Charles.exe is a game made in 48 hours by Zyrex as part of the Gm48 Game Jam (Game Jam : an event for Game Developers to make the best video game they can surronding a given theme) The theme of this Jam is "Watch it Grow"

in Charles.exe you play as a Robot that so happens to find a Baby robot by itself and a Gang of Mean Robots Want to come along and destroy Charles for his parts but you and Charles work together to destroy the hordes of Enemies and as you Kill Enemies you Collect their parts and upgrade yourself and Charles to Destroy the Enemies

(PS : this game was made in 48 hours so there may be a bug or two somewhere and also I am an Intermediate Game Developer)

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  • Tydecon Games

    This is a fun little shooter, easy to get to grips with and straight into the action, I like it! I think there was a small issue I found when Charles first grew legs, I was stood a little too close to him and got caught in the collision, maybe the masking needs adjusting, but that aside, nothing wrong with this, good job!

    • Zyrex
      Lv. 2
      Zyrex Developer of Charles.exe

      3yrs ago

      Hey, thanks for playing, I know that's the most thing i've heard, i should of fixed but i forgot to do it at the end of the Jam by the end of the Jam i was super tired and i might be making this into an actual game and if i do i'll 100% Fix it xD

  • Luuklin
    Lv. 5

    The gun feels good the use and the hitsound is nice, but there's hardly any reason to leave the robot or to move at all, leading to very little decision making.

  • xEVANZx
    Lv. 2

    Good game my dear Charles!! There is some bugs but it was fun to protect the robot & look it grow. Maybe make the area bigger so u can move contact free without your robot in the way so you dont get stuck in him.

    Overall it was a nice experience keep the good work!! ;)

    Deep coma!

    Deep coma!

    • Zyrex
      Lv. 2
      Zyrex Developer of Charles.exe

      3yrs ago

      Glad you liked it, i will probably be making this game into an actual game soon, and if i learn netcoding perhaps a Co-op mode

  • Chris

    Simple but fun game. I finished but the first time I tried the player got stuck on Charles and I had to restart. It was cool, I liked the upgrades