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  • Jackaroo
    Lv. 9

    This was actually quite impressive. To be honest I didn't expect much from the simple graphics but its clear you put most of your time into the gameplay which is great. In fact the graphics and sound actually reminded me of old Atari 2600 games. Specifically a game called Adventure. They were actually fitting with the type of game this was.

    The puzzles were pretty well designed too and the difficulty curve seemed just right. I didn't really have any problems with the first few levels but the timer gradually became more and more threatening as things progressed and made some later levels a bit more difficult.

    I encountered a couple of issues. One was where I made one of the enemies follow me to push a switch. After I went through the door they opened, the enemy just sort of circled on the spot rapidly and kept hitting the switch meaning the switch sound played constantly for the remainder of the level. I was basically at the end by that point anyway so it didn't play for long but it's worth mentioning. Following that the game froze up on the level with the key in the center so I didn't play any further than that, if it went any further.

    But overall it was well put together and fun to play. Great work.



  • Ethan Wake
    Lv. 10

    It's clear you designed the later puzzles with the timer in mind; one in particular took me several attempts to beat, and had my pulse pounding as I escaped with only a second to spare. I personally enjoyed the simple graphics and sound effects - they gave me serious Atari 2600 / Apple II nostalgia. I appreciate the addition of a pause menu (which is unheard of for a jam game).

    My only suggestions for a post-Jam update (should you choose to make one) are to implement some kind of grid-based movement for the pushable blocks, and color-code the buttons to remove some guesswork from the puzzles.

    Sadly, the game froze eventually, but I really enjoyed it up to that point. Very impressive for your first Jam submission! Great work!



    • Dexter English
      Lv. 5

      I hadn’t related the game to this era of gaming but I can see the similarities and find that awesome. Grid-based movement would be helpful as it was sometimes difficult moving the boxes into position. Color coding is also a plan. Thanks for playing and leaving a review!

    Lv. 36

    Judging by the graphics, I expected it to be quite short and simple, but the you actually managed to make an impressive amount of content with a decent amount of polish. Tutorial, sound effects, and visual feedback is all there. It was a while since I saw a pause menu in a jam game.

    I believe your are in a desperate need of an artist. Perhaps ask a friend or someone you know can draw to do the art for you. There is no reason to swap between eight variations of the player sprite if the sprite simply is no more than a cube.

    Sadly, the game froze when I died in that level with a key in the center of some squares. But that's what you expect. I believe I was close to the end.

    Also, I know you can come up with a more original idea than this. I've already seen several top-down puzzle games with chasing or shooting enemies. I don't think adding a timer is enough to make it unique.

    • Dexter English
      Lv. 5

      I appreciate the criticism. Sadly, I didn’t have enough time to create some art for the game, but decided to keep it very simplistic after realizing this hence why there are 8 sprites for each character. I plan to update the game to add more variety and create more in depth puzzles which will help with the ‘originality’ of the game however I’m pretty unfamiliar with the genre so I wasn’t aware of similar games.

  • Jupiter Hadley
    Lv. 13

    Neat game. I included it in my GM48: Sixty Seconds compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)

  • GameDevDan
    Lv. 5

    Fairly simple. The controls and the general gameplay are smooth and stable. Just needs a bit more jazzing up to make it more immersive / likeable.



  • Chris

    I love a good maze game, this was very enjoyable to play through, lots of good ideas and puzzles in this game

  • Veralos
    Lv. 38

    Neat puzzle game. The puzzles are well designed and there's a good variety of elements and enemies to keep things interesting. It was sometimes a bit unclear what switches/buttons did, so some sort of colour coding or something would be helpful. The visuals and sound are pretty basic, but they work well enough.



    • Dexter English
      Lv. 5

      Color coding could be helpful. I can agree that on a few of the levels it is difficult to tell which doors the switches are connected to... maybe a wire leading to the door across the floor. Thanks for the feedback!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Avatar

    3yrs ago
    • Nice colour palette
    • Solid idea for a puzzle game, i liked the level where you had to make him chase you to press the pressure plate
    • I wish picking up the key was automatic.
    • I would have liked to be able to disable the sounds
    • The theme of 60 seconds appears to just be added, the game would be no different without it
    • Dexter English
      Lv. 5

      I agree that the 60 second theme didn’t pan out as much as I would have liked it to. I was planning to have more of the levels require almost the entire 60 seconds to complete but time got the better of me. A learning process indeed.. especially being my first game jam submission. Thanks for playing and taking the time to review!

  • Brian LaClair

    I love this style of puzzles - lots of fun! Good job!



  • 2102

    Fun puzzle game! Might be good to map each block to the grid because it was difficult to line the boxes up with doorways sometimes.

