<h5>So picture this, you're on the most epic quest ever, you're in the park with two of your friends right, and one of them brings a skipping rope with them... and then you start skipping! Epic right?... have fun playing and try get to 100 points to complete the game ♥</h5>

<h4><u>How To Play</u></h4> <h6>• Space = Jump</h6> <h6>• F = Fullscreen</h6>

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  • Kwis
    Lv. 67
    • This game is juicy, which is cool cause if I drink that much juice, a bit of exercise is just what I need to lose the weight I'm gaining
    • I wish the rope would have a shadow, it's a bit difficult to tell when I got to jump
    • Watch out when increasing/decreasing size of objects, especially with that kind of resolution. There is a (rather severe) distortion on the font ("menu" notably) that doesn't feel very comfortable. A different UI size could have helped (bigger resolution for font, more pixels), although this is prone to dev choice (some don't like to have different rez for gui/game) but you use mixels when changing the angle of the player (different size of pixels) so I don't think it bothers you
    • Happy fun music there, simple, effective
    • Speaking of simple, the game is. And that's a good thing. To the point, short, may lack depth but you apparently wanted to do something quick so... yeah, that's good, it feels good
    Night Fuss

    Night Fuss

  • WangleLine 🌸

    I really like the feel of jumping and landing again, you've done a good job at making the game feel good!~

    Night Fuss

    Night Fuss

    Lv. 36

    You said my game had a simple concept xD. This game is as simple as it can get. Too simple

    You really nailed the feel of jumping. There isn't 1 but 3 sound effects for every jump plus screenshake and an animation of the score counter.

    The differing rythm saved the game from being too repetitive. I love how the music changes along with it. Though I had to quit after a handful of tries. I didn't get more than 65.

    The art looks very cute and happy but it would've looked better if the pixels were aligned and the same size.

    EDIT: Minuetes to the dealine? I rather upload seconds to the stetch deadline :P Every minute is precious.

    I too think a simple idea is really good for your flow (and the player's). If you look at the recent winners, they are often very simple and short. But remember that innovation is one of the rating categories. This game is cute and fun, but it's not the most innovative.

    Also, I've seen that you've given feedback to a lot of games in this jam. That's very nice of you :D

    Giga Gap

    Giga Gap

    • Kylazaur
      Lv. 5
      Kylazaur Developer of Jump Skip Jump

      5yrs ago

      Simplicity isn't a bad thing :P but as for my game I wanted to make SOMETHING and something quick so I didn't have to stress about rushing and rushing and uploading the game minutes to spare, kind of relaxed with this jam XD but I'm glad you noticed the... juice? I had a lot of spare time with it so I was like... eh, i can add more without adding much, little stuff but stuff some people may like ^0^

  • David Yates
    Lv. 2

    Relaxing but also not. Great presentation.

  • Luke No Further
    Lv. 14

    Great sound design - lovely bouncy and crunchy sounds with the jumping and landing.

    The art style was great - very lo-res but that skipping rope is very clear and 3D-feeling which helps with the timing .

    A cute little game very well executed.

    • Kylazaur
      Lv. 5
      Kylazaur Developer of Jump Skip Jump

      5yrs ago

      Thank you thank you thank you, really glad you like it and making sure making the right sounds and adding tiny details get noticed ♡(ӦvӦ。)

  • HSmileyFace
    Lv. 2

    ARGH the game caught me off guard when it went back to slow speed at 30 or 40!

    Really simple yet fun game. Jumping feels very satisfying, with the squishing of the character sprite and the screenshake giving it extra juice. I didn't manage to get to 100 (Perhaps it's giving me Mario Party 8 flashbacks), but it's a very enjoyable experience! Good job. :)

    • Kylazaur
      Lv. 5
      Kylazaur Developer of Jump Skip Jump

      5yrs ago

      40 it is, caught me off guard a lot of the time testing it but once you're on 41, 42 then you've got the rhythmback and then it's easy again :P but I'm glad you liked it and had fun with it ^-^

  • Makoren
    Lv. 4

    Only piece of feedback I can provide is that the speed increase at 10 is a bit sharp, and caught me off guard. Maybe a smaller increase at 5 would have helped ease the player into higher speeds. Otherwise, this is a pretty good entry!

    • Kylazaur
      Lv. 5
      Kylazaur Developer of Jump Skip Jump

      5yrs ago

      Ooo, you wanna get to the speeds at 80+ x_x but I'm glad you had fun with it even though i should of made the increases a little more subtle, i agree with that xD

  • Shavv
    Lv. 2

    Cute little game.

    You can keep jumping if you are dead haha.

    Slime Time

    Slime Time

  • Pixel Pincher
    Lv. 4

    This is really how a good game jam game should be: Small in scope, but what's there is really fun and polished.

    I think this would make a really nice mobile game (touch with your thumb to jump).

    Suggestion: Instead of the main menu put the player right into the game and make pressing space for the first time start the game. That removes the need to use the mouse and keyboard at the same time when starting the game.

    • Kylazaur
      Lv. 5
      Kylazaur Developer of Jump Skip Jump

      5yrs ago

      Glad you had fun with it and appreciate the polish ^-^, I should of made the game all one input, click the buttons and jump with lmb or navigate the menu with the keyboard so it's more clear what the in game controls are and i did think of this but the game was already finished and uploaded at this point xD

  • Riggermortis_dev
    Lv. 2

    H-hewwo? Mistah Game Devwewwoper? I wike your game vewwy much. The music is really cool, I like the exponential increase in difficulty, and it's aesthetically pleasing. Nice job, I think you achieved exactly what you set out to do. (reviewed by my housemate UwU)