This mansion is full of haunted instruments. Destroy them to progress, but watch out! Each time the instrument's musical loop is completed, more unholy souls break out!

  • Moving: WASD / Arrow Keys
  • Shooting: Mouse
Known Issues:
  • The cutscene after defeating the final instrument doesn't load.
  • The third instrument's sprite doesn't get loaded and it looks just like the second one.
  • The game could be better balanced and actually you get too strong each room (just assume it's because you stole your defeated enemy's power)
Team KwissleLine:
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  • Pixel Pincher
    Lv. 4

    I agree with all the other comments, the concept of including the music into the gameplay is great.

    One thing thats odd to me is that the music is only used for the enemies. Maybe it could be incorporated into the players side as well. A fight of happy music against sad music for example. Maybe this could somehow make the fight itself a bit more interesting as it is currently more the weak side of the game in my opinion.

    After all this game is a great example of how much influence the music can have on the overall experience. I wish I would have done some music in my game, on the other hand I think that, if badly done, it can also destroy the experience.

    • Kwis
      Lv. 67
      Kwis Developer of Night Fuss

      5yrs ago

      I don't know, in the plot, Melody is annoyed by music, so I feel like only the enemies doing music makes sense. Not a bad idea on its own but I'm not sure it fits the game! There are several ways to makee fights more interesting, like having different types of spirits, etc

      In any case, thanks a lot for the feedback, it's still something to keep in mind!

      Also, for music, you don't need to have something complicated! Focus on the sound not feeling too weird or harsh, and don't be afraid to keep it simple. With something like Beepbox, you can do something simple to add a bit to your game. It doesn't need to be a masterpiece :)

  • Henry
    Lv. 1

    Love the integration of the excellent music into the gameplay/theme, and sound design and art are great in general! I'd love to see what you could do with this concept given more time :)

  • Metroid3D
    Lv. 8

    Wow! I really enjoyed that! Using loops in the music context is really clever and the whole thing feels, looks and sounds great! My only issue is that I want more (and I'm looking forward to that with the post jam version).

  • Yosi
    Lv. 46

    Great game, it feels very polished and the visual effects / sound effects are really good! :)

  • MinutSoap
    Lv. 3

    It is a fun and polished game despite some little flaws. Personally, I had difficulty aiming / shooting enemies in the corridor or the first room. Looking forward for the post-jam version with more instruments and musics.

    Loop Story

    Loop Story

    • Kwis
      Lv. 67
      Kwis Developer of Night Fuss

      5yrs ago

      Yes, the bullet collisions probably were at fault here. It was planned to take a look at it, but as you may guess, time was our main enemy! :p

      Thank you for playing!

  • Tero Hannula

    The game looks good and sounds are great, I liked this more than your previous entry. Indeed, it was easy, and there wasn't much to cariety, but it was really nice. Maybe the music loop starting could have been more clear to indicate now it starts yet again and new wave coming, but the meter told it anyway. Collision with walls felt bit odd sometimes, not bad, but a bit sticky few times. I liked the sound effect of shooting, when last cutscene didn't start, I just shooted around and listened the sound :D This looked polished, but not much to play if you think about it. Anyhow, good entry :)



    • Kwis
      Lv. 67
      Kwis Developer of Night Fuss

      5yrs ago

      Yeah, time restrictions and all :] Not exactly sure how to sell more the beginning of a loop, but I guess we could emphasize it a bit more in some way!

      Thank you for your feedback :)

  • Shavv
    Lv. 2

    The art looks really great. Presentation is awesome. Music is good. Sadly really short. I wish you played more around with the gameplay, like adding mechanics to make it harder (apart from the terrible balancing issues).

    Slime Time

    Slime Time

  • Atomic
    Lv. 19

    Great music and great art! I liked the second instrument's song the best, and I unfortunately didn't get to hear much of the last one because of the balancing issues you mentioned. The intro was cute and gave the rest of the game some sort of purpose; it's a shame the ending scene didn't make the cut. Instead I was just confused and waiting for something to happen. That didn't affect my enjoyment of the game, but closure would be nice. Please release it as a video or something!

    Short and sweet.

    P.S. the gramophone sprite was on point, and the deprecation of the instruments were cool.

    Deer Lord

    Deer Lord

  • Luke No Further
    Lv. 14

    Really excellent work - super juicy animation and crispy sound design. Really liked the tunes (and how they built up with each wave). REALLY liked the particles and lighting - and the concept was very cute and yeah just this is a very tasty little game :D

  • Kylazaur
    Lv. 5

    So I actually played this 3 times and completed it twice, "why didn't you complete it 3 times?" because my fat fingers pressed R at the same time as E to open the first door :'( xD, the reason i replayed it though is because i thought i missed something because when the game ends... it ends and there's no end? still had fun all 3 times though xD

    Loved how the game got straight into the action, fast cutscenes and straight to the point, didn't quite know what to do at first, i thought i was just listening to the music and then "I can shoot the music?" ohhh yeah because the music woke me up, i get it now xD

    great game, well done with your entry ^0^

    • Kwis
      Lv. 67
      Kwis Developer of Night Fuss

      5yrs ago

      Yeah, the game has the ending, but it's missing a trigger due to time troubles. :]

      I'm really glad you liked it enough to play it multiple times! Thank you for playing!

    Lv. 36


    Jokes aside, this looks and sounds lovely as you promised. The gameplay is easy and not so innovative. Leveling up your stats didn't add any depth to it at all. I didn't even notice that it existed in my first two playthroughs. But shooting feels good so whatever

    I like the story. Destroying the instruments and hearing the music stop really immersed me. Sorry for the end cutscene :(

    Giga Gap

    Giga Gap

    • Kwis
      Lv. 67
      Kwis Developer of Night Fuss

      5yrs ago

      Well technically, there is "a loop". It's just that this very loop keeps changing ;D

      Difficulty was due to time restrains, as we didn't get to play test the finished version aside for correcting bugs. The upgrade was supposed to be your choice, but obviously, we lacked time so w at least added this to give some kind of progression in power. "I didn't even notice that it existed in my first two playthroughs" > Ah man, this means you actually played at least twice hehe, nice to hear :D

      Thank you for your feedback!

  • Panda-K
    Lv. 17

    Great art as always! I felt bad destroying the instruments, because I wanted to keep listening to the music (that's the real challenge of the final level)!

    Really cute use of the theme, just needs a few bug fixes (as you already know) :)

    • Kwis
      Lv. 67
      Kwis Developer of Night Fuss

      5yrs ago

      Yep! We went through hell in the last minutes, but got able to at publish something that works, despite the bugs. :] Thank you for your comment!

  • Mcwequiesk
    Lv. 10

    Fun and unique! I really loved the sound and music, it was very well crafted, though I wish there were more levels, weapons, or enemies and stuff. I found myself waiting for the instruments to finish their loops so I could hear them, it was great.



    • Kwis
      Lv. 67
      Kwis Developer of Night Fuss

      5yrs ago

      Thank you for your feedback! Yes, we wished we could have added more! We were close though, as we got the basics and adding new levels and enemies would be easy! We didn't plan new weapons, but I guess we could think of ways to upgrade yours in the final version of the game!

  • Eva
    Lv. 13

    I loved the atmosphere in this game. Even though it was short, I felt immersed in the world. Though the gameplay didn't feel very unique by itself, the graphics were beautiful and the sound augmented the experience. I would like to see the ending cutscene after the jam if that would be possible!