Use your mouse to place down towers. Defend the castle from the invaders!

Play the Other Side:

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  • baku

    Tower is great, obviously the better side. Protect our people from those rabid bandits!!!



  • Fachewachewa

    Doing two games at once is fun, but in the end I don't think it worked that well. Focusing on the novelty of it definitely had a negative effect on the games. I mean, I've yet just played Tower (it's still playing btw), so I'll focus on that now:

    First, I'll channel Kwis by saying you should let us resize / fullscreen the game. This one feels extremely claustrophobic for some reason. It's a wide format, but the tower menu is at the bottom, so you have to constantly hide it, even though the player is propably not using 1/4 of the screen on the right. It also easy to misclick and put down a tower in the middle of nowhere because of that.

    Now, the biggest issue: the balance. It's pretty obvious you didn't have time to playtest enough this aspect, which I get for a jam, but even more when you're doing two separate games. The issue is that the balance is the exact opposite as it should be. The low damage stuff also has the less range, and the hard hitting tower also snipes enemies from halfway across the map :D Since the ennemies aren't on a set path and will attack the first tower they see, you have to protect the slowing towers, but having those tower on the back makes no sense, since they're here to slow the units. And those tower also have a ridiculously low range. Same thing for the healing towers, their area of effect is so low that you don't really benefit from having some. You might be able to heal like 3 or 4 towers, but they also cost as much as 4, so why not just replace dead towers? It might be worth it for the higher cost towers, but with their range, there's no reason they should take any damage in the first place 😅

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Tower

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for leaving feedback! I didn't think too much about the menu placement but you're right, it would have made more sense for it to be on the right side due to how the map was made. About the range thing, it was supposed to be balanced with the fire rate (the hard hitting towers have a low fire rate and high range, and the weak towers have a high fire rate and low range). Obviously that didn't work out in the end, but that's what I was thinking when I was designing them.

  • EkajArmstro
    Lv. 2

    Cool idea of doing 2 games! Although yea I also discovered the overpoweredness of fire towers.

  • Zen00
    Lv. 15

    While the idea of breaking this up into two games is interesting. I don't think it goes in the spirit of the jam to "double down" your entries like this, even if that's just an unintended side effect. This could easily have just been added as a second game mode in the one game.

    Asides from that, eventually you become invunerable because there's no more growth, and since there's no win condition you eventually quit in boredom. Not the best ending for such a promising entry.

    Slime Well

    Slime Well

  • Chris

    Enjoyable game but no win condition or high score. stronger enemies or boss enemies would be cool. Maybe new levels with terrain that restricts the placement of towers, adding to the difficulty. Overall nice job!

  • Zandy
    Lv. 8

    This game would be much improved with some strong/giant enemies and, as others have stated, a win condition. Had fun, fire towers OP :p

    Dunk Out!

    Dunk Out!

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Tower

      4yrs ago

      When I was playtesting it I didn't use the fire towers much so I didn't realize how good they were. Then I played it after the jam and yeah they're broken lol

    Lv. 36

    Hmmm, using the same assets for two games. I'm not sure whether I'm impressed by your creativity, or think you're exploiting the rules.

    Anyways, the art is just as beautiful as Blade with the addition of very impressive wood texturing in the UI. And everything feels very polished.

    I like the idea of making two game in the same universe, but from diffent perspectives. I don't think I've seen that in any other videogames, nor in other media. I think it's a very clever use of the theme and also delivers a good message.

    But aside from the meta setting, I think both games suffer from missing that little extra that makes them stand out. This one was also quite easy in my opinion. I'm leaving this feedback one day after the other one, because I left the game running overnight and survived this entire time. I got a little bit of money, so this is what I made:

    That picture also reminds me that I couldn't find any way to toggle fullscreen. That would've been useful since you use the mouse quite much.

  • Pixel Pincher
    Lv. 4

    It feels really cool when you managed to get enough towers set up so you crush every approaching enemy! :-) Because every enemy comes from the left or the bottom, it was quite easy to put every tower just at the lower left of the castle to get maximum impact and there was no need to put them anywhere else. Maybe opening up to top and the right for attacks as well (maybe in later waves) would make the players lifes much harder. Also disallowing the towers to be placed directly next to each other would mean a lot more planning for the player.

    Dino Dash

    Dino Dash

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Tower

      4yrs ago

      Forcing more space between towers is something I hadn't thought of before. Seems like it would have been useful for balancing stuff like the Fire Towers, so I'll keep it in mind!

  • scottgoldsmith
    Lv. 10

    I enjoyed it! Great music. The menu system wasn't inntuitive, i placed a lot of towers lower, before i realized i needed to drag them from the menu instead of just clicking on them. The shots from the castle also seem to come from an odd angle.

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Tower

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for leaving feedback! If I remember correctly, the shots from towers aren't angled, so they always look exactly the same. Definitely something we could have made better.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    4yrs ago

    It's alright. Looks and feels pretty nice. It's way to easy though. I quickly reached a point where no one could even come close to one of my towers. maybe make the enemies scale more with time. Also the fire tower seems pretty busted.

    Also I don't know how you people did this and the other game, and I don't want to assume anything, but maybe just focusing on one game instead of two would have been a good idea? both seem like good concepts that could've used a bit more time. It's not really any of my business though, and the two game gimmick is really cool anyways.

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Tower

      4yrs ago

      The game is supposed to give you a flood of enemies that you can't defend against around the 17th wave. If you were able to make a formation that could defend against that, well then I guess you broke the game ahaha.

      Making one game instead of two would have certainly made the game more polished, but we wanted to make two games for the theme.

  • SpritePainter
    Lv. 21

    This is a really solid tower defense. The art is great, and everything seems to just work as intended. The biggest thing that I think it's lacking is a win condition. After a while, you just have enough defenses that nothing even gets close, but it just keeps going. Otherwise, it's really well put together.

    • Yosi
      Lv. 46
      Yosi Coder of Tower

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing!

      It's actually intentional that it doesn't have a win condition. The player is supposed to lose at the end so it can give the choice to switch sides.