An homage to video game history. Find your way out of the maze. Can you find all of the possible endings?

Use the arrow keys or WASD to move. You will need to restart frequently by pressing "R".

Leave a comment and I make sure to check out your game as well! You can find me at twitter @pixel_pincher.

Shoutout to Eeve Somepx (@somepx) for the font "Awesome" and to MortMort (@mnrART) for the color palette "SoftMilk32". These are great, thank you!

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  • Kwis
    Lv. 67
    • You should have a "natural way" to quit when you can't switch fullscreen (btw during game jams, avoid starting full screen) with the default alt+enter (using escape instead of relying on alt+f4)
    • I mean, short! Would have liked to be able to go faster
    • I wish it was possible to go throught the green door, unless I didn't get to know how


    • Ah, yes, in the pacman room I just assumed the sides looped together, so I didn't try each
    Night Fuss

    Night Fuss

    • Pixel Pincher
      Lv. 4
      Pixel Pincher Developer of A Mazing Game

      5yrs ago

      Thank you very much for the feedback, it really helps a lot!

      I really understand that fullscreen / quit issue. Some things become so obvious (and easy to implement) after the jam, but don't pop up during development. I guess that's something that comes with experience in game jams.

      You can get through the green door. It opens when you found all other endings. I guess you did not find either the ending in the pac man room or the one with the reference to the stanley parable.

  • Tero Hannula

    It was nice there were different references, and yeah I found Parable -ending, and of course I went on the wrong door by first time ^^ I would like to have bit faster movement for faster exploration, it got bit annoying to run several rooms past to get to the next ending, but yeah, looping. On the playing side it was bit thin, just running around, but it was a mazimh game (:



    • Pixel Pincher
      Lv. 4
      Pixel Pincher Developer of A Mazing Game

      5yrs ago

      Thanks a lot!

      Yeah, I realized that the puzzles were not as good as I intended and at the same time came up with the idea of references to all these games. So I just decided to make it more like a walking simulator for video game references instead of a puzzle game.

  • WangleLine 🌸

    I really liked that I had to consciously restart, and thus, "loop" the game by myself by pressing a button and this wasn't taken away from me by the game. Lovely submission!

    Night Fuss

    Night Fuss

    • Pixel Pincher
      Lv. 4
      Pixel Pincher Developer of A Mazing Game

      5yrs ago

      It's really nice to hear that you liked the explicit restart. I really wasn't sure about it. But I wanted to make it feel more like "you found an ending, want to play again?" instead of "you died".

      Thank you for your feedback!

  • Loates
    Lv. 10

    First things first, just wanted to quickly thank you for the Stanely parable reference, it's such a good game.

    Now, lets get meta and discuss the game that acts as a homage to gaming history!

    Except, I dont really have much to say on this one.

    As much as I really enjoyed exploring games of the past, there's not really much content here to discuss. All I can really say is that I enjoyed going through the references.

    Thanks for your entry!

    • Loates
    • Pixel Pincher
      Lv. 4
      Pixel Pincher Developer of A Mazing Game

      5yrs ago

      Thanks for playing! Absolutely, the Stanley Parable is actually one of my most liked games of all time - if you can even call it a game.

      Actually, the main intention of my game shifted during the jam. I found the puzzles to be not as strong as I planned them at first and then came up with the idea of themed rooms. Then I simply shifted the focus. :-)

  • HSmileyFace
    Lv. 2

    That was fun to go through and see the different references. Like someone else said, this would be great as a larger game with more secrets. Good stuff :)

    On Thin Ice

    On Thin Ice

  • David Yates
    Lv. 2

    That was neat! Very simple and some fun references. I think I got all the endings, but I don't think I got all the references, so that's a reason to go back and play again.

    This naturally lends itself to more content. You could create quite a large maze if you added more references -- it would be cool to, for example, go through each year from Pong in 1972 to ??? in 2019.

    • Pixel Pincher
      Lv. 4
      Pixel Pincher Developer of A Mazing Game

      5yrs ago

      Thank you for taking the time to try out my game! If you got 6 endings, you found all of them. :-)

      Hehe, yeah, there would be the potential for adding soo much more references, but that's also a lot of work to make them good enough.

  • Kylazaur
    Lv. 5

    I like the references a lot, the having to start from the beginning each and every time was a little annoying but i get it... loop and all xD but I did have fun with it, good job ^-^

    • Pixel Pincher
      Lv. 4
      Pixel Pincher Developer of A Mazing Game

      5yrs ago

      Thank you very much for the kind words! Yeah, the restarting turned out less important to the gameplay than intended at first. I wanted to integrate it better into the puzzles.