaded and published.

      The batteries are also intended to help but they were a last minute addition and we didnt have a proper chance to test them, which lead to there not being enough of them on the map to make them worthwhile.

      It is possible to beat with 4 reverts (its possible to beat with reverts to spare) but as you say it is difficult without knowing the map.

      Thanks again for the feedback and we have been working on a post jam version that fixes all the issues above aswell as adding some new features.

  • Kyle Landon
    Lv. 11

    It was fun hunting for the different powerups on the couple of runs I took! I feel like having the aiming and shooting tied to different inputs was a little confusing as I naturally wanted to shoot on the side of the character that my mouse was on. Solid entry and great work!



    • Jackaroo
      Lv. 9
      Jackaroo Developer of Revert

      3yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback, it's much appreciated. I can understand the confusion in the keys. It didn't really occur to us during testing but I can see why it would confuse some people.

      We are working on a post jam version so we'll take that into consideration and look into adding some alternative control options or just changing how the shooting in works in general depending on how it feels.

  • Chris

    The upgrades are cool, lots of content, pretty big map, solid gameplay. All around really good entry

  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Fun game! I included it in my GM48: Sixty Seconds compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

  • Tydecon Games

    This is a tricky one, great animation and a really interesting style but I am not very good with mazes, I kept retracing my steps and running out of time haha, nice job though!

    • Jackaroo
      Lv. 9
      Jackaroo Developer of Revert

      3yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback and also thanks for including the game in your video.

      I appreciate the area can be difficult to navigate.

      I have now created a map, showing where all the powerups are located and also giving an indication on how to reach the artillery and crouch upgrades. Once you get either one, or both, of these powerups then it opens up a lot more areas. There is a link to the map in the description.

      Hopefully this can help some players find their way a bit easier.

  • The Great Gatsby
    Lv. 9

    fun, but pretty difficult! I would have made reverts a little easier to get

    • Jackaroo
      Lv. 9
      Jackaroo Developer of Revert

      3yrs ago

      We'll be sure to make reverts easier to get if we update this any further (which we are hoping to do). I held back a bit too much when placing them into the level. We also did intend to have the player start with more reverts too but forgot to do so in our rush to submit. Glad you had fun though and really appreciate the feedback.

  • Laxxia
    Lv. 4

    Loved playing through this little metroidvania style game! I think getting more reverts is a bit difficult to do, but otherwise it was super cool to explore in only 60 seconds!

    • Jackaroo
      Lv. 9
      Jackaroo Developer of Revert

      3yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback. Its much appreciated.

      Glad you enjoyed the game. Yeah we realise now its rather difficult to gain an extra revert. Should we decide to work on this further or do a post jam version we will be sure to change that.

  • Rovert
    Lv. 5

    I love how it's basically a 2D platformer majora's mask. Everything resets but you keep your upgrades. I never beat it though because I got lost in the facility and there are so many different upgrades to remember I can't keep up. My biggest complaint is the revert meter resets every reset, and it fills up too slowly, I can not ever get any extra reverts because of that.

    • Jackaroo
      Lv. 9
      Jackaroo Developer of Revert

      3yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback. Im going to potentially create a map or a video guide for the game to put in the description to help people out as i realise it can be a bit hard to navigate.

      Yeah I kind of messed up on the revert refills. I should've put more in the level or have it keep the amount you have when it reverts since i can see how difficult it is to obtain them now with some further play testing. We also intended to give the player more reverts at the start but in our rush to submit I forgot to change the variable haha.

      Glad you enjoyed the game nonetheless.

  • 2102

    Very fun game with a lot of cool ideas and mechanics. The movement was a little too floaty for me, but really good nonetheless.



    • Jackaroo
      Lv. 9
      Jackaroo Developer of Revert

      3yrs ago

      Thanks for the feedback. I can appreciate the movement isnt to everyones tastes. We just got something we was comfortable with and went with that. Given more time and further play testing though we may have done some things different with the movement.