
Sail upon the sea, and under it, and over it! Your mission is to track down and record all the different species in the ecosystem. There are two sides to this explorable area, though. You can sink below the waves or rise into the air at will!

What be the controls?
The WASD keys are used to move in all directions, and the mouse is used to control your tools. You have access to a Scanner, a Grappling Claw and a Poker, which you can cycle between using Q and E, the number keys 1, 2, and 3, or the buttons at the bottom of the screen.
What treasures can ye find?
The hunt is on to fill out your bestiary and record all species in the ocean. There are also 5 hidden achievements that can be obtained by interacting with the ocean fauna. Try your different tools on different things!

Now get out there and search high and low, literally!

All art and non-music related code was created by me. The musical score and the music control code was done by meseta!

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  • Hokori
    Lv. 12

    Had a great time with this one. I loved throwing the fish into the sky so much I swear I was there for ages doing that. I enjoyed the sense of adventure and exploration it gave me looking to scan everything and unlock all the achievements. Nicely done.

  • Tero Hannula

    It was fun short game, I liked it and I got all achievements :)

    Gameplay here https://youtu.be/QJG0bZJKyJU?t=2715

    (I think elbow of ships arm turned in wrong direction :V )



    • Mimpy
      Lv. 26
      Mimpy Coder of Upon the Great Pelagic

      4yrs ago

      I've never seen someone juggle fish in the air for so long with the poker, haha. That's pretty great!

      The arm joint bends up because it's supposed to resemble a crane sticking out off the top of the deck of the ship, but that illusion is a bit lost with the 360 range of motion it needs to have.

  • Fachewachewa

    Pretty short, but I loved it. Definitely wanted more, especially more interactions, like frying fishes on the sun 😈

    The music was so good too... my only issue is with the visuals I think. Not the artstyle but mainly the text which looked kinda bad, but my way to solve this text scaling issue is to turn off the anti aliasing on the font so... ¯\(ツ)/¯

    Also I'm not sure that the cursor is necessary since the arm always follows your mouse anyways? I wished I could turn it off. But as you can see I'm nitpicking. This was a very good idea and a fun interpretation of the theme.

    • Mimpy
      Lv. 26
      Mimpy Coder of Upon the Great Pelagic

      4yrs ago

      You’re right about the text. All the UI in general could have used an upgrade, it’s nothing but boxes and Arial text at the mo. Something to think about in the future, presentation matters!

  • Kwis
    Lv. 67


    • Mimpy
      Lv. 26
      Mimpy Coder of Upon the Great Pelagic

      4yrs ago

      That sure is a video! And a great one at that! Thanks for recording, you’ve got some good entertaining playthroughs on your YT channel.

      • Kwis
        Lv. 67

        Oh thanks I'm happy you think that! In any case i thank you for this game, it's my favourite so far! (I mean I only played 7 games but still) I loved its simple premise but interesting content and clever interactions. I should take notes cause all your game displays is everything I tend to miss!

  • Zen00
    Lv. 15

    First off, amazing music, top tier pirateing Second off, I loved the transitions between floating, sinking, and flying, felt very natural. Third off, I like pokey games :) Fourth, I got all the achievements, ya!

    Slime Well

    Slime Well

    • Mimpy
      Lv. 26
      Mimpy Coder of Upon the Great Pelagic

      4yrs ago

      Well done on all the achievements! And good to hear the transition is nice. Meseta’s perfect track fading helps a lot there.

  • Megan
    Lv. 12

    Got all the achievements! Probably by luck. I LOVED this. Sandboxy exploration vibe, funny text. Music was also great. I love the ship in a bottle and on a balloon.

  • Chris

    I really liked how the arm on the boat looked and functioned. The art was conceptually great, cohesive and appealling. The scope of the game was perfect, I enjoyed the time I spent playing it, trying to discover every possible interaction. Two thumbs up!

    • Mimpy
      Lv. 26
      Mimpy Coder of Upon the Great Pelagic

      4yrs ago

      Thanks! Glad the extra effort on the arm didn't go unwasted, it was just a straight line at first but it didn't feel goofy or bombastic enough without a bending joint in the middle, haha.

  • baku

    This was quite fun. I love the art and I enjoyed trying out all kinds of random things to see if they would give me an achievement. Some of my odd attempts included:

    • Hitch a ride on the whale all the way off the right side of the screen (for it to just teleport over to the left still with me attached lol)
    • Throw a dolphin into space ala Dolphin Olympics
    • "Feed" various things to various other things


    • Mimpy
      Lv. 26
      Mimpy Coder of Upon the Great Pelagic

      4yrs ago

      Funnily enough, I didn't know the whale riding thing was even possible until after submitting the game, haha. But those would have been good achievement additions.

