Portal between the two sides of the screen to protect your bases and get the highest score in this top down shooter.

Current best score is 7300.

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  • Fachewachewa

    Cool concept but this MIGHT be a little too hard :D I couldn't get more than around 3k; and I feel like that was mostly due to luck.

    I don't know if the cooldown on side switching was really useful, like, wouldn't the game be more fun if you could do it as many time as you wanted? The start would be easier but intensity could escalate even more. Also since everything is so fast, I think the grenade should have been rockets (so: faster travel and explode on impact). The fact that grenades have physics and can kill you is nice, but in game using grenades tends to hurt more than anything! I also liked how the enemy that shoot you kinda acted like flies.

    So yeah, lots of cools stuff but the whole doesn't work that well because of the overall balance, which is a shame because I feel like with some small tweaks this could have been really fun!

  • Tero Hannula

    I was bad at this game ^^" Gameplay https://youtu.be/-tcce30kmHI?t=4901



  • Zen00
    Lv. 15

    The game is highly unbalanced as it's very easy to quickly die. Also what was up with my GPU revving up like I was playing a FPS while playing this game? Yeah, a quick double check, I turn on this game and my GPU starts heating up like a hot plate :/

    Slime Well

    Slime Well

    • EkajArmstro
      Lv. 2
      EkajArmstro Developer of TwoSideTopDownSurvival

      3yrs ago

      Sorry about that the FPS is unlimited and it draws stuff supersampled so it will use all power available. I should have put an FPS cap I didn't realize people would have that issue because my PC is running RTSS to framerate cap games.

  • Chris

    Super difficult but the mechanics are very solid and the inclusion of high scores makes the difficulty fun

  • Hokori
    Lv. 12

    Some interesting ideas here. I was only able to get to 3500, the difficulty might be a little too high. The FPS counter showed me having 1700 fps and I could hear my fans running super quickly and whirring which made me worry about my components.

    • EkajArmstro
      Lv. 2
      EkajArmstro Developer of TwoSideTopDownSurvival

      3yrs ago

      Sorry about that I should have put an FPS cap I didn't realize people would have that issue because my PC is running RTSS to framerate cap games.

  • baku

    Turns out I am very bad at multitasking >.<



  • SpritePainter
    Lv. 21

    This was pretty cool and very hard. Any game where you have to split your attention between two areas like this is going to be inherently challenging, and you've made good use of that. I didn't see any (as I didn't get very far) but it'd be nice if there were upgrades, or just something that mixed up the gameplay a bit more. The grenades helped, but they're either extremely hard to use effectively, or I'm just very bad...or both.

    Anyway, the mechanics felt very solid and worked well together. Nice work!

    • EkajArmstro
      Lv. 2
      EkajArmstro Developer of TwoSideTopDownSurvival

      3yrs ago

      Thanks for playing! Yea unfortunately the grenades ended up being pretty ineffective because if there are large groups of enemies you've pretty much already lost... I should have designed the grenades AFTER the enemy AI and enemy spawning instead of before :D At least if you throw them right before you portal you can't kill yourself and you can try to have it go off in the middle and clean up any stragglers.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    4yrs ago

    Cool use of the theme, but I feel like this is a bit too hectic to really get into. There's a pretty significant cooldown on the side-switching mechanic that makes it very difficult to manage both sides at once, plus enemies being able to kill you in one shot definitely makes this feel harder than it should be, in my opinion.

  • Yosi
    Lv. 46

    Maybe I'm just bad at this type of game, but I couldn't seem to survive for more than 30 seconds. I had a hard time figuring out what to do when enemies were spawning on both sides.



    • EkajArmstro
      Lv. 2
      EkajArmstro Developer of TwoSideTopDownSurvival

      3yrs ago

      Thanks for playing! Yea I was writing enemy AI and enemy spawning patterns down to the wire of the deadline so instead balancing it well I was just focusing on trying to make it not exploitable and it ended up incredibly difficult :D