  • havik

    0/10, can't carry whale into the sky. 0/10, can't feed seagull to Dagon.

    I don't know where you got the idea for this game but I love it. It's so ... wierd, and funny, in a good way. You've maybe also stumbled onto a future method of transport that can go land, sea, and air! (Well, maybe not land).

    I managed to find all the animals and got 4/5 achievements. Couldn't figure out the last one, so my completionist side is shouting at me, but I gave it a good shot!

    Great entry - and I like the mesusic too!

    • Mimpy
      Lv. 26
      Mimpy Coder of Upon the Great Pelagic

      4yrs ago

      How dare you try to feed a trash bird to Dagon, a respectable chap like that needs a quality meal!

      Glad you like the concept, the lack of secret hidden interactions is really the downfall here, given more time I would have definitely tried to focus on making each tool do more things with more species.

      And I think I can guess which achievement you're missing, from the three people that I've observed playing, all of them only got it by accident instead of intentionally trying it, haha. Probably shoulda included some hints.

  • Naxos
    Lv. 7

    I quite enjoyed playing this one. It's definitely unusual, but in a good way; very creative!

    Of course the music feature is pretty awesome, but I was a bit spoiled on that before playing it.

    This one is so outside the bounds of what I'm used to, I'm not even sure what changes I might suggest... well I definitely wanted to do something more with the Dagon. I was really hoping to feed it XD

    Short and sweet, but pretty neat :)

    PS. I uploaded a video of my playthrough

    • Mimpy
      Lv. 26
      Mimpy Coder of Upon the Great Pelagic

      4yrs ago

      Ooh, that's really neat, showing a video of a playthrough of the game. This is actually really useful, it gives me an idea of what order a player might explore the area or what they might do.

      Feeding Dagon is a great idea, I wish I had added more interesting interactions like that. Definitely an area that could be expanded on!

  • Happysquared
    Lv. 15

    Found this game surprisingly fun! I love games where you experiment with different things to see what happens. I got all achievements but one... Not sure which one it is. Wasn't able to find it. Music was surprisngly actiony and almost ominous with some sea shanty vibes. Was feeling some davy jones stuff.

    Loved the humour in the description text. Had fun chucking fish at the sun and just plain messing around. Would say it was quite engrossing!

    • Mimpy
      Lv. 26
      Mimpy Coder of Upon the Great Pelagic

      4yrs ago

      That's great to hear! A sandboxy, "try everything out" vibe was definitely the intention, and I would have liked to add a lot more special interactions. Couldn't quite crunch my time well enough to add more though.

      There's one achievement in particular that I think is pretty difficult to just stumble across. Maybe adding hints for how to get the locked achievements would have been a good idea.

      And I'm really happy about the music, even if it's a bit more intense than the game itself, haha. All credit to meseta for his musical talent.

  • Zandy
    Lv. 8

    This is a pure exploration game -- there's something special about the ability to poke things underwater with a big hand. Had fun, didn't 100% :(

    Dunk Out!

    Dunk Out!

    • Mimpy
      Lv. 26
      Mimpy Coder of Upon the Great Pelagic

      4yrs ago

      Thanks for playing! I don't blame you for not 100%ing, there's one achievement in particular that I think is pretty hard to stumble across without knowing what to do beforehand, heh.

  • Allison James

    Said it during Single Shot's stream and I'll say it again having played it myself a little - I could play a bigger version of this for hours on end. Just the collection element is already something I favour but the little extras, the tools, poking things around to find little secrets, and the unique stuff like Cthulhu mixed in with all the innocent lovely fishies and birdies paints a wonderful scene.

    And Meseta's music, with the game's implementation, was lovely.

    I just want to scan everything.

    • Mimpy
      Lv. 26
      Mimpy Coder of Upon the Great Pelagic

      4yrs ago

      Thanks a bunch! I really wish I could have just stuffed this full of unique secret interactions, if only to justify having the claw and the poker tools at all. Thanks for the encouraging words, that helps assure me that the concept has potential!

  • Bokonon
    Lv. 5

    I stirred the dreaming dagon, may he have mercy on us all! tons of charm here! I had a lot of fun!



  • SpritePainter
    Lv. 21

    It took me way too long to figure out that the sun is a bird.

    Great game, very charming and surprisingly fun with such simple mechanics.

    • Mimpy
      Lv. 26
      Mimpy Coder of Upon the Great Pelagic

      4yrs ago

      Yeah, that one was a bit of an odd choice. Adding the sun like that came forth more out of desperation, since I had so few art assets with the deadline approaching but needed an extra bestiary entry to make the game a bit fuller. But I think it's silly enough to get a pass.

      I'm glad you enjoyed it!